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By Zach Arnold | March 8, 2008

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Ken Shamrock lost today. Video here.

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, UK, Zach Arnold | 30 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

30 Responses to “Doom”

  1. smeaglDlite says:

    So i wonder what this does to the supposed Shamrock vs Shamrock super fight if ken does the right thing and retires. so much for franks master plan.

  2. Fight Dude says:

    DOOM!? That was an awesome underrated tag team for sure. They coming back?


  3. Mateo says:

    How can this guy keep fighting?

    Is this going to happen a lot in MMA? Guys going on absolutely tear-inducing losing streaks? And promoters still willing to pay them? And fans still willing to watch them? Ugh.

  4. Chuck says:

    I saw all the fights tonight (HBO boxing and Showtime boxing then EliteXC/Cage Rage) and yeah Shamrock got rocked in that fight. The heel hook Imamari had on Jean Silva (which lead to Imamari submission vctory) was fantastic, hell, Silva’s sweep kick and he trying to use Capoeira techniques in the fight was a lot of fun to watch.

    For the Sam Peter vs. Oleg Maskaev fight on HBO (Peter won via TKO6) I hated the fact that they decided to bring back the open scoring. That was awful. But they decided not to use it for the Juan Diaz vs. Nate Campbell fight under it (Campbell won via 12 round split decision. Damn good fight).

    Over all, a good night of fights. I was so happy to call off work for being sick. Kids, be careful eating at Johnny Rockets…

  5. SamScaff says:

    The network does not choose to do or not to do open scoring. The governing body makes that decision.

    The reason the Peter-Maskaev fight had open scoring was because it was for the WBC title. As far as I know, the WBC is the only organization that does it. The Diaz-Campbell fight was for the WBA, IBF and WBO titles, so thats why there was no open scoring in that fight. I’m not a fan of open scoring. More importantly than affecting how the fighters fight, open scoring can influence the judges, after they learn how the other judges are scoring the fight.

  6. SamScaff says:

    Oh, and as for Ken Shamrock. No real surprise I guess.

    But who is Kimbo going to fight now?? If this fight is going to be the CBS main event, it has to be a big name that Kimbo can beat. Ken Shamrock was perfect. Oh well.

  7. Matt says:

    I’m getting tired of legends who were awesome in their day coming back for a paycheck and getting smashed by nobodies. It’s not good for anyone.

    Tell a lie, it’s good for their bank balance, but that’s about it.

    Imanari is a scary, scary dude. If I was ever a fighter, I would never agree to fight him. I value the tendons in my legs too much.

  8. IceMuncher says:

    “But who is Kimbo going to fight now?? If this fight is going to be the CBS main event, it has to be a big name that Kimbo can beat. Ken Shamrock was perfect. Oh well.”

    They’ll still have Kimbo vs K. Shamrock. They only care about how big the name is in relation to the sport. If they cared about recent records, Kimbo wouldn’t have fought Tank “1-7 in his last 8 fights” Abbott.

  9. JThue says:

    Funny how Nortje and Berry both did the same thing – they saw beyond their jobber booking, got in the best shape of their careers, and reaped the benefits from it.

    Shamrock looked absolutely awful, but there’s still money to be made from that name.

  10. salvatore says:

    I,too, was hoping this was about Ron Simmons and Butch Reed

  11. Fluyid says:

    That was a pathetic display by Shamrock. Everyone (Shamrock included) knows that he is too broken down to compete in an athletic event.

    Just the same, I would bet on him facing Kimbo on CBS.

  12. Jimmy Allcorn says:

    I don’t know guys, one would think that there would be some sort of quality control at the network to make sure that Shaw doesn’t pawn off absolute garbage to the CBS fights. And, at this point in time poor Ken “The World’s Most Fragile Chin” Shamrock is straight out of the rubbish bin.

    Not to disparage what he’s done in the past, but poor Shammy has been shot for the better part of a decade now & it’s gotten to the point where he’s a TOTAL jobber. I mean, last night he was finished by a JAB! That follow up right didn’t even really land.

    Combine this with the awkward way that he went down & was finished by Rich Franklin, his getting dropped & stopped by a non-puncher in Sakuraba & the quick beatdowns by Tito & it’s obvious that he’s totally incapable of offering the least bit of combative resistence anymore. Which is the very LAST thing that this sport needs to be showcased on network television for the masses to see.

    To those tuning into MMA for the first time, last night’s slow motion replays of the ending would look to them like a jobbed finish & a whole lot of folks would equate that with the entire sport as being worked.

    So, name value or not, Gary Shaw would be a fool to use Shamrock.

    As for Shammy, he obviously has ZERO punch resistence left & can no longer offer even token competition at this stage. It’s time for him to hang ’em up.

  13. 45 Huddle says:

    What athletic commission is going to allow Ken Shamrock to fight again. That is the bigger question….

    Watching the event on Showtime was embarrasing for me as an MMA fan… It makes the sport look like garbage.

    I have already said it before, but Gary Shaw is bad for the sport.

  14. Zach Arnold says:

    What athletic commission is going to allow Ken Shamrock to fight again. That is the bigger question….

    Texas and Florida. New Jersey… that’s iffy.

  15. klown says:

    What the hell was Shamrock thinking standing there and trading with a bigger, stronger guy with longer reach?

  16. Chuck says:

    There are many southern and midwestern states that would let Ken fight in their states. Why deny Shamrock to fight? Just because he’s old and is on a losing street that doesn’t mean some pencil-pushing beaurocrats should tell a grown-ass man that he can’t fight. He should only be denied a license to fight is if he actually failed any sort of medical tests. And I doubt he did. Or if he did something in a fight (like punch a guy after a fight, not let go after winning via submission, etc.) that is despicable and would warrant getting denied a license. He hasn’t done that either. Do I think Shamrock should retire? You bet your ass I do. But look at what I said. I said he should retire. I didn’t say he shouldn’t be ALLOWED to fight. Big difference there.

  17. Sergio says:

    I knew about a minute into the fight Shamrock was going to get dropped.

    His stance, the way he was throwing his punches with such hesitance, and that piss poor takedown attempt all led to one conclusion.

    And speaking of the “KO,” that punch didn’t look to land all too flush.

    It looked like Shammy just up and quit.

  18. Zack says:

    “DOOM!? That was an awesome underrated tag team for sure. They coming back?”

    Woman, RIP

  19. Jimmy Allcorn says:

    I’m not gonna call it a work, but I do definitely agree with Serg that that follow up right hand did NOT land. So, either “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” now has “The World’s Most Fragile Chin” or he decided that Berry’s jabs were more than he wanted to deal with & sold the KO a bit in order to get the hell out of dodge.

    Either way, the man no longer has any sort of a competitive spirit nor the heart for real combat, so the last place he ever needs to be seen again is in a cage or a ring as a participant. He’s been shot for the better part of a decade now & has used up his name for all it’s worth.

    If he still intends to make a buck off of it, Gary Shaw & the rest of the bigger name promoters need to tell him to “forget about it”. If he insists that he can still fight, then he should go off barnstorming like Dan Severn does by headlining all those backwater tank town shows.

  20. Jim Allcorn says:

    Sal & Zack are spot on regarding Doom having been one of the very best in their day. Though, sadly one can’t think of them without recalling that it was the ill fated “Woman” who brought them into the WCW to contest the Steiners.

    Those were the days, huh?

    I’d have loved to have seen the “old school” Steiners before the ‘roids turned them into immobile behemoths run a program with the Hardy’s circa their feud with Edge & Christian. Now THAT would’ve been something to see!

  21. Zack says:

    Steiners vs Luger/Sting FTW

  22. Ultimo_Santa says:

    “Watching the event on Showtime was embarrasing for me as an MMA fan… It makes the sport look like garbage.”

    Wow…that had to be the biggest overstatement in the history of

    ONE GUY getting KOed makes an entire sport look like garbage? I’d ask you to elaborate, but…nah. Don’t worry about it.

  23. Jimmy Allcorn says:

    While it may, indeed, be an overstatement, you can’t deny that if Shaw fills his first couple of CBS telecast shows with anything even REMOTELY similar to his last couple of Showtime main events, it could do some major league damage to the sport.

    Oldtimers like Tank Abbott & Shammy might put asses in seats & bring in viewers, but there’s got to be some substance to the actual fights to actually keep those viewers tuned in & bring them back the next time. And, I think we can all agree, that after watching the non-competitive efforts put forth by Abbott & Shamrock, it’s highly doubtful that those sorts of matches will turn first time or casual viewers into MMA fans.
    In fact, I’d be afraid of just the opposite occurring. Especially if the mainstream sports press takes a long hard look at such results.

    I mean, to longtime fans of the sport, watching ol’ Tank look for a soft spot on the canvas to fall on his face & seeing Shammy basically quit ( again ) after taking a stiff jab, isn’t THAT big of deal. Because we’re well aware of what they’ve done in the past & that they’re simply collecting their final couple of paychecks before riding off into the sunset. So, we find those sorts of efforts understandable, if not exactly excusable …

    But, you put THAT on prime time network television & try to sell it as “the fastest rising sport in America” & the heat from the press will be unmercifully hot in an awful way. Something no one who enjoys the sport of MMA wants to see happen. MUCH less anyone with any sort of an investment in it.

    So, Gary Shaw’s initial CBS telecast card will show us a lot with regards to how he REALLY sees & feels about MMA.
    If he’s looking to invest in the sport’s future & wants MMA to be embraced by the masses, he’ll give us a stellar card.. A PPV caliber show that he’ll use as a “loss leader” toward the future.
    And, if he’s simply using MMA as a means to an end toward turning a fast buck while the sport’s “fire is still hot”, he’ll give us a “freak show” sort of card filled with names that will draw viewers in, but fail to deliver any any sorts of quality contests.

  24. 45 Huddle says:

    You can mock my opinion, but Dave Meltzer view point (which wasn’t as extreme) still was in the same direction as my own…

    “–It varies by the night, as I’ve had plenty of nights where we’d watch boxing and MMA and the MMA comes across as so much more exciting. But watching the Showtime doubleheader from the U.K., as Showtime markets boxing and MMA together, last night was not that night. The Rob Broughton vs. Neil Grove match was just embarrassing. Even though MMA is multi-disciplined and that’s the appeal, when you see MMA fights that are largely standing and punching with little kicking and no ground work after watching a crisp boxer, that’s when MMA comes off as second rate. The Masakazu Imanari vs. Jean Silva match was fun.”

    As for the CBS Card, I have a feeling it will be a junk card. He is not interested in MMA as a sport.

  25. Rohan says:

    I can’t agree more with Jimmy. At least Cage Rage featured stunt booking before elite took over but you wouldn’t want it as any more than a side show. Glad Imamari and Jean Silva gave us the usual good to great small man fight.

  26. Zack says:

    The Imanari fight was awesome.

  27. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    I think you’re overstating the negative impact of a crappy card on MMA. Even one that’s televised on network television.

    The critical press (including the casual television reviewing press) will see through it as what it is and note that it compares unfavorably to UFC’s product that’s free on Spike.

    Consecutive bad cards reflect poorly on the promotion, not on the sport. There’s no confusion between NFL Europe and the actual NFL. Similarly, there is no brand confusion between ProElite and UFC (UFC’s lawyers make sure of that).

  28. Chuck says:

    Why is everyone blaming EliteXC? This was a Cage Rage card first and foremost (Cage Rage 25 to be exact), EliteXC just put it on Showtime. That’s it.

    EliteXC is only guilty by association. No, I’m not being an EXC nuthugger here, just stating the facts. Oh, and let me add that I don’t like Gary Shaw much at all. We all agree on Shaw? Good.

  29. ilostmydog says:

    Maybe because Elite XC owns Cage Rage?

  30. Chuck says:

    “Maybe because Elite XC owns Cage Rage?”

    Good point. But did EXC guys come up with the matches? Or was it regular Cage Rage guys? I bet EXC had somethng to do with Ken Shamrock in the main event, but still.

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