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Report: IFL GP finals to air on HDNet

By Zach Arnold | November 21, 2007

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The hard-working folks at Jarry Park are reporting that the IFL’s 12/29 Mohegan Sun Arena event will air live on HDNet (and presumably not on MyNetwork TV).

Based on this new information, it seems that the IFL’s battle plan is to air team qualifying and tournament matches on FSN & MyNetwork TV, while airing IFL GP events on HDNet (which gives the league a chance to air their product in HD with better production values and more broadcast time for the live shows). In addition, there is a natural crossover already built-in with Kenny Rice & Bas Rutten hosting the Inside MMA show on HDNet and also hosting IFL events on TV.

On a side note, apparently Bas Rutten is a brawler. Who knew?

Topics: HDNet, IFL, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Report: IFL GP finals to air on HDNet”

  1. GassedOut says:

    Go go El Guapo!

  2. AOL is always cutting edge. But what’s with the crediting! They got it from The Big Lead which got it from foodcourtlunch who got it from ME! And I got it from youtube but fuck them, why should they get any credit. WHERE’S MY CREDIT!!!

  3. CapnHulk says:

    That video has been around forever.

  4. Jeff says:

    Bang ba da bang bang bang

  5. klown says:

    This official UFC article lists Matt Serra’s record as 16-4.

    (Fight Finder lists him as 9-4)

  6. penxv says:

    Maybe that’s what HDnet got for the use of tim kennedy.


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