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Fight Opinion Radio #75: The return of Judge Jeff Thaler

By Zach Arnold | February 11, 2008

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We’ve now officially reached the point where Judge Jeff Thaler may become a weekly segment on our radio show, thanks to the millions of MMA-related lawsuits being filed in the United States. This week, the Judge takes a close look at PRIDE FC Worldwide’s lawsuit against Dream Stage Entertainment. What are some of the unique consequences that could come out of this court case?

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Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Japan, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, PRIDE, Pro Elite, UFC, Yakuza, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #75: The return of Judge Jeff Thaler”

  1. Sorry for “stealing” your free show guys, but I honestly didn’t think it was something you’d be offended by. I did at least make sure that the folks watching it could read the full show’s URL, which is more than I can say for some of the other things that came out really hard to read on the clip. Some other sites really hit me hard for that. I gave you guys a lot of publicity in return and sent them to your site. I’m sensing a spirit of cooperation in the MMA news media where the more we all work together the better the sport becomes as a result. It starts with holding folks accountable for destroying the sport with greedy behavior. I’d love to be featured on your show someday, and I promise not to YouTube it again without asking 🙂

  2. Tomer Chen says:

    …where is the Youtube link?

  3. Matt says:

    Another great show. Thanks for breaking the legal mumbo jumbo down into understandable chunks.


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