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PRIDE office in Tokyo shut down, all workers fired

By Zach Arnold | October 4, 2007

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By Zach Arnold

Sports Navigator (Yahoo Japan) is reporting tonight (Thursday night Japanese time) that Jamie Pollack, the Zuffa-appointed legal advisor who went to Japan shortly after Lorenzo Fertitta purchased the assets of PRIDE from Dream Stage Entertainment, has shut down the PRIDE FC Worldwide office in Tokyo. Furthermore, the report claims that Pollack fired all PRIDE WW employees with a telephone call.

PRIDE public relations boss Mr. Sasahara (who is/was close to Hustle and Nobuyuki Sakakibara) issued a public apology to the fans. Sasahara said that the PRIDE staffers are confused and bewildered by the sudden closing of the office, further adding that he feels resentment towards the way the American owners betrayed the people who supported PRIDE. Sasahara reiterated that he believed what Lorenzo Fertitta had initially stated about the future of PRIDE, but now the operation is finished and staffers couldn’t access or get to cell phones or personal computers.

Personal reaction: Naturally, the Japanese media and MMA insiders will use this story to portray Zuffa as a bunch of cold, calculated gaijin invaders who officially destroyed PRIDE. The image of UFC and its parents owners in Japan has been tarnished by the way the PRIDE situation has been handled. Is UFC’s entry into the Japanese marketplace permanently damaged?

As for Pollack firing the PRIDE employees by telephone… at least he or his family members won’t be physically harmed. Somehow, I don’t think the firings on a face-to-face basis would have turned out so well.

Topics: Japan, Media, MMA, PRIDE, UFC, Zach Arnold | 42 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

42 Responses to “PRIDE office in Tokyo shut down, all workers fired”

  1. ditch says:

    How can the PRIDE people be shocked when they were making statements about PRIDE’s return and using offices for HUSTLE filming without UFC’s authorization?

  2. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    “Personal Computers” meaning computers that belong to the individuals as personal property, or “Personal Computers” meaning computers owned by the company used by employees to store their tentacle rape and bukkake videos?

    Believe me, getting fired by phone is much more pleasant than being fired by email. Email has to be the worst way to be fired.

  3. Rohan says:

    There you are – reporting the end of Pride, and bashing UFC. Will you never stop.

    On the point in hand I don’t think they care much – I suspect Zuffa haven’t got any ambitions in Japan beyond getting a decent TV deal. Which they’ve messed up but that’s not the end of the world. I don’t think they’d draw well live or on PPV in a previously saturated market which is now on the way down.

  4. Zach Arnold says:

    There you are – reporting the end of Pride, and bashing UFC. Will you never stop.

    Let’s see… the PRIDE FC WW office staff is fired and office shut down. The main PR guy for PRIDE comes out and says Zuffa screwed the deal up.

    And I’m the one bashing UFC for stating the obvious? Keep finding new and creative way to implicate me as a bad guy here.

    Image is everything in Japan. I perfectly can understand why Pollack fired the PRIDE employees by phone, but that understanding is mainly on a safety level. You cannot deny that UFC’s image has taken a major hit in Japan with the handling of the PRIDE asset sale.

  5. […] a much better English translation, read Zach Arnold’s post at Fight Opinion.   […]

  6. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Zach, you do have to acknowledge that Sasahara and Sakakibara have been badmouthing Zuffa and issuing cross-statements about events ever since the deal was finalized. That’s not good business.

    As in Europe and other places, it can be difficult to lay off people in Japan if the company is going to continue doing business. Shutting down the office may be a way to be rid of someone that in a larger company (Sony for instance) would be given a window seat until they decided to quit or could be retired by the company.

    From that perspective, this could be a good event, if it’s followed up by Zuffa opening a new office dedicated to reviving Pride with some actual competent people (you have to admit, these guys WERE the ones who were piloting the good ship Pride when it sank, not Zuffa).

    However, yeah, my suspicion is that Zuffa has pretty much decided to retire Pride for the time being because the battle is too uphill because the brand is not one that broadcasters or advertisers want to be associated with, even though fans would like to see it come back (particularly the proverbial 30,000 in the US who all have internet access :D).

    They’re apparently having enough trouble trying to expand into the UK, which is a really very good market that’s receptive to the UFC product, but happens to be a place that’s really expensive to do business that brings you lower revenues due to the logistics of holding events there and broadcasting them on a 5 to 8 hour plus delay in the US, or running the PPV at 11AM in California, an equally unappetizing prospect. They’re too expensive to continue running as Spike events too, because the revenues associated with that deal are more conducive to making profits on the UFN shows that I think we can all agree most likely have 1/4 the cost of the average PPV or less, since they’re held in smaller venues, have lower purses, and don’t involve the same kind of elaborate stage show that they’ve been bringing to the UK events.

    I would not be at all surprised to see UFC cut back the number of UK shows to two next year (and that only to keep the brand in people’s minds), and focus more heavily on North America. We all know they’re anxious to get into Canada for some shows, and I’ve heard that they want to do some things down in Mexico too (they’ve been Spanish simulcasting shows for a while now, and you’ll notice that on the latest run of DVDs that are coming out of FirstLook, they have an alternate Spanish language track. You’d have to be blind not to notice that they’ve also been building up a cadre of Mexican-American fighters. It’s hard to appeal to a hispanic audience with lusos and europeans.

  7. MMA Fan says:

    These idiots in the Pride office can thank the mobsters and Sakikabra for this mess… Fishman was bidding 65 million and was going to keep the pride office open..

    These stupid Yukaza. All out of a job and nothing to show for it…. Great move selling to the UFC… IDIOTS.

  8. zenki says:

    It doesnt matter.. No jap mma fans will ever fully support ufc .. Its not gonna happen..Pride was killed and ran through the mud by any and all that could get there grubby mits on it.. Ufc.. Jap Mob.. They have k-1 Hero’s and Deep .. Im not sure how many of you follow deep but I like it.

  9. Richard says:

    I don’t blame Lorenzo for this whole debacle. Dana White is the master behind the puppet, it would be in the best interest of the Ferretta’s to pay off White’s 10% share of Zuffa.

    In the wake of the UFC’s success they can no longer afford to be linked with White’s unprofessional public image. I don’t believe you can name 1 international sport’s president that can get away with what White has done.

  10. Zack says:

    ^^^ Sweet spam!!

  11. Fred says:

    Even if Pollack had fired them face-to-face, nothing would have happened. The Yakuza no longer had an investment in PRIDE, so they wouldn’t care about how PRIDE is disposed of. PRIDE was basically on its death bed months ago.

  12. Jeremy (Not that Jeremy) says:

    MMA Fan,

    Do you really believe that Fishman could have negotiated a new free/basic television deal in Japan for Pride? If he couldn’t, then how do you expect that he would have hosted additional events and retained fighter contracts with no guaranteed television revenue when the company was unable to pay it’s employees (no cash) well before the point where they liquidated?

  13. PizzaChef says:

    Goddamn. Rohan looks like a total mark. And…Well it’s ashame about PRIDE. I should of never wrote articles about them. I just find that my life went downhill since the death of PRIDE. Not a coinsidence. It’s too strange.

  14. MMA Fan says:

    MMA Fan,

    Do you really believe that Fishman could have negotiated a new free/basic television deal in Japan for Pride? If he couldn’t, then how do you expect that he would have hosted additional events and retained fighter contracts with no guaranteed television revenue when the company was unable to pay it’s employees (no cash) well before the point where they liquidated?

    Yes. in Macau. Pride could have run successful for 5 years with out japan, just putting on major events bankrolled by the casinos. As far as Japan TV: His partners were convinced ( Dick Clark) that they would get TV in Japan since they were a clean company, and has sold programming for other shows.

  15. Kev says:

    I don’t believe you can name 1 international sport’s president that can get away with what White has done.

    Bernie Ecclestone.

    Do I get a cookie?

  16. PizzaChef says:

    Bernie Ecclestone? Damn…..Good choice. Don’t forget to add Max Mosley. You would of one 10 internets if you included both. For now, you only get 1 Internets.

  17. Preach says:

    Aha, Richard is Hero’s_JP over at sherdog. Tss, posting the exact same crap at SD and FO, people really used to be more imaginative back in the day…

    So, Dana White is the master behind the puppet? And what puppet would that be exactly? And why in the green hell should Lorenzo Fertitta buy out Dana and fire him? Because he got rid of a money pit? That he terminated something that was dead from the beginning? Seriously, like others have already pointed out, there was absolutely no point in keeping the office open and all these people on the payroll. Without a TV deal in Japan Pride was dead in the water, hell, it was already smelling when they bought the damn thing. It was a mistake to begin with to keep people that used to be working for DSE. These were the same people who were in bed with the Yakuza and were in large parts responsible for sinking the ship. So why keep them if there’s a big chance that they’ll make the same mistakes again or sell you out to the competition?

    And why can’t the UFC afford it anymore to be linked to Dana’s “unprofessional behavior”? Dana’s a character, plain and simple. Let’s face it, this is not politics or financial business. This is sports (entertainment), this is something that’s in the public eye, that’s on TV. You don’t get noticed if you’re bland and boring, you don’t get noticed when you’re like everybody else. In this day and age you have to be a polarizing figure. Take “Survivor”. Do you remember who won Season 1? Season 2? Season 7? Damn, i don’t even know which season they’re in now. But I know Johnny Fairplay. That obnoxious, loudmouthed, curlyhaired little Leprechaun. He’s a character. And people know him, hell, they hate him (That’s why Danny Bonaduce flipped him on his head yesterday). Take Vince McMahon. Same thing. Everyone knows McMahon, cause he’s a loudmouthed obnoxious womanizing creep. Take the movie business. The Weinstein Brothers (Miramax, Dimension Films, The Weinstein Company) are big, fat, arrogant, rude, don’t shy away from using the F-word or punching people in the face. But they’re also very successful, and feared by their competitors. And again: people know them. More than, say, Joe Roth or Jon Peters.

    You can lament all day that Dana’s acting unprofessional – i think he’s not. The Dana that we get to see is the public Dana. The Dana that’s in front of the cameras, the one in the spotlight. We don’t know how he handles business. We don’t know, if he tells a guy he’s negotiating with to “man up and be a fuckin’ fighter, for fucks sake!”. I seriously doubt that he’s behaving the same way that he’s behaving on camera. Now, i don’t think that he’s speaking perfect oxford english and having great manners when he’s working behind the scenes, but he’s most definetely not the ass most people make him out to be.

  18. Preach says:

    “I don’t believe you can name 1 international sport’s president that can get away with what White has done.”

    Yup, Ecclestone for example. And when we look at football (soccer for you yanks) there’s literally dozens and dozens of presidents, managers, coaches that are spewing hate and profanity at each and everyone when something doesn’t work their way. I’ve heard national coaches call the media “fucktards” and “idiots”, i’ve heard club presidents call their coach “asshole”, i’ve seen managers attack players… hell, that’s more or less common practice. And yet theres almost no ruckus in the media. They cover the story, and the next day it’s already forgotten. Sometimes i think you americans are just over-sensitized (Well, you are, hell, you’re bleeping the f-word or pixelating someone flipping the bird…)

  19. Grape Knee High says:

    I don’t think anything that Bernie Ecclestone or Max Mosley has done is remotely comparable to Dana White’s occasional unprofessional behavior.

    Sure, Ecclestone has said some mildly inappropriate things, but hardly to the extent that White has. You certainly never heard Ecclestone go on a public tirade about Michael Schumacher the way White has with Tito. And Mosley might be Bernie’s crony, but I’ve only ever seen him give intelligent, well-thought counterpoints to prevailing opinion. Mosley has certainly always been professional to a tee.

  20. Hawk says:

    All this really does is open the floodgate. If all these former employees don’t latch onto someone with name power to “rebuild PRIDE” under a new name, I’d be very very surprised. There is such a gapping hole in Japanese MMA that no one, not even K-1 seems to want to fill.

    There’s alot of fighters just sitting around, with the biggest being Hidehiko Yoshida, who’s name value alone would most likely be enough to do good business for a period of time against well known opponents. He’s also good enough that it wouldn’t be a Takada situation. He’d probably win some of his fights.

    By the end of the year I expect something to be announced as for a “relaunch” now. I was already expecting it as it was.

  21. D. Capitated says:

    Sure, Ecclestone has said some mildly inappropriate things, but hardly to the extent that White has. You certainly never heard Ecclestone go on a public tirade about Michael Schumacher the way White has with Tito.

    Saying things about Schumi would be out of the question given his place in the sport. On the other hand, saying women belong in the kitchen and not on the track in reference to Danica Patrick is significantly worse than anything Dana’s said. And its hardly the first time he’s courted such controversy.

  22. ColumbiaLou says:

    “It’s hard to appeal to a hispanic audience with lusos and europeans.”
    Amazing. So hispanics will only watch fellow hispanics like Oscar de la Hoya or Roger Huerta and no one calls them racist.

    When the NBA was becoming mostly black in the early 1980’s, there was a question of whether the mostly caucasian audience would continue to watch the NBA. The American media was sending the message that the caucasian audience would continue to watch, because not to watch the black players would mean someone is a racist.

    Zuffa feels that a hispanic audience will only watch UFC if they have hispanic fighters like Huerta. Zuffa must have some data to support this. So why is no MMA journalist asking if American hispanics are racist because they will only watch their own kind?

    It is becoming obvious that the word “racist” only applies to certain groups of people. When other ethnic groups engage in the same type of behavior, no one calls them racist.

  23. fightopinionReader says:

    It can be debated whether the purchase of Pride made sense. That would depend greatly on the purchase price, which is not known. But why is there outrage about laying off employees of a failed business unit? What should Zuffa have done? Continue paying these people to do nothing? Have them work in the US? Give them a touchy feely send off? If I were a Pride employee, I would have had my resume updated months ago. Am I missing something?

  24. Hawk says:

    To the Japanese, when Zuffa bought PRIDE they made a promise to them. They went through all that with the thought that one day, Zuffa would relaunch PRIDE. Doesn’t matter how poorly PRIDE was structured for Zuffa to take over, or if the contracts were transferable. They promised.

    Now they’ve broken that promise, that the Japanese kept hoping for. They now see that PRIDE was simply just gutted and left for dead.

    So basically…to the Japanese fans it boils down to this: Zuffa lied to them.

    In the end, the Japanese fans got nothing from this other then watching PRIDE being ate alive due to their own stupidity and then bought by Zuffa and killed off.

  25. manos says:

    They should just be happy they weren’t all given wakazishi’s to cut themselves open with, because they definitery blinga dishonara to theira name-a with their failures.

  26. Tradition Rules says:

    Its funny, I was just wondering very recently, and again today, when UFC was going to officially close the PRIDE office in Japan…

    I’m not happy by any means, as they were a truely compleate package of production, hype, entertainment and quality fights,…in their prime.

    My wife just returned today from a months stay in Japan visiting her family,…I wish she would have arrived tomorrow instead, as I would love to hear her sister’s family take on this,…they are all puroresu/MMA diehards

    there is no doubt the MMA boom in Japan is over,….and that is a shame. I was quite an entertaining ride!

  27. D. Capitated says:

    Amazing. So hispanics will only watch fellow hispanics like Oscar de la Hoya or Roger Huerta and no one calls them racist.

    Here is a shock: Hispanics turn out in massive tumbers to support their own. Really. They don’t schedule Trinidad and Cotto fights for the weekend of the Puerto Rican Parade in NYC without good reason. They do not have a Tito. They do not have a polarizing figure. They don’t even have anyone that speaks spanish other than Huerta. How are they going to build a base in Mexico, Central America, or in South America (outside Brazil) without even being able to speak the language?

  28. doem says:

    pride aquisition was a good move–

    they bought out completly their only real competitor for a pittance
    who knows how long the whole pride thing would have gone otherwise
    looking at their pay per view numbers it looks like they are already benefitting from it

  29. PizzaChef says:

    Don’t forget Bernie and Max basically sucking up to Ferrari and doing stupid stuff to F1 over the years. Max is a dick…

  30. IceMuncher says:

    The UFC has no way to make money running Pride in Japan, so they close down Pride and fire its employees. Seems logical.

    I’d be bad-mouthing them too if they landed a TV deal, but seeing how they tried and couldn’t, I simply don’t see any other option.

    It’s unlikely a UFC run Pride would have worked anyway. Pride was a hybrid of sporting event and professional wrestling. The UFC is too no-nonsense to give the Japanese fans what they want: larger-than-life freakshow matchups and undefeatable warriors marking their claim to fame over the unconcsious remains of a dozen cans.

  31. dmp says:

    For anyone who worked on the wrong side of a takeover, 6 months is pretty generous amount of time to be paid. Usually they can and fire you really quick.

  32. Grape Knee High says:


    I think Bernie’s persona is that of a curmudgeonly, parsimonious old man. His Danica remark was a bit odd but he betrays his old school roots at times. Regardless of his occasional unPC-ness, he is still seen as a professional businessman with unassailable acumen and sense of timing.

    Dana White on the other hand acts like a boorish thug. He’s just a fanboy with a title and a lot of ugly Affliction shirts, but one who also understands his sport and his fans. But in the end, I don’t think his outward persona is necessarily bad for the sport. Would I like to see him act a little more professionally? Sure. But he’s goddamned entertaining and charismatic just the way he is.


    Being a dick as a businessman, and being a dick as part of your public persona are two different things entirely. Besides, the Bernie and Max’s intention is to put on a good show and keep the F1 machine running smoothly as one of the most popular sports in the world.

    Have they showed Ferrari bias? Sure. Unfortunately for everyone, though, Ferrari IS the heart and soul of F1. And every team knows it. Besides, not every ruling or legislation is pro-Ferrari. The current points structure of 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 was specifically designed to give the other teams a chance to stay in the race for both titles every season during a time when Ferrari was completely dominating in a way that hadn’t been seen since the McLaren-Honda days of the late 80’s/early 90’s.

  33. David says:

    “tentacle rape and bukkake videos?”

  34. PizzaChef says:

    Compared to what Schumacher and Ferrari has done over the years to other teams, they got off lightly. The McLaren decision was bullshit. Sorry but it’s just that all the shit I’ve seen Ferrari done was a load of crap. Austria 2002, saying Michelin’s tyre was illegal in 2003 when all Michelin did was find a loophole, and of course Stephenygate. I don’t like Max and Bernie at all.

    And when McLaren Honda was dominating at least it was exciting. Oh and they had Senna. 😛

  35. Grape Knee High says:

    I definitely agree that Ferrari is held to a different standard than anyone else. That Schumi Rascasse incident was a total farce. I remember he was sent to the back of the grid, but if I’m remembering correctly, he still won a few points. On the other hand, I thought Alonso’s blocking of Hamilton in the pits during qualifying was much less offensive than what Schumi did, but he and McLaren both lost their potential points.

    It’s always a circus in F1. 🙂

  36. Rohan says:

    Zach & whoever called me a ‘mark’ – I apologise. I thought the irony would be noticed.

    I was actually complementing you on a) foreseeing the death of Pride (twice), b) being right about UFC’s failure to grasp the way of doing things in Japan, and c) foreseeing the failure of UFC to be able to run Pride as a working entity. All at the same time as being bashed for being anti-Pride and anti-UFC.

    I promise to spell out everything in blindly obvious language at all times in the future.

    I still think it was a funny thing to do firing those Japanese twats over the phone – anyone associated with Hustle deserves nothing less.

  37. DRP says:

    R.I.P. PRide, best orginization ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  38. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    ColumbiaLou said:
    When the NBA was becoming mostly black in the early 1980’s, there was a question of whether the mostly caucasian audience would continue to watch the NBA. The American media was sending the message that the caucasian audience would continue to watch, because not to watch the black players would mean someone is a racist.

    Well, that question is still out there, actually. Particularly in Boston, it’s a topic of occasional discussion. Celtics attendance declined significantly when there were no white stars on the team. Whether that was the sole cause, or whether it was that the team just sucked ass is up for discussion.

    I do know that now, 15 years later, there’s plenty of evidence that the team is able to sell a lot of tickets even based on the suspicion that they might play well this year. Kevin Garnett is the biggest thing to happen to that team in a decade, and season tickets were being gobbled up at an insane rate.

    I’m still not watching, but that’s because I don’t like to watch basketball. To many play stoppages. There’s no reason that a 48 minute game should take two to three hours to show on television. I feel the same way about gridiron football. I just have better things to do with my time. Like watching paint dry.

  39. D.Capitated says:

    Another item about how the Basketball/MMA comparison is flawed: Basketball was already an ingrained sport among suburban whites. MMA is not an ingrained sport anywhere outside perhaps Japan, and especially not in Mexico where events are still a recent occurance. The question is getting people to watch in the first place, and that’s a far different issue.

  40. tulseluper says:

    Grape Knee High:

    “I don’t think anything that Bernie Ecclestone or Max Mosley has done is remotely comparable to Dana White’s occasional unprofessional behavior.

    Sure, Ecclestone has said some mildly inappropriate things, but hardly to the extent that White has. You certainly never heard Ecclestone go on a public tirade about Michael Schumacher the way White has with Tito. And Mosley might be Bernie’s crony, but I’ve only ever seen him give intelligent, well-thought counterpoints to prevailing opinion. Mosley has certainly always been professional to a tee.”

    Mosley recently referred to Jackie Stewart as a “certified half wit”. Compare and contrast to Dana White’s “Tito is a complete and total moron”….

  41. PrintShopPunisher says:

    I think this whole debacle is a chaos… Dana White is a greedy bastard, and should be reminded that UFC was nothing back when Pride was in its prime.. Lets face it UFC is going to be good now because all of the talent he brought in from Pride. Finiancially he cant handle it and had to shut it down.. I think if he brought it back to life that it will be equal or just better cause of its attraction and atmosphere. Pride was a great organization and shouldnt have been shut down.

    The blame is all on Dana White for turning his back on the Japanese and not caring about getting the UFC over to Japan. I think he needs to rethink this with is appointed advisors and bring it back so that the UFC and Pride Oraganizaiton can rule side by side and make MMA a legendary sport. The fans would have love to seen a super bowl of mixed martial arts and could have easily out showed the NFL superbowl. but its aint going to happen unless they quit being morons.


    Dana white doesnt know anything about mixed martial arts.
    and his head looks like a boiled egg.

  42. CageFightingKip says:

    There is some racist crap going on here..

    Firing over the phone for personal safety? from who…Fertitta? (Mafia) Sakakibara? (Yakuza) or those extremely violent Japanese…(around 40 murders annually for the whole country my hometown of Vallejo, Ca. pop-120k had 44 in ’94) If I was Dana White I prolly woulda done the same, maybe he actually tried to revive Pride but I am sure he wasn’t sweating to much over it…

    Hispanics only coming to see hispanics etc? – So f***ing what? Irish Americans come out to support Irish fighters, Croats come out for Cop, I don’t think there are a ton of “Brown” people who come out for any “Brown” fighter and all of these people generally will watch someone they like regardless of race, religion, etc…

    one race does it i’ts ok / another is racist? White people must be the subject, well I have a little advantage here being half Irish half Filipino and being able to sit at the dinner tables of both sides of the family? White people hold a lot of resources, land, corp positions, etc from years of Manifest Destiny, Slavery, Forceful Colonization, etc.. (A black lady in the south has recently proved some company whose owner is an heir to her ancestors slavemasters fortune did so by way of Slavery, cheap labor keep all the profits in a nutshell)…My dad holds a high position in a local city dept. he can hire, fire etc. Being born in 50 he was raised to think that Blacks were less valuable in society (whites only restaurant, back of the bus, separate drinking fountains, etc) although he may not see it, he says he likes Black People but hates N*****s, I explain to him that as being seen as a Mexican (even tho I am half filipino / irish) most of the racism I encounter is from punk ass white people, anyways he doesn’t think he is racist or see how his remarks like blak hate N***ers can subconsciously affect decisions such as hiring (which can really f**k with someones life)…I love both sides of the family and don’t like it when people generalize about White people either but I here way more racist s**t when at the Dinner table of the White side of my family as compared to the Brown side…

    cont. because of this minorities feel a little more of a need for someone to put on a pedestal, idolize, whatever…

    I remember the stereotype of Mexicans being lazy when growing up (prolly comes from that nap people in Spain and Mexico take in the afternnoon, can’t remeber the name of it) but now as a 30 year old man I see all these amigos busting their ass at 2 or 3 jobs or an all day job like Grape picking, send some $ back to their families (who are prolly suffering because some American company came into their area for cheap labor, lax environmental restrictions, milked the area for its natural and personell resources and then up and left the place to shit) and you want to sweat them because they come out in mass for Lame Tito Ortiz? You really think they don’t watch and admire guys like Randy too? then you are f***ing stupid…..

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