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Media tunnelvision on Kimbo Slice

By Zach Arnold | February 18, 2008

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Talk about being out of touch with what American MMA fans want.

Franklin McNeil, whose work for The Newark Star-Ledger is usually pretty solid, veers into hardcore MMA purist territory with these comments in his new ESPN article about Kimbo Slice’s win over Tank Abbott:

It was an indoor street fight, not the mixed martial arts contest many of the 6,187 at BankUnited Center were hoping to witness. And in the street-fighting arena, Slice is nearly unbeatable.

Using advertising know-how, Elite XC did little to promote this card as a full-fledged MMA event. President Gary Shaw dubbed the showcase “Street Certified,” which in a way offers him a defense against those who might criticize the featured bout.

Besides, the card’s moniker accurately described what Slice truly is at this point in his pro career — a street fighter who competes inside cages. Until forced to face a well-rounded fighter, Slice should not be labeled a mixed martial artist. This was born out Saturday night before the first punch was thrown.

There is only one way to find out if Slice deserves to be considered a mixed martial artist: Put him in the cage against a credible opponent. Until then, the jury remains sequestered.

After reading that first paragraph quoted, I can’t help but think how hopelessly clueless Franklin is on the Kimbo phenomenon. The crowd reaction in Miami for Kimbo’s win showed that he delivered exactly the right outcome that the fans wanted to see.

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Zach Arnold | 13 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

13 Responses to “Media tunnelvision on Kimbo Slice”

  1. Brandt says:

    Gotta agree with you there, Zach. The crowd was insane as per Chris Schultz on MMA Opinion (my site) who was there in the middle of it all. They had Kimbo shirts, grills, and Kickass Kimbo posters. The crowd ate it up.

  2. Ivan Trembow says:

    What did he say that isn’t correct? I especially agree with this paragraph: “There is only one way to find out if Slice deserves to be considered a mixed martial artist: Put him in the cage against a credible opponent. Until then, the jury remains sequestered.”

  3. Zach Arnold says:

    Re-read this quote:

    It was an indoor street fight, not the mixed martial arts contest many of the 6,187 at BankUnited Center were hoping to witness. And in the street-fighting arena, Slice is nearly unbeatable.

    Now re-watch the Kimbo vs. Tank fight and the crowd response to the ring entrances, the fighter introductions, the fight itself, and the aftermath of the fight.

    You tell me how McNeil’s statement is accurate, because it isn’t.

  4. David says:

    Yada yada yada.

    With my skeptical Arnold had on, I thought that just maybe that fight interruption where Kimbo threw something out of the cage was a set up. The way the crowd sentiment changed almost immediately was cinematic. From boo’s for fight delay, to a symbol of opposition, this small situation may have been planned to accentuated the “bad boy” image of Kimbo.

    I love Kimbo. He is well spoken for someone lacking a thorough formal education. He is an entertaining fighter who holds ultimate potential.

    What I love about his style is his primary talent of throwing fists. All fights start on the feet and Kimbo has the sweetest bob and weave. He may or may not get dominated on the ground by a Brazilian but from the get-go he is willing to throw all his weight behind his hard fists and go for glory. Training with Bas should be perfect for his learning sub-defense and if he ever challenges a top-10 heavyweight because El Guapo is as much a scientist as a the Fight Professor.

  5. Ivan Trembow says:

    Oh, my mistake. I overlooked that part. Based on their reaction, the fans in attendance definitely came to see the circus act. How many of the fans watching on TV wanted to see a circus act and how many of them wanted to see a legit MMA contest is another matter altogether.

  6. Ultimo_Santa says:

    LOL I love reading when people get bent out of shape about Kimbo Slice.

    Ivan Trembow: based on the crowd reaction, it sounded more like 20,000 fans than 6,187 in the arena – so yeah, I think it’s safe to assume that most, if not all, of the fans were happy with their ‘circus’. And if you tuned into Kimbo/Tank NOT wanting to see a street fight, you’re either a complete MMA noob, or mentally deficient.

    I’d like for someone to explain to me how a KO is not a “legit MMA contest”? Was there a recent rule change I’m not aware of?

  7. Ivan Trembow says:

    One guy has lost nine of his last ten fights. The other guy got his job as a result of notoriety gained from videos of illegal street fights. And they were in the main event. Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t like to have garbage shoveled down my throat in main events when there are far more deserving fighters who could have that spot.

  8. Zack says:

    I have friends over to watch the Kimbo card before we went to the bars. Everyone had a good time. At the end of the day, it’s all about entertainment. Kimbo is fun and entertaining. Everyone calling for him to be put in with a legit contender is a moron.

    They have a good thing going and should keep him active and bring him along slowly. Ivan, there aren’t far more deserving fighters who deserve Kimbo’s spot because there aren’t many fighters without the UFC brand name behind them that can draw 6,000+ fans.

    Your argument is like saying someone deserved more money than Brock on the last UFC PPV. In theory, you’re correct, and I’d love to have Nog be making 7 figures per fight because he’s been on a top dude for almost a decade now. However, Brock is the one who made that event and extravaganza and he undoubtedly would’ve have signed for less than what he was paid.

    I can come up with examples all day…was Ken Shamrock the right opponent for Tito? No way, but it drew the highest MMA rating ever up to that point and the biggest PPV number up to that point.

  9. Ivan Trembow says:

    There is a gigantic difference. Kimbo got his job as a result of notoriety gained from videos of illegal street fights. Besides the fact that this cultivates an image for MMA that is sub-Toughman Contest, it also says to any prospective fighters out there who are looking to make a name for themselves, “Just get in illegal street fights and have them filmed, and if you’re successful enough, we’ll sign you to become a big mainstream star.”

  10. Captain says:

    While it’s true that most of the fans in attendance at the EliteXC show were there as a result of Kimbo being on the card and wanted to see a streetfight, to say that the writer of that article is “out of touch with what American MMA fans want” is a misrepresentation of the facts. The audience at that event did not represent American MMA fans as a whole and to throw out there is ignorant and biased. There are fans of freakshow fights in every country and no country is bigger on freakshow fights than Japan. That does not, however, mean that all Japanese MMA fans are in it for the freakshows. Grow up and get over the whole Sherdogesque pro-Japan/anti-America slant already.

  11. D. Capitated says:

    Ivan, there aren’t far more deserving fighters who deserve Kimbo’s spot because there aren’t many fighters without the UFC brand name behind them that can draw 6,000+ fans.

    There’s a number of guys that could do it without the UFC currently under contract to them. Frank Shamrock’s done nearly three times that number without as much as being mentioned by the UFC as existing since UFC 40. Why is it hard to believe?

  12. Dave2 says:

    Kimbo Slice puts asses in seats and helps out EliteXC in the short term. Kimbo Slice was clearly over with the crowd. But what will showcasing Kimbo Slice do for EliteXC in the long term? They’re presenting an image of being a freakshow fight promotion and this can prevent the promotion from being taken seriously. This isn’t Japan where you can draw a 30-40% TV rating on TBS with Bob Sapp.

  13. Jeff says:

    “I love Kimbo. He is well spoken for someone lacking a thorough formal education. He is an entertaining fighter who holds ultimate potential.”

    I thought in his interview Kimbo said he had played college ball for 2 years.

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