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Cage Force 12/1 Differ Ariake

By Zach Arnold | November 21, 2007

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From Sports Navigator (w/ Jordan Breen):


Lightweights: Junichi Ota vs. Hiroshi Takita
Featherweights: Yuji Arakawa vs. Seiya Kawahara

Main card

  1. Middleweights: Yukiya Naito vs. Takenori Sato
  2. Lightweights: ISE vs. Takahito Iida
  3. Bantamweights: Kenji Osawa vs. Punchy Yamauchi
  4. 57 kg: Yasuhuri Urushitani vs. Jesse Taitano
  5. Lightweights: Mizuto Hirota vs. Sing Do Gi
  6. Cage Force Welterweight Tournament finals: Yoshiyuki Yoshida vs. Dan Hardy
  7. Cage Force Lightweight Tournament finals: Kotetsu Boku vs. Artur Oumakhanov

Also booked: Takeya Mizugaki, Satoru Kitaoka

Topics: Japan, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “Cage Force 12/1 Differ Ariake”

  1. Rene-San says:

    Wrong title name – I suppose it should be “Cage Force” instead of “Cage Rage” – was wondering, why the english mma-organisation is going to have a event in Japan 😉

    Ed. — Fixed. Thanks.

  2. Rene-San says:

    no problem 😉

  3. Kev says:

    Anyone know the chances of the tournament winners going to the UFC? I know GCM were in talks with Zuffa, but I never heard a resolution.


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