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Wednesday war room: Selective memory

By Zach Arnold | December 4, 2007

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The X-1 promotion sent out a bulletin claiming that they will pay up to $50,000 for an opponent to fight Niko Vitale on January 26th. “Fighter must be top tier.” Seriously.

Eddie Goldman talks about the death of Sam Vasquez.

Curious timing award winner of the day: Kevin Iole says UFC should announce that Matt Hughes is going into their Hall of Fame. Check out this quote:

But even more significant than his exploits in the cage are his actions outside of it. Thanks to Hughes, UFC 79 will be the company’s biggest event of the year.

I guess we should all forget about Couture vs. Sylvia last March and Rampage vs. Liddell last May (the fight that the mainstream media was hyping would ‘bring boxing down’).

Other reading material

  1. The Cayman Compass: Trevor Howard wants to be Cayman’s Ultimate Fighter
  2. Gary Herman: Wanderlei Silva Q & A
  3. The Madison Courier (Indiana): City will block cage fighting booked at armory
  4. MMA Mania: UFC 81 – Terry Martin vs. Marvin Eastman
  5. The Baltimore Sun: What Sammy Vasquez’s death means to MMA
  6. The Fightworks Podcast: Super Challenge Grappling match-ups announced
  7. Fight Metric: Who remembers Ricco-Nogueira?

Topics: Brazil, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “Wednesday war room: Selective memory”

  1. Hughes has a lot of fights left in him…I’d prefer that UFC not induct fighters into the hall of fame until they retire. And I mean retire for reals, yo.

    Then again, The Beast is still fighting, and he wasn’t a spring chicken back in the day.

    At the very least, they should wait to see how badly GSP beats his ass. Maybe that’s why Iole wants him inducted now…get it done before his reputation is shattered like Liddell (not saying that it will happen, but it’s always possible).

  2. JThue says:

    It is quite possible UFC 79 will be their biggest event this year from a business standpoint.


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