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Monday media notes: MMA media’s changing landscape

By Zach Arnold | November 25, 2007

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Sprawl ‘n Brawl is changing. This makes sites like MMA Opinion more important in terms of recruiting and developing writing talent. If you are ever interested in becoming an MMA writer, I strongly suggest talking to some of the mid-sized MMA blogs and see if you can get a writing spot. This way, you can have an electronic paper trail of writing work for the bigger MMA sites to look at and possibly bring you on board.

Fedor talks to Samurai TV.

My assumption is that Brent Brookhouse doesn’t read Japanese, but if he does he should take a look at this post. A Japanese blogger translated Brent’s attempt at explaining what Hustle is to the readers of Bloody Elbow. Most of the focus is on Brent’s comments about HG and erectile dysfunction.

Only Don Frye could have a multi-page press release put out about him signing autographs.

Jake Rossen takes a look at the history of short-notice fights.

Royal Burnell talks about the WAMMA.

Impressions of the Art of War 9 Chinese MMA event.

Photos from the Vulkan Fight Company Cup IV event in Shizuoka. The event featured both grappling & BJJ tournaments.

Dave Meltzer talks about UFC calling GSP to help save their 12/29 Las Vegas card. Dann Stupp has more on the story. Adam Swift brings up a term – hotshotting.

Gary Herman is not a fan of interim titles and wants to see a lightweight tournament in the UFC.

A note to those in power of the Wrestling Observer, Fight Network, and Hardcore Sports Radio sites — if you need someone to make RSS feeds for your pages within a day or two, contact Dr. J at MMA HQ. Seriously. Do it now.

A new MMA video/movie coming soon.

Mike Swick vs. Josh Burkman at UFN 12.

An interview with Cub Swanson.

Didn’t the WFA have a PPV called King of the Streets? Don’t tell WEF that.

Meet Norma Montoya.

Topics: Japan, Media, MMA, Pro-Wrestling, UFC, WEC, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “Monday media notes: MMA media’s changing landscape”

  1. Zack says:

    Swick vs McFedries would’ve been a better fight, IMO. McFedries is such an exciting fighter…matching him up with Cote is just going to slow the fight down and make it less dynamic.

    WEF 8 was an excellent event. One of the best that always goes under the radar. I had no idea they were still around.

  2. Preach says:

    “Fight it out” isn’t a movie, but more or less an instructional video. But then, the world doesn’t need another MMA-movie, most probably because i saw the best to come out until now on saturday: “Flash Point”, the new film from “Sha Po Lang”/”Dragon Tiger Gate” collaborators Wilson Yip (Director) and Donnie Yen (Actor/Action Director). I’ve said it time and again, Donnie Yen is the best martial artist to EVER grace the big screen. His fights make every performance by Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan or Jet Li look like retirement home gymnastics. He’s been a longtime fan of MMA, and has been incorporating styles like BJJ, Luta Livre, Sambo and Greco-Roman wrestling (as well as pro-wrestling!) into his arsenal over the years. The fight scenes in “Flash Point” are absolutely amazing, with all the different styles mashing up perfectly. It really doesn’t get much better than that, showing how MMA could be done in a real streetfight (though of course in a real fight most people wouldn’t stand up after getting hit with one of the maneuvers, let alone a dozen and stand up again to get more punishment). If you love cantonese action-movies and MMA, go and order “Flash Point” (it’s only available as a RC3 HK-DVD).

    Here’s a short video showcasing some of Donnie’s work (as an actor and action director):

  3. Sheldon says:

    More importantly don’t tell Marco Ruas about WFA and WEF misusing his name….

  4. GB says:

    Just a question regarding MMA sites. Do any of these sites pay their writers? I assume that at first it’s sort of difficult to generate a reliable revenue stream, but if these sites insist on getting all their writers for free their quality is never going to improve. I mention this because you still catch glaring grammatical in some of these writers’ texts, including those that contribute to Sherdog.

  5. Gabe says:

    Preach, it puts a smile on my face each time I encounter a Donnie Yen fan. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve watched my VHS copies of Wing Chun and Iron Monkey.

  6. Brandt says:

    GB: You answered your own question. If the sites make no revenue, how will the writers get paid? If you check out my site, MMA Opinion, you’ll see the Google Ads, but they only generate a few dollars a week, if that. The writing is done for fun and it allows serious writers to get their name out to the bigger sites. Consider it a mutual benefit.

  7. Zack says:

    IFL stock down to 17 cents.

  8. ch says:

    actually, brandt, the market for mma writers is oversaturated. the supply very much exceeds the demand. the larger websites can only support so many writers (consider that yahoo! sports, which i’m sure offers the best pay, only has 3 mma writers.) the chances of moving up in the industry publications is slim to none. the best bet for writers is to reach out to local publications looking to add mma-related content. if you write for fun then that is the benefit of writing for these sites. if you write for money, the benefits are almost nil.

  9. Zack says:

    I listened to the latest FO radio show. Great content/insight. The editing was a little weird but no biggie.

  10. 45 Huddle says:

    I thought Fight Opinion Radio was very good…. except for the rant about GSP/Hughes.

    It seems like the MMA Media just can’t be happy with the UFC sometimes, even when they do good. It seems like the general feeling is: “Oh, it is great that Zuffa put together Hughes/GSP…. But here is my laundry list of complaints about it.” And each person is complaining about something different. Just makes the collective bunch look like a complaining bunch.

  11. Brandt says:

    ch: Well, unfortunately very few of those writers in this saturated market have any interest in writing about MMA for free. 🙁

  12. The Gaijin says:

    I just think no one wants to have “the world leading organization for mma” have every division with a champion and interim champion and really start to devalue the belts in the fans eyes.

    Same argument as for boxing, when you’ve got two guys holding belts in the same weight class and the interim guy possibly making title defences – it just makes for a real clusterfuck.

    Why not have the other fighters continue fighting, have #1 contenders and when the champ is back have him defend the belt. I don’t see the necessity for having the belt in play when I think the major complaint is that they spend so much time dicking around and not having the belt in play to begin with…Sherk should have been immediately stripped, they should have scheduled the PPV’s better so that Hughes/Serra happened in NJ and really they’ve just mismanaged their title fight scheduling and now they’re getting trigger happy and putting out interim belts without batting an eye.

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