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Heat-up for UFC 77

By Zach Arnold | October 19, 2007

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Everyone made weight for the UFC 77 show. More weigh-in notes at Yahoo Sports and NBC Sports. Gregg Doyel at CBS Sportsline has an article about some of the wacky hijinx at the weigh-ins.

Here is an article on Jason MacDonald and here is your quote of the day from MacDonald as to why his fight with Yushin Okami is a dark match:

“As far as the decision to not be on the main card, the UFC has told me that it has nothing to do with me. It has to do with the fact that Okami is a boring fighter. They know I’ll try to put on an exciting fight. In fact, as I left the hotel on Thursday, I ran into Joe Silva, the matchmaker for the UFC, and he asked to talk to me to express that again and apologized in advance to me.”

Sam Caplan has a new interview with Melvin Costa.

I’m sure the folks at The Canadian Press are so proud of this article.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “Heat-up for UFC 77”

  1. ilostmydog says:

    😡 Okami is not boring!

  2. IceMuncher says:

    To the casual fan, Okami is dreadfully boring.

  3. Ben says:

    Re: Melvin Costa

    I have to say, that Swastika tattoo makes me personally very uncomfortable, but reading that interview was a bit enlightening. I do believe in freedom of expression, no matter how painful or uncomfortable (I do not believe that you have the right not to be offended), and this is clearly something the guy has thought out pretty far. It’s not something he got on a whim, he’s clearly not stupid or merely ignorant. Do I find his rationale faulty? Absolutely. The idea that there is a “white race” is, in a word, retarded. But from the frame of reference he is using, it’s not all that shocking.

    It makes me uncomfortable, but he is free to have his perspective. I won’t pay for a show he’s on in any way, because that’s my prerogative. If Pro Elite finds themselves hurting financially for having him on the roster, then that is the way the system works, and, I think, the only really valid reason for them to cut him.

  4. Michaelthebox says:

    Lets not make this a casual fan/serious fan thing, which I have always found elitist. I’m a pretty serious fan, and I think the first two rounds of any Okami fight are awfully dull.

  5. Ivan Trembow says:

    lol at the lies in the Canadian Press article, specifically:

    “The UFC boss also admitted that the idea for the show was born out of the fact the organization couldn’t get the sport on TV. So White and his staff pulled an all-nighter, coming up with the reality show idea in the wee hours “

    That’s not what the UFC was saying at the time. In numerous public interviews at the time, the UFC said that the original idea for a UFC TV show on Spike TV was a show called “American Promoter” that would basically be like the Dana White show in following him around as a promoter (similar to the Discovery Channel series “American Casino,” which followed the Fertitta casino empire), or a weekly or monthly series of live events. But Spike TV had the idea of a reality show featuring up-and-coming UFC fighters, and the UFC wasn’t crazy about the idea, but was willing to go with it in order to get on cable television.

  6. Dru Down says:

    Loved this line in the Canadian Press Article

    “White was up to the challenge and met the woman on the floor of the U.S. Bank Arena where she planted a kiss on the top of his shaved head.”

    LOL- yeah, shaved. Right.

  7. Croatian Strength says:

    He should have asked Costa about his other tattoo – would like to know they story about that.

    From the Canadian Press:
    “Money wasn’t the stumbling block in attempts to bring former Pride star Fedor Emelianenko to the UFC, White said. It was the Russian’s handlers. “It was a lot of things that didn’t have to do with Fedor. It was more about them than it was about Fedor, to be honest with you.” ”

    He acts like Fedor is some child doing as he’s told, with his “hollywood agents” running the show. It looks to me that Fedor is getting exactly what he want – huge paydays, the ability to do his other activities and not being pushed around by promoters.

  8. 45 Huddle says:

    I am an Okami fan, and I also admit he can put most people to sleep. If the fight is midly exciting and they have time, I’m sure they will show the fight. I have a feeling Okami will be less boring today, because even he mentioned his slow performance against Franklin.

  9. Sheldon says:

    The “Athlete” is always a great quote. I love how dorky he is.

  10. jim allcorn says:

    re: Melvin Costa

    I pretty much agree with Ben’s take on this issue.

    But, while this individual does, indeed, come across as reasonably intelligent & rationalizes his ink well, it’s pretty obvious that his statements regarding his beliefs on race are VERY watered down from what he really feels. All these “white power” types like to toe the line with their “oh, I don’t hate any other races” nonsense, but in private you just know that he’s calling them ni88ers, sp*cs, sl*nts & k*kes. It’s just how these types of haters roll.

    Oh sure, I believe there’s a small percentage of them that actually have the sort of moderate racial convictions that this guy expouses in interviews, but I don’t think he’s one of them. Not with all the time he’s spent behind bars hanging with the aryan brotherhood. And not with that ink.

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