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Fighter gets his manhood tested in a painful way

By Zach Arnold | December 9, 2007

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I was reading a daily update on Dave Meltzer’s site when I saw this paragraph:

Blake Franklin, an MMA fighter who fought on a Friday night show in Shreveport, had emergency surgery at Chritus Schumpert Highland to repair a ruptured testicle from a groin kick. Franklin said his testicle was the size of his hand from an accidental kick. the doctors told him the force of the blow was like taking a 100 mile per hour fastball directly. He said when he got the kick, he threw up in his mouth. He couldn’t tape because he couldn’t breathe. Opponent Nick Reed was awarded the win, but the commission may overturn it.

Meltzer did not mention any details as to how he found out this news story (no links or anything) or if this was original reporting on his part. So, I decided to check out The Shreveport Times newspaper online and I found the story that Meltzer was alluding to.

Roy Lang III (long-time MMA writer for The Shreveport Times) did a write-up on the “Forces of Destruction” MMA event Friday night at Shreveport’s Municipal Auditorium. Lang III has now posted an update on Franklin’s recovery from surgery.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 11 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

11 Responses to “Fighter gets his manhood tested in a painful way”

  1. Body_Shots says:

    I know I’m not the only one who cringed while reading that.

  2. IceMuncher says:

    Yeah, I really wish I didn’t read that. Excuse me for a minute while I put on a cup and jockstrap to wear for the rest of the evening.

  3. Spencer Fern says:

    One of the few injuries that I just can’t laugh at. Sick as I am.

  4. nicklovesmma says:

    I’m not an athlete, so I don’t know, but aren’t cups supposed to prevent this from happening

  5. Sheldon says:

    Cups tend to move around, and can unfortunately end up having a cookie cutter effect on your balls, if you are hit while they aren’t positioned right.

  6. GassedOut says:

    Okay, I can skip lunch now…

    I took a shot there once…not fun.

  7. Amy Robinson says:

    Meltzer usually gets most of his news from direct sources, through phone and email, so he can’t really post links to anything, its not out of the ordinary from him.

    I remember a simliar incident that happened to Sakara in his UFC debut with Faircloth. He was rushed to the hopsital and there was actually a real concern he could have had to have one of his testicales removed. It was serious stuff.

    I think this might really be a more common and greater concern than we hear of.

  8. ron says:

    I was at the fight. Blake “Trouble” Franklin was wearing a cup, the best that money can buy. It cracked right down the middle. At the time of the illegal injury, Blake was winning and beating the shit out of the dude. When he got hit there, h e went to his knees and that is when the dude pounced on him.

  9. marie says:

    I was at the fight. sure mr. franklin got in 2 or 3 good punches but after that Nick rocked him. Nick did not throw one kick to mr. franklin. he needs to get his story straight and stop being a panzy!

  10. Wade says:

    I WAS AT THE FIGHT 2!!!!!!!Whoever marie is needs 2 GET HER STORY STRAIGHT….blake was destroying nick….b4 the fight i said blake if u knock the guy out n 45 sec ill give u 100 bucks…. and 25 secs n2 the fight blake had already thrown a right so hard that it completely sent nick falling back n2 the ropes) and he fell back so hard n2 the ropes that the force of it threw him n2 another franklin right and at this point i was praying that he was gonna last the 45 sec! This guys was barely standing and blake was n NO trouble AT ALL….lucky 4 that guy he got a cheap shot n (and i dont think it was intentional but it was bc he was so out of it from the 2 hard franklin rights. AND IF ANYBODY WANTS 2 PUT THEIR MONEY WHERE THEIR IS (“MARIE”) ILL PUT 200 DOWN ON BLAKE NEXT TIME THEY FIGHT. LETS SEE HOW MUCH CONFIDENCE U GOT N NICK

  11. brandon says:

    ummm… blake didnt get kicked in the nuts, it happened in the takedown if anything. He cant protect his record anymore, this is MMA. WELCOME TO MMA BLAKE!! ohh and he got his ass handed to him on saturday night 🙂 i will be next to hand him his ass 🙂


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