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More on White/Couture dispute

By Zach Arnold | October 19, 2007

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Dana White addressed the topic today on ESPN TV. Adam Swift has further analysis.

Meanwhile, Kevin Iole of Yahoo Sports is firing back at his ‘critics’ (audio here).

The Dayton Daily News: Dana White is a visionary. The Wilmington News Journal says that Dana White needs to learn how to cope with competition. Steve Cofield has an interview with Jens Pulver discussing Couture’s split from UFC.

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Misc. note: Emelianenko Alexander is back to his winning ways.

Topics: Canada, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “More on White/Couture dispute”

  1. Vox says:

    There’s something about Adam Swift’s post that sorta makes sense to me.

    The strategy seems to be to attack Walker in hopes of driving a wedge between he and Couture in the best case scenario, and in the worst case scenario, defending the company without attacking the popular, with the public and inside the industry, Couture.

    I think he’s close to it…but…I think it’s more about Dana thinking that if he gives Randy an out (“it was my agent!”, much like Vera’s situation), he has a better chance of getting Randy to sit down and come to terms on this whole mess, without hurting UFC and having to fight Randy, which we all know is a losing proposition, inside or outside the cage.

  2. nem0 says:

    Kevin Iole needs a copy editor. His most recent article was painful to read.

  3. Jonathan says:

    Can’t we all agree that with the hiring of Dave Meltzer, Kevin Iole needs to go to another locale…like maybe, err, I don’t know, the TRASHCAN!

  4. Nic Nichols says:

    Wow.. thanks for the link to the New Journal piece… that’s our home paper, but nobody actually bothers to read it, as they are usually the worst examples of journalism this side of a high school paper.. but that was actually a very well thought out and articulate spot! Who would have thought that I would have to come all the way over here to finally find a worthwhile reason to check my own paper?! Keep up the great work!

  5. 45 Huddle says:

    Dana White has definitely been coached on what to say. Likely by Frank Fertitta & The Zuffa Lawyers. As much as White spouts of on topics that he shouldn’t (can you say HBO?), the gameplan on th Couture front has been near flawless.

    1. Couture Comes Back: As stated above, they are not attacking Randy Couture. They are attacking his agent. They are allowing him to save face if they can have him change his mind.

    2. Couture Does Not Come Back: Then the UFC has him locked down for a long time, and at 44 years old, that is not a good sign for Couture. Nobody knows how the contract is set up, but Couture believes he can fight in 9 months. Zuffa is positioning it as a ‘retirement’ from the UFC and Couture is positioning it as a resignation. No matter who is right, Zuffa has done the right thing by not agreeing with Couture. After the 9 months are over, and Couture tries to fight in another organization, Zuffa will sue both Couture and the new promoter, giving Couture even more time on the shelf. If Zuffa wins, there are no worries (and Couture is stuck). If they lose, they will have likely added 3+ months to Couture’s comeback, and likely much more (because events have to be organized 2+ months in advance). Either way, that freezes Couture for so long, he will be even slower by that time.

  6. klown says:

    45 Huddle: the most anti-fighter commentator on FightOpinion.

    This guy went from worshipping Couture to turning against him in a blink. Why? Because Couture went from being a UFC lackey to standing up for fighters’ rights.

    45 Huddle actually believes that the more powerless the fighters are over their own lives and careers, the better it is for the sport. I believe the opposite, and quite separately from the well-being of the sport, I also believe fighters have absolute rights as workers, and I support their struggles.

    Couture has the power to take on White. I wish him all the best in the coming months. I hope he plays it right…

  7. 45 Huddle says:

    I believe the best system is one main organization to rule the entire sport. With all of the Top 20 fighters in that organization. And due to all of that power, a fighter’s union to even things out.

    Couture does not have the power. He is too old to make a serious impact. Due to this extra time between fights, he likely has 1 or 2 fights left in him tops. That is not enough to shake up the sport.

    And lastly, I was hardly a Couture nuthugger since his comeback.

  8. ch says:

    one ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them…

  9. 45 Huddle says:

    Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

  10. David says:

    1) I love what Vox had to say
    2) Ignore Iole, I do and my life is less stressful!

  11. The Gaijin says:

    I have to “tip my hat” to Dana for how he’s handling Fedor and Randy, in that, for the most part he has attempted to ensure he is only speaking in negative terms about their agents/management/handlers and still says positive things about the fighters themselves.

    Like someone else pointed out, it appears to be their blueprint from the Vera dispute and I guess they’re hoping that it keeps their relationship with the fighter themselves positive.

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