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WEC 2/13 Albuquerque card line-up
By Zach Arnold | February 10, 2008

- Carlo Prater vs. Carlos Condit
- Jamie Varner vs. Rob McCullough
- Miguel Torres vs. Chase Beebe
- Manny Tapia vs. Antonio Banuelos
- Hiroyuki Takaya vs. Leonard Garcia
- Josh Grispi vs. Mark Hominick
- Del Hawkins vs. Coty Wheeler
- Charlie Valencia vs. Yoshiro Maeda
- Micah Miller vs. Chance Farrar
- Scott Jorgensen vs. Jesse Moreng
Topics: Media, MMA, WEC, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
Sweet card. I’m foward to all three title fights, as well as the Takaya/Garcia, Valencia/Madea and Miller/Farrar fights.
Drinking game rules: 3 drinks everytime Mir’s submission over Brock gets mentioned.
Every fight on this card rules. The WEC is friggin’ great. My only complaint is that I have to watch this show on the internet or wait a week to see it on tape delay. Lame.
Miguel Torres has a posse. 5’9″. 78″ reach. He’s taking that belt.
Damacio Page has replaced Jesse Moreng.