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‘War Machine’ goes to court

By Zach Arnold | December 13, 2007

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According to an article just published by The San Diego Union-Tribune, Jon ‘War Machine’ Koppenhaver appeared in front of a Superior Court judge in San Diego regarding felony assault and battery charges filed (based on an incident that took place on September 2nd).

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “‘War Machine’ goes to court”

  1. So that would have been shortly after the TUF tapings then, or just before them?

  2. Michaelthebox says:

    Way after, tapings were in June.

  3. He’s not the only TUF guy in trouble. Rob Emerson is also in jail for being part of a frat gang that beat the shit out of people for no reason

  4. Jonathan says:

    I think the TUF related news stories are over-rated.

  5. ilostmydog says:


    The video with Rob Emerson being part of a frat gang that beat people up was from 2001. I highly doubt he’s just now gone to jail because of it.

  6. catch says:

    Emerson is in jail from a bar fight, not the gang violence thing.

  7. Jim Allcorn says:

    What the fuck’s up with these nitwits?

    The action they get from training all day long & then fighting every few months isn’t enough for them?!! They feel they’ve got to use their skills on every person they encounter who dares to offend them in some way? It’s just ridiculous.

    What’s even more disturbing is that each of these morons was with a group of friends when these incidents took place & they were the aggressors. So, there can be no claim of self defense by either of them. They were, without a doubt, the bullies in each case.

    I certainly hope they’re proud of themselves & that all those buddies of their’s are impressed by their being able to assault someone who doesn’t happen to be a professional fighter nor capable of defending themselves from one.

    Sure, the one individual did happen to say something to the group that Koppenhaver was a part of. Uh, so what?!! The last I knew it wasn’t a crime to crack on someone & nor is it legal or morally correct to physically assault someone for saying something to you.

    I mean WTF, “War Machine” is SO emotionally over-sensitive & insecure that he can’t let some silly “tough guys” comment go? Especially when it’s said by some lone guy with his date on his arm? Damn, are there no unspoken rules or standards anymore when it comes to whom you can engage in that sort of shit with & whom you can’t? I mean, common decency dictates that you don’t humiliate a guy in front of his girl unless you have a REALLY good reason to. And, this situation was definitely NOT such a situation.

    It used to be that there were legitimate tough guys that would get into scraps quite often, but had the honor to follow a certain code & then you had your punks, who always hung out in groups like jackals & had no honor in the way they behaved & what they did. These days, it appears as if just about everybody is a punk. Which is pretty damn sad IMO.

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