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Fight Opinion Radio #77: Court is back in session

By Zach Arnold | February 24, 2008

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Kimbo Slice proved to be a huge success at the box office and for Showtime’s television ratings. What exactly is driving the Kimbo phenomenon? Is race as big of a factor as it is being made out to be by certain individuals in the MMA community?

Court is back in session this week with the return of Judge Jeff Thaler, the only MMA court judge sanctioned by Fight Opinion management. This week’s case on the docket: Mark Cuban enters into the legal fray between Randy Couture & Zuffa LLC. What is Cuban trying to accomplish with this latest tactic and what impact will it have on the MMA scene? Judge Jeff breaks down the legal mumbo jumbo into plain English for our audience to understand. Plus: Just how big of a mistake, from our vantage point, was it for Xyience to sue Rich Bergeron? We discuss what kind of a hornet’s nest Xyience has opened up by suing Bergeron and how it could create some PR headaches for the Fertitta family.

Plus, the world-famous grab bag is back. It’s the highest quarter-hour rated segment in all of MMA radio for a very good reason. On previous editions of Fight Opinion Radio, we have made some very bold MMA business predictions in the past that come true. What’s our latest (and boldest) prediction this time around? Hint: It’s about the future of UFC.

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Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, HDNet, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, Pro Elite, UFC, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #77: Court is back in session”

  1. Brandt says:

    Apparently TJ DeSantis didn’t take my comments seriously as he started his 2/21 podcast talking about a bird. Let’s find out how the newest FO podcast sounds!

  2. Good show! Although shame on the judge for not being at least a little more prepared about the Xyience case. The whole “Fertittas conspiring with the Fertitta-assigned Xyience CEOs to loan money that was supposed to keep the company afloat but was instead paid right back to the UFC, and then the Fertittas called in the loan and are now seizing the company’s assets” thing wasn’t touched at all, which was really what i wanted to hear the legalities of.

    Maybe next week?????

    Plus I miss Erin 🙁

  3. Matt says:

    I’m liking the legal-themed shows. Thanks! What a quagmire it is in UFC-land…


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