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Sunday news review: Eyebrows raised

By Zach Arnold | December 9, 2007

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That’ll teach him

It’s a great day in the Bloody Elbow household and a horrible day in the Fightlinker household, as Roger Huerta defeated Clay Guida at the TUF 6 finale last night. As if you didn’t have enough reasons to be excited watching that fight in the first place… Kid Nate will not have to shave his eyebrows and Fightlinker will now be subjected to humilation via photography.

If he only could’ve hung on for one more round…

Clay Guida would have apparently won on the scorecards. According to Dave Doyle at Yahoo Sports, Guida was leading Huerta 20-17 on one judge’s scorecard going into round three.

Not so fast, my friend

According to multiple media reports Saturday night, Sean Sherk will likely be stripped of his UFC Lightweight title. Dave Meltzer says that it has already taken place.

Timing of the Year award winner

Right after referee Yves Lavigne addressed Mac Danzig and Tommy Speer in the Octagon before the fight started, Joe Rogan was talking about the size difference between the two men. Fortunately (or unfortunately) for Rogan, Spike TV switched to a camera shot of new UFC ring girl Edith Larente walking back to her seat with an Octagon card in her hands. Right as Joe Rogan says “You can really see the size difference right away,” a Spike TV camera shot is focusing in on Larente’s boobs as she is about to sit down next to another UFC ring girl, Arianny Celeste.

One-sided fight

Floyd Mayweather is in a pretty good mood right now. The event reportedly drew 16,459 fans at the MGM Grand Garden arena.

And apparently some of those fans thought booing the Star Spangled Banner was a good idea.

Back in action

A week after losing to Yoshiyuki Yoshida by disqualification at the Cage Force show in Tokyo, Dan Hardy returned to action by facing Manuel Garcia. Hardy defeated Garcia in the first round by give-up (flurry of punches).

Images of the Year

Tonya Evinger and Gina Carano make peace with each other.

Plus, check out Team Josh Barnett on a school bus.

You can see the Forrest from the trees

Forrest Griffin will be a coach on season 7 of The Ultimate Fighter.

Other news and notes

Results from Shooto’s 2007 rookie tournament series at Shinjuku FACE in Tokyo.

Manny Reyes Jr. gets beat again.

Robbie Lawler has reportedly been pulled off the Icon 12/15 Honolulu fight card due to injury.

Reading material

The South-Florida Sun-Sentinel has a very interesting article about what people both in boxing and WWE think about the rise of MMA, primarily with younger demographics.

The Northwest Herald in Illinois profiles Jeff Curran and talks about the business of MMA.

Topics: Boxing, Japan, Media, MMA, Pro Elite, UFC, UK, Zach Arnold | 17 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

17 Responses to “Sunday news review: Eyebrows raised”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    Hopefully all the overrated talk about Huerta will stop now. That was an amazing performance, just on guts alone.

    As for Mayweather…. The majority of the crowd was Brits. Should tell you something about the state of boxing in America when the #1 P4Per in the world can’t even attract his own countrymen to his own fight.

  2. Sheldon says:

    Roger Huerta has the power of heart!

  3. Ivan Trembow says:

    Look at the tape of the TUF 6 finale two hours and fifty minutes in… right after Huerta-Guida ends and right as Kenny Florian is saying on commentary that one punch or kick or knee can change a fight… Matt Hughes is celebrating Huerta’s win, then someone points him to a TV monitor, and he pulls up his seat to watch. If you pause to look at what he’s watching, it’s the final referee instructions in the ring for the Mayweather-Hatton fight, which was starting at that very moment. The way the timing worked out is that the opening bell of Mayweather-Hatton was less than 60 seconds after the end of Huerta-Guida.

  4. liger05 says:

    Hatton has a crazy following. Believe me it wouldnt of mattered where the fight was thousands would have followed Hatton. His fanbase is huge!!

  5. Roger’s standup was the difference, methinks. Guida’s duck n’ swing offense didn’t cut it.

  6. The Gaijin says:

    “As for Mayweather…. The majority of the crowd was Brits. Should tell you something about the state of boxing in America when the #1 P4Per in the world can’t even attract his own countrymen to his own fight.”

    You’re aware of the type of following Hatton has, no?

    Wait for the PPV numbers before you start writing out eulogies.

  7. Bullock says:

    “Timing of the Year award winner”

    Ha, I was wondering if any body else would have noticed that.

    The Ultimate Finale was an amazing show. JRoc vs War Machine was one of the best back and forth fights I have seen in a while, and the main event far exceeded my expectations.

    It was a win/win for the UFC.

  8. One bad fight to start the night, and then an excellent card all the way to the final bell.

    Very good.

  9. cyphron says:

    Fights like these tell me that MMA is here to stay for a long time.

    Danzig is now dropping to 155. Am I the only one who thinks the 155 division may be the UFC’s best? If not the best, it is definitely the most exciting.

    Clay Guida will be around for a long time, if only as fodder for the marquee fighters in the UFC.

  10. To be honest, and maybe I’m going against the grain, but the Mayweather-Hatton fight was not worth someone paying thousands of dollars to sit there and watch Hatton get handled.

    I was at a party for both events, and many of the boxing hardcores were just bitching about the referee stopping Hatton from using his inside boxing, and even when Hatton didn’t clinch, he stopped the action. I even had some fans tell me that much of the reason Boxing keeps getting slapped in the face is due to such overhyped promotion and disappointment.

    I’m not a huge boxing fan, so maybe they were talking out of their ass, but it wasn’t an impressive fight. People say it was DRAMATIC and MOVING. Are you kidding me? 24/7 may have made it that way, but the fight itself was one-sided.

    Hell, Huerta-Guida was more DRAMATIC.

  11. Amy Robinson says:

    whats with Carano and Huerta and those stupid hats?

    Fightlinker should have to wear one of those in the grape photo too.

  12. liger05 says:

    I thought the fight was good and in no way hurts boxing. damn Chuck v Quinton was hyped as the fight that would kill boxing and that fight was as one sided as can be ending really early as well.

  13. Luke says:

    I thought this was a great show. I’m not sure if the TV rating will reflect how great it was, due to Mayweather/Hatton, but it was fantastic.

    Fights like this always remind me how great this sport is, and it normally happens when my interest isn’t at its peak.

  14. SamScaff says:

    Mayweather not having fans has nothing to do with “The state of boxing.” In the world of MMA, TUF fighters have more fans then the #1 P4P fighter in the world. Does that mean that MMA is not doing well??

    Give me a break.

    Thats what you get when people on an MMA site try to talk about boxing.

  15. Zack says:

    “People say it was DRAMATIC and MOVING. Are you kidding me? 24/7 may have made it that way, but the fight itself was one-sided.”

    Well prior to Couture’s falling out with UFC, when he was probably the most universally well liked fighter in MMA, lots of people were saying that Couture/Sylvia was a great fight or possibly fight of the year. Caring about the fighter or the significance of the fight makes it better. There have been plenty of good scaps in the IFL this year, but no one cares because they have no stars and the fights don’t really have any significance.

    Mayweather is a dude people want to see get beat and Hatton has a rabid following.

  16. Will says:

    20-17? Someone scored a 10-8 round for Guida? He looked good, but not that good.

  17. The Gaijin says:

    That 2nd round was 10-8 for sure.


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