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Friday frenzy: Another HGH scandal in boxing

By Zach Arnold | October 5, 2007

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Here’s a discussion starter – the latest Middleweight rankings and analysis at Bloody Elbow.

When we interviewed Frank Shamrock a couple of weeks ago on Fight Opinion Radio, he noted that the IFL was having some financial trouble. According to Steven Molen of The NHB Show, Shamrock is quoted as saying that he might be on the chopping block.

The HBO/UFC negotiations have fallen apart. Dana White is not giving up hope, even with HBO’s statement.

Jameel McCline is the next name from the combat sports world reportedly involved in a performance-enhancing drug scandal. Reaction here.

I made an appearance on Fight Network Radio to discuss the death of PRIDE. More on the PRIDE story. Adam Morgan made an appearance on Cincinnati radio.

We won’t be seeing Kimbo Slice vs. Tank Abbott any time soon.

Sean Salmon has been booked for the 10/19 Hardcore Championship Fighting event.

Joe Scarola and a sports psychologist.

Yahoo will interview Wanderlei Silva soon.

An interview with Denis Kang.

Steve Cofield recently interviewed Billy Miles from The Ultimate Fighter.

Boxing circles: Jon Thaxton retains his British lightweight title.

Topics: Boxing, Canada, HERO's, IFL, Japan, Media, MMA, PRIDE, UFC, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “Friday frenzy: Another HGH scandal in boxing”

  1. Rollo the Cat says:

    In regards to Frank Shamrock in the IFL: It is all but confirmed. Kurt Otto did an interview tonight where he all but said Frank is getting canned. In fact, I think he slipped up at one point and said it outright.

  2. Ivan Trembow says:

    It is disgraceful that nothing is being done to Jameel McCline for his illegal steroid purchases (contrary to every other sport that has had athletes implicated), and it’s also very telling that McCline was able to beat the drug tests in major athletic commission states while he was receiving these banned substances.

  3. D. Capitated says:

    Its part of the Signature Pharmacy investigation, which has garnered tons and tons of lawsuits towards the DA investigating and the state of NY, and the release of names from it is of highly questionable legality.


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