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Sunday quick notes (11/18)

By Zach Arnold | November 18, 2007

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Check out the latest edition of The Fightworks Podcast.

Here are some multimedia shots of Sean Salmon getting KO’d in San Jose last Friday.

Making the case that Michael Bisping won his fight at UFC 78.

Tim Smith in The New York Daily News is not happy about Larry Hazzard’s firing from the NJACB. Keith Idec has more thoughts.

One item that should be duly noted about UFC 78 is that the event did successfully make in-roads in the British media, as The Sunday Telegraph covered Michael Bisping’s loss to Rashad Evans. NBC Sports decided to focus on Frankie Edgar’s win.

Are problems brewing between Quinton Jackson and UFC? We know Jackson injured his hand a little while back, but…

Anderson Silva vs. Dan Henderson appears to be set.

For those expecting any sort of drug testing results from the UFC 78 show in New Jersey, don’t. Test results are not given out publicly by the NJACB due to privacy issues. Therefore, fighters are already getting bonuses. Plus, Joe Silva is drawing some heat online for his recent matchmaking in UFC. Alex Marvez says UFC 78 didn’t pan out well.

Steve Sievert says that Houston Alexander is now exposed.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 19 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

19 Responses to “Sunday quick notes (11/18)”

  1. Rollo the Cat says:

    From the Bloody Elbow article you linked to:

    ” I dare say that Penn, Stevenson, Tavares, Aurelio and Florian would all have very good chances to catch Edgar with a submission.”

    Did the writer notice that Edgar fought one of the top submission wrestlers in the game-Bockek- and didn’t come close to getting caught. Fisher has some nice subs too. Fisher’s inability to get a submission is because of Edgar’s positioning and pressure.Edgar is not going to get caught easily by anyone.

    “This fight does move Edgar close to title contention. I figure two more wins over top contenders and he’ll have earned a shot. If Huerta beats Guida or Gleison Tibau beats Tyson Griffin (both are long shots) they would be logical next matchups in comparable contention.”

    Two more wins over top contenders like Huerta? What? Am I reading this right? Frank already beat Tyson Griffin, Bocek, and now Fisher. Why the hell would he drop down in competition to fight a guy like Huerta who is no where near Frank’s level in skill or in his record. Edgar v Florian is the next logical match up, with the winner getting a title shot.

  2. Rollo the Cat says:

    I think Sievert was fair in his analysis of Alexander. Still, I think Houston will be a popular fighter for the remainder for his career. A guy who comes to fight and finish will always have fans, including me.

  3. el feo says:

    Someone suggested Alexander v Heath or Lambert, and I think that’s accurate.
    As for Thiago Silva, I’d like to see him v Jardine or Bonnar.
    There are so many guys now at 205, they could go any number of directions.

  4. The Gaijin says:

    Rashad Evans, now in the top 5 of the LHW division! Huzzah what another fearsome performance zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz………

  5. David says:

    Anderson Silva would dominate Evans, period.

  6. Rollo the Cat says:

    Bisping won.

  7. el feo says:

    Who wouldn’t Anderson dominate?
    I’m looking forward to seeing the irresistible knees meet Dan Henderson’s immovable skull and see if Dan can fight him off and catch him with the right.

  8. IceMuncher says:

    Rollo, the article says “If Huerta beats Guida”. Guida lost a very close split decision to Edgar’s best win, Tyson Griffin. If Huerta makes it past Guida, then yes, Huerta is definitely a legit top contender. 20-1 (6-0 UFC) vs 8-0 (3-0 UFC) is a significant enough drop in competition that the fight makes no sense to you?

    Well, it makes a ton of sense to me. Then you have the winner of Huerta-Edgar vs a Stevenson/Ken-Flo caliber fighter for the #1 contender. I agree whole-heartedly with the article, 2 more wins for Edgar before a title shot works out very nicely.

  9. Zurich says:

    I think that comment about Rampage has more to do with Rampage’s hand injury.

  10. Rollo the Cat says:

    IceMuncher, if Huerta wins he has one win against good competition. If Huetta beats Guida, I could justify a fight with Tavares, Pellegrino, Grice, Etim, Fisher, Lauzon, Maynard, Cole Miller or maybe Griffin. Not Edgar. Frank has done too much against good opponents to be insulted with a Huerta match up.

  11. The Gaijin says:

    “Bisping won.”

    Everyone who saw that fight LOST (15 minutes of their life). That fight sucked unrelentingly.

  12. klown says:

    Huge typo on main page!

    It says “Thiago Alves knocked out Houston Alexander”

  13. robnashville says:

    The Alvarez alludes to Rampage being unhappy with his pay. I know that Meltzer awhile back said that Jackson was questioning his $$$ from the chuck fight, the one that Dana kept crowing did a million buys but that Rampage got paid for based on 625k buys. Maybe Rampage is doing that audit thingy that was discussed when Randy’s contract particulars came out….. another case of Dana’s little White lies coming back to bite him in the ass…..

  14. klown says:

    I’m trying to picture future LHW match-ups. To help make sense of it, here are my rankings. My logic is linear but gives extra weight to more recent accomplishments. I also ignore losses to fighters outside the weight class:

    1. Q Jackson
    2. W Silva
    3. K Jardine
    4. F Griffin
    5. M Rua
    6. C Liddell
    7. R Sokoudjou
    8. R Nogueira
    9. R Arona
    10. T Silva
    11. L Machida
    12. R Evans
    13. T Ortiz
    14. M Bisping
    15. H Alexander

    The known upcoming matches are:

    W Silva (#2) vs C Liddell (#6)
    R Sokoudjou (#7) vs L Machida (#11)

    Mr Matchmaker, I propose:

    Q Jackson (#1) vs K Jardine (#3)
    F Griffin (#4) vs T Silva (#10)
    M Rua (#5) vs R Evans (#12)
    T Ortiz (#13) vs M Bisping (#14)
    H Alexander (#15) vs someone not ranked

    What say you?

  15. David says:

    klown – Yes, Mauricio ‘Shogun’ Rua would tear apart Rashad ‘Sleepwalkrr’ Evans

  16. D.Capitated says:

    I think we all heard the “Shogun will tear everyone apart in UFC” thing once against a guy who really isn’t better than Rashad at any particular thing. Rashad would probably ground Shogun and beat him up against the cage. The only upside for Shogun is he won’t have as lousy a disadvantage in size.

  17. Rashad would have a hard time with Shogun because Rashad is not particularly aggressive and his power is lacking in the standup department. I think Shogun could win that battle, but Rashad has a tendency to make fights last.

  18. Jim Allcorn says:

    I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one with serious issues regarding Joe Silva’s matchmaking abilities. Actually, I’ve long thought that he’s mediocre at best & another clear example of Dana White’s close friends being in a top position in the UFC rather than the most qualified individual.

    IMO for every good fight that Silva books, he makes two meaningless, mis-matched or plain old “meh” fights ( as they say these days ). More often than not he doesn’t seem to build toward anything & rarely displays any imagination. Which is a damn shame considering the talent roster that he has at his disposal.

  19. D.Capitated says:

    Rashad would have a hard time with Shogun because Rashad is not particularly aggressive and his power is lacking in the standup department. I think Shogun could win that battle, but Rashad has a tendency to make fights last.

    Shogun is sloppy standing, like most everyone from Chute Boxe. Additionally, Rashad has fantastic handspeed and great wrestling ability. Add in Shogun not having knee strikes and stomps and a horrible performance against Forrest Griffin and you have to call into question just how dominant he’d be.

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