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Update on Xyience vs. Bergeron lawsuit (3/8)

By Zach Arnold | March 8, 2008

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Even though Xyience’s legal team (the third different team appointed since the company filed suit against Rich Bergeron) got their time extension granted (making the next hearing in the case on 4/3 — two days after Xyience heads to bankruptcy auction for sale), Clark County court records show that Mr. Bergeron filed several motions this past Monday (3/3).

Amongst the filings that Mr. Bergeron filed in court: A motion to strike Adam Frank’s affidavit as perjured testimony and a motion to strike an order on Xyience’s ex-parte motion for an extension. The first filing is 15 pages long and the second filing is 13 pages long.

Meanwhile, some interesting Zuffa-related court news. On Monday at 9 AM, there will be a hearing regarding a lawsuit filed by Steven M. Spector against Zuffa LLC. Zuffa is trying to get the case dismissed against them. In addition, there is a second court case involving Zuffa LLC that is going to a jury trial on June 30th at 9:30 AM (pre-trial hearing is set for 6/26 at 10:30 AM). This is a lawsuit filed by an individual named Jed Leist and Matt Hughes is named as a primary defendant. The case number is 07-A-538523. The attorney for Hughes in the case is Mark Gentile.

update: Rich Bergeron has posted an update on his web site.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “Update on Xyience vs. Bergeron lawsuit (3/8)”

  1. Here’s the latest story on the Xyience front:

    There’s some insight on the case, some previously unknown background on the company’s financial trouble, and some info on the latest prospective buyers.


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