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Sunday news review: Recapping the weekend’s action

By Zach Arnold | December 2, 2007

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RSS Wish List – Part 2

I am looking for any and all RSS feeds relating to UK MMA news or European MMA news. On most of the UK MMA sites, I have not been able to find any feeds at all. I want some RSS feeds covering this scene.

Today’s news

Thomas Hauser of Seconds Out has a long article talking about MMA and boxing. In the article, Hauser states that UFC is in negotiations with Yahoo to sell matches online in an Internet PPV format.

MMA Analyst has a recap of the Cage Rage 24 event that took place on Saturday.

The Chicago Tribune has an article talking about the business war between WWE and UFC for fight industry-related dollars.

Dana White told The Boston Herald that The Ultimate Fighter and American Idol are the two most significant reality TV shows on US TV.

How does a fight happen in California between Jimmy Ambriz and Anthony Ruiz, given their weight disparity?

News of the weird: Tony Robbins helped out Chuck Liddell?

There is a big MMA exposition taking place in Anaheim right now. More information here.

Here is the latest edition of The Fightworks Podcast.

Dentsu, Japan’s largest advertising company, is facing quite a lawsuit. (Hat tip: Mikeinformer.)

Topics: Boxing, Japan, Media, MMA, Pro-Wrestling, UFC, UK, WWE, Zach Arnold | 15 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

15 Responses to “Sunday news review: Recapping the weekend’s action”

  1. terrence halladay says:

    Dana White told The Boston Herald that The Ultimate Fighter and American Idol are the two most significant reality TV shows on US TV.

    yeah, one gets watched by like 30 million people and the other gets 1.0 ratings on spike tv. haha

    that article also says: “Producing quality fighters was certainly a priority for White, but he was also aware that the reality concept could attract viewers. White was so confident that the show would catch on that the UFC underwrote the first season, which premiered on Spike in January of 2005.”

    he said the exact opposite in numerous interviews about how he hated the idea and it wasn’t his idea. one of them is even on youtube at

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    I can’t imagine the UFC/Yahoo deal being anything different then UFC on Demand. Just like with the XBOX 360 Online, it is just a different way to get the content to the customers.

  3. KennyP says:

    That was a great Tribune business article. Very few articles printed in top newspapers (or analyst reports) accurately capture the business challenges or opportunities for WWE or Zuffa. This one did an excellent job.

  4. Fluyid says:

    Dana White is on record several places for having confessed to being AGAINST the reality show idea from the very beginning.

  5. The Idol/TUF comparisons have to do more with the fact that Idols that win stick around and win grammies, and TUF guys that win move on and become contenders in the UFC. At least, that’s how Dana was phrasing the comparison in the past.

  6. Jim Allcorn says:

    I’m a longtime fan of Tom Hauser’s boxing writing & I thought this MMA piece was ,for the most part, “fair & balanced”. That is until the final couple/three paragraphs. Especially that last one. THAT, I could have have definitely lived without.

    But, in comparison to what the vast majority of boxing writers have to say about MMA, I’ll take it. Hauser obviously did his home work & his work was well informed & factually spot on. Aside from the suggestion in the last paragraph that the mainstream MMA in the US allows kicks to a downed opponent’s head. Which, of course, it does not.

  7. Tomer Chen says:

    Aside from the suggestion in the last paragraph that the mainstream MMA in the US allows kicks to a downed opponent’s head. Which, of course, it does not.

    Funny enough, he points it out as a foul in the eighth paragraph. Kinda wacky to point out it’s not allowed then spout it off as happening in the theoretical situation in the end there.

  8. JThue says:

    That was the best Cage Rage I’ve sen yet. EXC really made their mark in improved production and presentation this time, as it was tenfold times better than at previous shows. Better graphics, better videos, better interview settings, little things like actually showing the commentary team on camera, adding taped undercard fights when there was time during the live card, on-screen listing of rules, etc. All of this and more was added/changed since the last show. Good. Fights were some of the least crap ones they’ve had this year too. Pointon’s cut was Marvin Eastman all over again. S-I-C-K.

    Oh, and I’m talking about the two hour live Sky Sports broadcast here. Didn’t care to pay for the undercard stream.

  9. klown says:

    Meltzerr’s article on Vasquez RIP is a headline on the most viewed site in the world:

    “Mixed martial arts fighter dies six weeks after competition”

  10. David M says:

    Thank God they didn’t assign the article to Dana’s bitc–I mean “respected” and “knowledgeable” mma “writer” Kevin Iole..

  11. Michaelthebox says:

    David M.: Exactly what was the point of that comment, beyond using this tragedy for your own pathetic purpose of cutting down Iole?

    You should be ashamed.

  12. David M says:

    First of all, there is nothing pathetic about cutting down Kevin Iole. Second of all, this is obviously going to be a very big story (already has been a big story as evidenced by its presence on yahoo’s front page for a long time today) and I want people who read the headline and think that mma is just a sport for brutal idiots to read Dave Meltzer’s words, which are infinitely more thought out and interesting than Iole’s words. I wouldn’t trust the latter to do a story like this without saying something asinine.

    Furthermore, get off of your high horse, people die all the time. Telling someone to be ashamed on the internet is a quite a silly remark.

  13. Michaelthebox says:

    When is someone’s death ever a suitable jab at someone who has absolutely nothing to do with it, in any way?

    People die all the time, that doesn’t make their deaths fodder for your own ends.

    You aren’t a very good person.

  14. Zack says:

    Meltzer is the best in the business when it comes to breaking things down in a historical context. There is no one who I’d rather see write that story.

  15. I’ve previously commented on how much I like the UFC videos on 360.

    Several years ago I was a month to month subscriber to Yahoo’s MLS video service, and I was quite pleased with it. Quality was ok (part of the problem was that they seemed to be compressing off a directv feed or something, and frequently the sports channels are compressed quite heavily already so you ended up with some bad artifacting particularly in terms of getting a “tail” behind the ball), and the stream was solid. I’m sure that it’s only improved since that time.

    It is just another channel though. UFC’s already got their PC based video service (which I can’t get to work on Vista, and I’m pissed) which includes a subscription model. It’s not any significant extra effort to provide that content to other digital distribution outlets.

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