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Quote of the Day – Mike Sloan

By Zach Arnold | February 18, 2008

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Today in his latest Sherdog article:

In keeping with new organizations popping up at every turn, how great is it that Pride is basically being resurrected? The new Dream organization will hopefully pick up right where Pride left off and rekindle the classic rivalry between UFC and Pride. Hopefully, though, the company doesn’t hemorrhage money to the point where Zuffa buys it and then demolishes everything in sight. We’ve already seen that happen.

  1. He forgot to tell his readers why DSE suddenly lost money after making money hand-over-fist for several years in Japan.
  2. He forgot the part about the grandmaster of this new project sitting behind a jail cell.
  3. I don’t know about you, but I just couldn’t get enough of those UFC vs. PRIDE threads on Sherdog and MMA Fighting.

Topics: DREAM, Japan, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “Quote of the Day – Mike Sloan”

  1. Liger05 says:

    What is about Pride being dead which people cannot accept? I loved the UWFI but hey it died and I moved on. With Pride it seems people cannot accept that an organisation like that can die. Whether it be DREAM or Yarrenoka people straight away are talking about Pride being back and how great that is. How long before people finally accept Pride is finished.

  2. Blue says:

    “How long before people finally accept Pride is finished.”

    DREAM is much more PRIDE than it is HERO’s.

  3. ttt says:

    but it’s not just the Pride “nuthuggers” that aren’t letting it go, people in the UFC are still at it trying to prove that UFC is better than Pride. See Liddell’s recent comments about how by beating Shogun, he’ll show that UFC is better than Pride. Or Joe Silva “this ain’t japan”, or Dana, etc…

  4. Anonymous says:

    DREAM is picking up right where PRIDE left off. The 2007 lightweight GP never happen, but now all of the principle characters will be in the DREAM lwgp.

    DREAM = PRIDE. What is so confusing about this?

  5. Zack says:

    I just miss the 10 minute round and the Pride rules. Actually, Superbrawl/Icon had the best rules for their title fights. Pride rules + elbows.

  6. Brandt says:

    The UFC can benefit from the rivalry as they will be forced to create better PPV cards or else people will just start watching DREAM for free. Example: The UFC 84 card is looking just OK so far. Would I pay $55 to watch just BJ Penn vs. Sean Sherk? No. Machida and Evans have bored me to near sleep during their last fights and there’s nothing about the other fighters that excite me yet. I’ll take a typically Pride card over that if they put out a show that night and DREAM would be the organization to do that.

  7. Japan is looking more like a MMA wasteland every year. No steroid testing, Yakuza influence practically everywhere, jailed (dead?) promoters, and your typical freakshows a la Butterbean, HMC, etc.

    I don’t blame the UFC for dropping Pride FC at all. Dana and the Fertitta brothers are better off pursuing markets that are more profitable. After all, the UFC is successful due to smart decisions by their management team, whether you agree with them or not.

  8. ilostmydog says:

    Brandt, dude, you’re way off. The UFC is not going to lose PPV buys because people watch a pirated DREAM broadcast over the internet. The thought there will be any competition between two companies whose markets don’t even overlap is laughable.

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