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Wednesday war room: Iceman heats up book sales

By Zach Arnold | February 20, 2008

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Chuck Liddell’s new book, Iceman, is listed #9 this week on The New York Times Best-Seller’s list for hardcover nonfiction books. This is the second week that Liddell’s book has made the list at #9.

Pro Fight Store sent us two links regarding a possible M-1 event happening soon in France (links here and here).

  1. MMA Mania: Kimbo Slice paid $175,000 USD for win over Tank Abbott
  2. MMA Payout: New details on Zuffa’s $325 million USD loan
  3. Adam Swift: HDNet Fights has contract with Randy Couture; question is when it begins
  4. CBS Sports: Q & A with UFC heavyweight Frank Mir
  5. The Las Vegas Sun: Couture club
  6. Setanta Sports (UK): Michael Bisping ready to go on the Rampage
  7. Bloody Elbow: Tito Ortiz wants to drag MMA down
  8. MMA California: Female fighters needed for upcoming Fatal Femmes show
  9. MMA Opinion: Can video games help MMA?
  10. Steve Cofield: UFC may be on the verge of mass fighter exodus
  11. Mainichi Daily News: Sumo association may appoint outsiders to its board
  12. The Livingstons Daily Press & Argus (MI): Fighters mix it up in the cage at Gladiator MMA gym

Topics: HDNet, Japan, Media, MMA, UFC, UK, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “Wednesday war room: Iceman heats up book sales”

  1. Grape Knee High says:

    Interesting details on Zuffa’s debt. Looks like it is a 3M LIBOR + 2 floater. It would be interesting to know what kind of covenants are in the indentures.

  2. tannerfan says:

    who says literature is dead!

  3. Brandt says:

    Grape: You’re hurting my head.

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    Assuming that the EliteXC payouts are correct (no extra money given), then some of these amounts are almost criminal.

  5. dice says:

    45 Huddle Says:

    “Assuming that the EliteXC payouts are correct (no extra money given), then some of these amounts are almost criminal.”

    Maybe you should actually read the entire article 45.

    “Keep in mind the salaries listed above do not include fight bonuses, sponsorships, percentages and other unofficial payments.”

    So I have no idea why you would assume that all the payouts are correct.

  6. Andrej says:

    So Moyses Gabin made a dollar or does that mean he mad $1.00 show + $1.00 win?
    kinda of sad slavery isn’y abolished

  7. Tomer Chen says:

    Grape: You’re hurting my head.

    What Grape Knee High means is that the senior secured credit facility for $325 million seems to be a floating rate facility, akin to the floating rate bond. In his example, by saying ‘3M LIBOR + 2’, he means using the 3 month (US Dollar) LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) interest reference rate, which is the equivalent of the US Federal Funds Rate (IE: the rate that banks lend to each other) + 2% above that rate. The interest rate ‘floats’ because the LIBOR is a variable (IE: not fixed to a certain percentage) rate and the amount you have to pay usually gets recalculated at a preset amount of time.

    Hope that helps.

  8. Spencer Fern says:

    Covenants and indentures was the ? part for me.

    I assume that refers to what happens if Zuffa defaults on the debt?

  9. The Gaijin says:

    In most lay terms a “covenant” in a business agreement is basically a promise certain things/activities will or will not be done. Basically they give the lending party more certainty or security.

    i.e. Zuffa gives a covenant to maintain certain financial ratios or a certain amount of working capital.

  10. The Gaijin says:

    I for one am not surprised that UFC is now looking like they’re rescinding their title shot to Werdum, in order to give Vera another shot at going for the belt.

    Obviously having two Brazilians that mean little to the casual fan fighting for the belt and guaranteed to have one holding it coming out, isn’t good for the PPV bottom line, so they’ll roll the dice and hope Vera can take a run at Nog.

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