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WEC 9/5 Las Vegas

By Zach Arnold | September 5, 2007

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All links, spoilers, and thoughts on the show go here. Show starts at 9 PM EST/6 PM PST on The Versus Network.

Topics: Media, MMA, WEC, Zach Arnold | 18 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

18 Responses to “WEC 9/5 Las Vegas”

  1. Jeff Hamlin says: will be blogging. Should be a good show.

  2. says:

    Just thought I’d throw out the news the WEC announced today of the next live event being December 12th headlined by a featherweight title fight between Urijah Faber and Jeff Curan. Another 15 live shows will be broadcast on Versus as well.

    More on

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    That is a very good fight.

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    Shame on Zuffa and Billington’s management for allowing that fight. The size difference between Stann & Billington was pathetic. Billington wouldn’t even be a big Middleweight.

  5. Pramit says:

    Read Jeff’s live-blog of the event and comment as he posts results!

  6. I vastly prefer the production of these WEC events to the normal UFC events on Spike and PPV. I don’t know how much independence Versus has in the broadcast, but it’s superior. Much more sophisticated; seems to pander less to the cherished 18-34 demo that is obviously catered to in the Spike and PPV broadcasts. Also, Mir is a pretty good colour guy – wouldn’t mind seeing Zuffa do away with the talking head that is Mike Goldberg and see what Rogan and Mir can do together.

    Also like the smaller cage and smaller crowd. Kind of reminds me of some Shooto fight at Korakuen Hall or something, minus all the drunk bastards. And Americans.

  7. Wow, this Rani dude can roll.

  8. 45 Huddle says:

    Herb Dean with another bad stoppage…. Crunkilton was still going for a takedown when he stopped that fight. Not sure if it would have changed much though….

  9. His stoppage was legitimate. What was Rich going to do, slap on the Razor’s Edge? He was rocked twice already.

  10. catch says:

    Amazing show, WEC has really been stepping it up. As for the stoppage, I think it was legitimate given how many times Crunkilton went out in such a short period, even if he has great recovery time it can be dangerous to get knocked out repeatedly in a short period of time. Heck, even in boxing they generally stop a fight if you go down 3 times in a round.

  11. 45 Huddle says:

    Yeap. I watched it again, and it was legit.

  12. ksett says:

    cleat is a tough s.o.b. and he may have been able to continue. being from FTL i’ve followed his fights and my 1st UFC fight live at the arena was his wit franca, that said the ref has to stop the fight if he thinks the fighter can no longer defend. i think cleat could defend but i’m not faulting dean for his decision.

  13. catch says:

    I’m from FTL too ksett 🙂 I wouldn’t have objected to the fight continuing either, but I just don’t think it was a bad decision by Herb, it’s a hard job, and the goal is to protect the fighters. Cleat will come back strong from this, though. He should beat mostly anybody outside the top 10.

  14. m.d. says:

    Fascinating night.

    Bedard-Torres was straight Gracie-in-Action BJJ vs. wrestling

    Yahya-Beebe was the modern version. Sick sub grappler who identifies every transition in every position in a microsecond versus a good wrestler who drills his sub escapes hard and has cardio for ages.

    Stann is a decent prospect. Big, strong and powerful, albeit rigid and untested on the ground.

    …and the spirit of Noah Inhofer was hovering over the cage…

  15. steve24 says:

    The next live event is on Versus in December but we got several reports of WEC events before December.

  16. Jack says:

    Could someone please explain to me how the headbutt by Bryan Baker on Jesse Forbes is now legal? When the replay of the tactic was not shown or asked about again, I don’t know it it’s being covered up or if I (along with the WEC commentators) just didn’t have a good viewing angle.

  17. LR says:

    I disagree with the comment about Herb Dean’s stoppage. He’s been getting a lot of flack for being a good referee. He’s always in the tough situation of preserving a fighter’s health over the actual fight itself, and his stoppages have been warranted.

    Crunkilton flat out got rocked, then played the “hop to my feet and get rocked again” game. He was hit repeatedly, and in the last exchange, his hands were down, he was obviously gassed from taking the huge blows, and had no concentration in blocking any of the punches. McCullough was just laying combos into his face. The fight was over before he even hit the ground for the last time, he was defenseless.

    Highlight of the night was Mazzagatti sporting the ear to ear pornstar stache.

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