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10/1 CSAC news & notes

By Zach Arnold | October 1, 2007

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According to the CSAC, the following fighters tested negative for anabolics, masking agents, diuretics, and drugs of abuse: Matt Wiman, Michihiro Omigawa, Christian Wellisch, Scott Junk, Jeremy Stephens, and Diego Saraiva.

Strangely enough, after receiving the latest news from the CSAC, a press release came into our mailbox from New Era Fighting, announcing a $500 million USD lawsuit against the CSAC.

Here’s the press release.

New Era Fighting files $500-million claim against California State Athletic Commission

SANTA ANA, California (October 1, 2007) – New Era Fighting (NEF) has filed a state regulated claims form to the State of California, initiating a $500,000,000 lawsuit against the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC), individuals Armando Garcia (CSAC Executive Director) and Frank Munoz (CSAC Staff Services Analyst), as well as the State’s Department of Consumer Affairs, NEF president Ron Kort announced today.

The lawsuit is the result of the CSAC’s cease and desist order, issued only minutes prior to NEF’s much publicized scheduled tryouts July 19 in Montebello, which forced the cancellation of NEF’s tryouts. The CSAC claimed Kort wasn’t a licensed promoter despite having approved his application, awarding him a promoter’s license, and cashed his renewal check ($1000) for 2007 (copies available upon request).

NEF is in the process of launching possibly the largest suit in California history against the aforementioned parties for loss of revenues (past, present and future), film production, media exposure, credibility, television show, venue deposits, fighters and opportunity costs.

Kort believes the State is responsible, “due to a pattern and practice by the California State Athletic Commission of intentionally, willfully and viciously interfering with a licensed and approved event, which effected and injured New Era Fighting in the same or similar fashion as other mixed martial arts promoters, managers and fighters.”

“Many witnesses have come forth offering to testify about many purported illegal acts in mixed martial arts by the California State Athletic Commission,” Kort said. “The support I’ve received from so many others who have gotten screwed over by this commission has been overwhelming. I look forward to my day in court.”

NEF is a mixed martial arts fighting organization that combines the raw brutality of mixed martial arts with entertaining, sexy and dramatic themes. For more information about NEF call 714.973.3053 or 714.448.9999.

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Bob Trieger
Full Court Press
[email protected]

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “10/1 CSAC news & notes”

  1. MMA Game says:

    That last paragraph is possibly the dumbest MMA related thing I’ve ever read.

  2. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    That’s kind of weird. Sounds like they tested everyone on the undercard :/

  3. manos says:

    If there’s one thing I don’t want combined with MMA it’s “sexy themes.”

  4. Boco_T says:

    That’s just the results that came out today. They tested everyone they just haven’t got the other 12 results back yet.

  5. SamScaff says:

    Hahaha. I’m all for the “raw brutality of mma” (i guess), but I dont know about those “entertaining, sexy and dramatic themes.”

    For a second there I actually gave a shit about their lawsuit.

  6. Just another MMA mark says:

    Nothing will ever come of this lawsuit.

    Very hard to present clear evidence to prove “loss damages”, and the details are too vague.

  7. ilostmydog says:

    The CSAC can’t handle entertaining, sexy, and dramatic themes. BTW, some are saying that this Kort dude did have a promoter’s license and whatnot, but it wasn’t for the NEF, hence them shutting him down. Just a rumor at this point though.

  8. D. Capitated says:

    Isn’t the NEF Kimo’s organization that was supposed to mix MMA and pro wrestling angles or something?

  9. David says:

    Interesting, keep us posted 🙂 Thanks

  10. This could be interesting … the CSAC has been accused of fucking over lots of people and doing a good amount of shady shit. I don’t think the guys running it are the smartest lightbulbs in the house, and if they really did what NEF said they did and NEF has the proof, they could be in trouble. At the very least one would hope this pushes out that doof Garcia

  11. LR says:

    It will probably be a train of witnesses, so it is possible that something may come of it.

  12. […] a lot of stupid press releases, but the one they released yesterday is actually pretty interesting: they’re suing the CSAC for (insert Dr Evil smirk) 500 million dollars.The lawsuit is the result of the CSAC’s cease and desist order, issued only minutes prior to […]


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