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Cung Le beats Frank Shamrock in San Jose

By Zach Arnold | March 29, 2008

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Interesting show tonight. Full results here. Plus, a broken forearm. Some people must have won decent money betting on Le to win. Adam Swift labels the main event as ‘an instant classic.’

Also, Frank’s wife went to the hospital.

Topics: Media, MMA, StrikeForce, Zach Arnold | 59 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

59 Responses to “Cung Le beats Frank Shamrock in San Jose”

  1. Dave2 says:

    Misaki is top 10 and he’s signed to Strikeforce so have him fight Cung Le. Then it will answer all the questions about him on the ground. Is it agreed that this would be the next logical fight for Cung Le? Cung Le is only 6-0 but if he’s the champion it’s only logical that he starts fighting contender material. Hopefully Cung Le can pull it off. I like watching him fight.

  2. ilostmydog says:

    Strikeforce has plenty decent guys for Cung to face. Prangley, Santiago, Misaki, and Niko would all be worthy opponents for Cung. Hopefully they set up at least one of those fights in the near future.

  3. The Gaijin says:

    I think “ilmd” is right here, there’s plenty of talented guys for him to face now. I think they should/need to put him in there against some of these guys in order to establish himself as “championship material”.

    The only drawback with that is that he’s now got some star power from the “rub” he got from beating Shamrock and it would be a disaster if he went in and looked bad against some of these guys b/c I don’t really buy them on a drawing level that I would with Le.

    But that being said, he needs to fight some legit guys going forward since he’s the champ.

  4. Chuck says:

    I think Cung Le is a hell of a fighter, but people are just dissmissing him too quickly. The man has had only six pro MMA bouts thus far, let’s wait and see how he does in the future. He will have to fight top guys because he is 35 years old and he is not getting any younger. it;s not like he is a young 22 year old guy with all the time in the world to fight sub .500 guys to buff up his record. For being 6-0 (6 kos) and the level of opposition Cung Le has fought he is doing greatly. I think his MMA record all ready has more credence to it than his Sa Shou credentials because most of the guys he fought against were guys who never fought in San Shou prior to that (but how likely is a white guy or black guy from Canada or the States fights regularly in San Shou?).

    Hey, at least Cung Le’s undefeated records in MMA and San Shou are legit, unlike Benny “The Jet” Urquidez’s kickboxing record…

  5. bob says:

    Danm I see a few unpaid, inexperienced and unwanted fight analysts in here talking down on Frank Shamrock’s skills to minimize Cung Le’s skill.

    Don’t forget Frank Shamrock beats Tito, who was the UFC champion, and he easily beats Dan Henderson who went the distance with the current UFC champion, Quinton Jackson. He handlily beats Phil Baroni.

    Don’t tell me none of the guys that Frank beat are not legit UFC fighters. They were either UFC champion or UFC championship contenders.

  6. ilostmydog says:

    Frank beat Tito eight years ago, in large part due to Tito gassing out. That’s not exactly relevant today.

    And he beat Dan Henderson in a grappling match an equally long time ago. It’s not really that impressive for a submission grappler to defeat a wrestler in…submission grappling.

  7. Mouthlock says:

    To those who deny the skill of real warrior Cung Le.
    First, clear your mind off racism or ground-centric MMA.
    Second, carefully watch Cung’s MMA fights to see that he tears and wears down his opponents to the point that they can not take just one more kick. They either collapsed or gave up.
    Third, they all tried to take Cung down but you should know that Cung is a pro wrestler. He neutalized all take down attemps. Watch the 1st round Frank-Cung; Frank graps Cung’s back with attemp to take him down; Cung turn around and almost Judo Frank down when Frank release Cung to avoid being embarrassing. It was the same for Tony, and Sam.

    Otherwise, Cung has to beat the whole world to be recognized by those morons.

  8. Chuck says:

    I think it’s fantastic that Cung Le does well for the way he fights. Not too many fighters do well having a purely stand up game, especially considering the fact that even though Le is powerful, he doesn’t have one-strike KO power (like Cro Cop and Anderson Silva have). Cung Le is a more well-versed fighter than Cro Cop.

  9. Heknows says:


    It was a “fair” fight, and if you really had reviewed many videos of Cung Le’s fights and thought about the skills Cung Le has, you could have perceived/analysed and appreciated the result. I practiced and know some martial arts ; I watched many of CL’s videos and fights and realized CL is very well-rounded in his skills. So, in his class [not really light heavy weight], it’s very hard for some MMA fighter to defeat Cung Le. With a bigger size opponent, CL will also finds a way to prevail.

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