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Xyience responds to Bergeron’s counterclaim

By Zach Arnold | February 27, 2008

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Isn’t this an interesting response. As things currently stand, a court hearing regarding Bergeron’s motion to dismiss is set for next week (3/5) and his sanctions filing hearing is set for 3/18.

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Topics: Media, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Xyience responds to Bergeron’s counterclaim”

  1. Ivan Trembow says:

    The most interesting part of that response is that they’re trying to get him to appear in person at the hearings in Las Vegas, knowing full well based on his statements at the previous hearing (via teleconference) that he can’t afford the cross-country flights and all of the other expenses that would be required in order for him to appear in person at the hearings in Las Vegas.

  2. Zack says:

    If he drinks enough Xyience, he’ll have the energy to jog there.

  3. D. Capitated says:

    Odd that there’s an article linked on this site about EliteXC being on CBS and no one has said anything.

  4. MMA Game says:

    I really really pleased that this guy is standing up to them. I don’t think he should be quite so boastful about it all time time though. Of course he should document every step of the way but he likes to act quite billy big bollocks about it, too overtly in my opinion. I’m not sure that will sit too well with judges etc if they got wind of it… especially as some of the stuff he’s said on sherdog was actually calling out the judge. Who knows though.

  5. Luke says:

    “D. Capitated Says:

    Odd that there’s an article linked on this site about EliteXC being on CBS and no one has said anything.”

    I was wondering the same thing. EXC getting a deal with CBS seems to be the sort of huge earth-shattering news that should MMA writers live on.

  6. D. Capitated says:

    I was wondering the same thing. EXC getting a deal with CBS seems to be the sort of huge earth-shattering news that should MMA writers live on.

    They’re busy trying to think of a parallel to Saturday Night’s Main Event. Shhhh.


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