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Thursday trash talk: Jay Glazer is not welcome in Kentucky
By Zach Arnold | August 29, 2007

When I was 13 years old, asking for secret sauce meant the mystery dipping condiment with your french fries. Now, secret sauce has a whole new meaning for 13 year olds. (Hat tip: Mikeinformer.) More reaction to this story can be found here. Plus, more discussion about steroids and UFC fighters.
How MMA’s popularity is changing street fighting.
It is interesting to see Apy Echteld talking about Fedor negotiations. Echteld is Fedor’s manager in Holland (and promoter of 2H2H events), while Vadim Finkelstein is the primary backer of Red Devil. Here’s a flashback regarding Apy.
MMA super smart-mark and Elite XC commentator Jay Glazer is in a lot of hot water over comments he made about Kentucky. You know it’s not a good day when you have to start your column with this line: “First, despite the headline, I do not think the state of Kentucky is the pits.” To give Jay credit, he always comes across as a good sport about all-things MMA and he has an interesting news item about Randy Couture in his latest column:
When the UFC heavyweight champion Randy “The Natural” Couture dominated Gabriel Gonzaga on Saturday night to defend his title, it took all of about five minutes for a coach in the NFL to ask me if I knew Randy and if I could hook him up with the champ to have him come in and talk to the team. Then by the next morning, another coach called. Three days later, a player called then another coach called.
I found it amazing that throughout my training camp tour, all these players, coaches, front office types and even equipment people wanted to talk about was mixed martial arts. It used to be where I’d go to camp and get asked a million football questions while watching practice. Now, I get 999,990 MMA questions and 10 football queries.
So far, so good regarding no one failing their UFC 74 drug tests.
Dan Severn was interviewed on Fight Network Radio yesterday (audio here).
Mauro Ranallo and Frank Trigg will be the commentators for this Saturday’s Art of War PPV event from Dallas, TX.
Will we get to see Don Frye vs. Josh Barnett on 9/8 in Nagoya for the Inoki Genome Federation show? Count me in as interested.
This is a fantastic comment about what is happening now when you see various MMA companies becoming “publicly-traded.” A great summary. Apparently, there are more public offerings coming (like this). Just look at the financials.
I can’t give a high-enough recommendation for you to read Bryan Alvarez’s newsletter this week.
Matt Hughes is starting his own gym in St. Louis. More details here.
An interview with Cung Le.
Onto today’s headlines.
- Komikazee: MMA Smackdown #38 w/ Pedro Rizzo
- Fox Sports: Video – Dan Henderson eyes Rampage
- Boxing Scene: Is there too much pound-for-pound?
- The Hartford Courant: Floyd Mayweather Jr. has plans to hang out with Mark Cuban and Wayne Newton
- Fightlinker: Josh Barnett is putting on a show
- Prophet Fighting: Jeff Monson stirs the pot on steroids
- MMA Analyst: The Sean Sherk Chronicles – in-depth look at his appeal
- The Olympian (WA): Rampage on race
- Grapple Monkey: Satoko Shinashi pitches my tent
- The Guam Pacific Daily NEws: Islands’ efforts bear fruit
- Sherdog: Pro Elite signs multi-million dollar investment deal with South Korea’s SpiritMC
- The Newark Star-Ledger: Dan Henderson ready to prove he’s best at Light Heavyweight
- UFC HP: Marcus David – “The Irish Hand Grenade” is back
- The Winnipeg Sun: Promoter Tony Condello trying to line up Chuck Liddell and GSP for appearances at the Winnipeg Convention Centre next Friday
- The Sun Herald (MS): Stephan Bonnar to appear at Alan Belcher’s Remix Martial Arts gym grand re-opening
Topics: Boxing, Canada, Japan, Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Pro-Wrestling, Zach Arnold | 35 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
Grapplemonkey dude, wherever you are, Shinashi has a series of semi-nude picture books out.
What makes Jay Glazer a mark? He’s actually fought MMA professionally.
Mark isn’t always a negative term – you can call someone a mark (for being a sucker) or a “smart mark,” it’s interchangeable carny language. Of course you would know this, your name is K. Fabe. 🙂
“I’m a mark for wrestling.” = “I’m a fan of wrestling.” Positive.
“That guy is such a mark.” = “That guy is such a sucker.” Negative.
“He’s a smart mark for MMA.” = “He’s a fan of MMA.” Not really negative.
Jordan, linkage please? I’ve only seen this picture:
There’s a couple from her site.
You may be able to find some on her blog, http://blog.shinashi.com/ . Most of the time thought, it’s just pictures of artistic looking food, and her sitting on a bunch of random big ass sumo wrestlers.
LOL, jesus christ, she is destroying people in that video.
Thanks Jordan 🙂
The Japanese fighters’ blogs are always great source of entertainment
So, Babalu has been fired. I don’t blame Dana. Hopoefully Babalu will realize that that crap the Brazilians pull in Brazil and at their tournaments, isn’t part of civilized behavior. I enjoyed watching him and would like to see him with some other organization.
Firing him might look harsh, but it shows that Dana might smart up about the public image of MMA by making a statement here. Unfortunately Dana will probably mention this absolutely everywhere for a few days now, instead of just quietly letting him go and stopping at that. He can’t resist thumping his own chest.
Excerpt from the MMA Torch article about Parisyan and Franca:
“Fate would intervene, however, when Parisyan was injured shortly before his scheduled bout with then-champion Hughes at UFC 56. Parisyan had to pull out of the fight…
Just a bump in the road for Parisyan, right? Well, not really…
Now there’s at least the winner of Koscheck/St. Pierre in front of the Armenian. Almost two years have passed, and Parisyan is no closer to his lost title shot than he was when he fought Nick Thompson.
So the lesson learned for any UFC title contender is that you don’t pull out of a title fight unless you really can’t go. Do whatever you have to in order to fight, but you’ve got to fight.”
While I said before that I think holding a blood choke is a minor infraction (and I still do think so), I have no problem with the UFC releasing Babalu. It was inevitable. Guy gets arrested and makes the news, and now holds a choke for too long intentionally? See ya.
A no tolerance policy would help keep the sport clean of thugs. To that effect, I also see nothing wrong with White trumpeting about this for a while. No point making an example of someone and then not making everyone aware of it (especially the fighters).
Funny that White mentioned that if Babalu held an arm or leg longer, it would have been worse than a choke. Anyone see the Mir/Hardonk fight? Mir held that kimura for way too long as well. But to his credit, he walked over to Hardonk and apologized for it afterwards.
Here’s a suggestion: why not just say “he’s a fan of MMA” so the rest of us non-carny/rasslin’ folks can play along.
UFC 75 Conference Call notes:
Apparently what Babalu did is a more serious offense than testing positive for steroids…
Not so much. He can still work, just not for UFC.
But yeah, taking actions with the intent to seriously injure someone with the potential to cause permanent brain damage is a little worse than shoving a needle in your own ass.
I really enjoyed the Dan Severn interview. People should check it out if they haven’t.
“# Jeremy (not that Jeremy) Says:
August 30th, 2007 at 11:07 am
Not so much. He can still work, just not for UFC.
But yeah, taking actions with the intent to seriously injure someone with the potential to cause permanent brain damage is a little worse than shoving a needle in your own ass.”
There wasn’t an intent to seriously damage Heath, just to humiliate him.
The potential to cause permanent damage?
The potential for it so minor, it shouldn’t even be mentioned.
Don’t over-exaggerate.
Oh come on now. He didn’t intend to seriously injure heath. And getting choked like that isn’t likely to cause brain damage. I’ve been choked out dozens of times and i’m perfectly foinoihnddjf[.sdj
“I really enjoyed the Dan Severn interview. People should check it out if they haven’t.”
What am I missing? where is the interview?
Never mind…I found it…see, I have been choked out a few times in practice and this is what happens.
The Parisyan/Franca point is pure BS….
1. He wasn’t even the #1 contender at the time of his title shot. GSP was.
2. Hermes Franca was GUARANTEED to still have his title shot if he pulled out of his title fight.
I love people with their BS ideas of how things actually went down.
On another topic, Dana White completely bashed Josh Barnett on the conference call. And rightfully so. The guy is using his win over Couture that happened over 5 years ago and trying to make a name of himself in the US for it. Not to mention that he GOT BUSTED FOR ROIDS DURING THAT FIGHT. And he isn’t even the lineal UFC Heavyweight Champion, so he really has no point. Lastly, Barnett completely screwed over Zuffa by leaving as Champion. Nothing worse then a roid boy talking smack. And the people saying: “This is great Pro Wrestling smack talk” have no clue what they are talking about. The Internet as a promotion tool fails 99.9% of the time. It does not mirror reality and drawing power in the real world.
One last point on Parisyan….
One point left out is that he LOST a fight since coming back. That knocked him down the ladder. And any legit ranking has him ranked #7 in the world…. That would be behind: Serra, GSP, Hughes, Koscheck, Fitch, & Sanchez…. And it could be #8 if you want to have BJ Penn as a Welterweight. So he deserves nothing in terms of a title shot. Nada…..
I think the ultimate justice for those of us who don’t like Barnett and Brock Lesnar’s type of self-promotion would be their not being signed by any big organization. If they come into the UFC and fight, then whether they win or lose, they still get the last laugh, because their hype got them signed and made them money.
Maybe, if they were signed and went on huge losing streaks, it would be another story. But I doubt that would happen in either case.
Barnett beat the UFC champ. It’s a perfect segway to another UFC rematch, much like Horn/Liddell. Jeremy Horn would’ve NEVER gotten a title shot if Liddell wasn’t the champ and they couldn’t play up the rematch/revenge angle. Barnett is an elite HW and would be in title contention even without that angle.
If Shogun won the LHW title, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did the same with Babalu. I also wouldn’t be surprised if the reason why Chonnan is getting looked at or possibly signed is due to the win over Anderson Silva. It certainly isnt due to the Hendo/Baroni losses.
He beat Randy Couture while on roids. Just because the NSAC didn’t have the ability to take away the win at the time… It still basically negates the entire fight…. in fact, it is even suspect to call Barnett a former UFC Champion.
Therefore, there is no story line for a rematch.
Considering Joe Rogan spent the Babalu fight raging about how fantastic Barnett is, and his *win* over Couture has been constantly promoted by the UFC this summer I’d say the storyline is most certainly there.
One UFC special and you’ll be back on the wagon.
Regardless, since you always site the Wrestling Observer as a source for all your info, haven’t you paid attention this whole time when Meltzer has been saying drug tests in MMA are more IQ tests than actual drug tests?
Since you know EXACTLY the day you’re going to piss on, most dudes cycle off in time. Those who test positive have trace amounts and try to say they’ll retest a week later and will piss clean.
Monson & Jeremy Horn have both said in radio interviews in this past week that 75% + of dudes are using.
Well, there’s Joe and there’s Dana.
Dana’s shown that he’ll hate on fighters one day and the next day have them under contract though, so who the hell knows.
I wonder if Dana intends to sign Kurt Angle as well. It was my understanding that he offered Lesnar a shot at him in an MMA fight after that IGF ballet.
Lesnar: In jail for not receiving steroids in the mail 😀
Zack, Monson also argued that steroids should be legal using the most tortured and incorrect logic that I’ve ever heard in my life (that because right now, the guys who make the most money can afford steroids, while the lower level guys can’t, making steroids legal in MMA would therefore level the playing field…yeah).
“1. He wasn’t even the #1 contender at the time of his title shot. GSP was.”
Not true. The public statements at the time were that GSP needed one more win.
“2. Hermes Franca was GUARANTEED to still have his title shot if he pulled out of his title fight.”
Not true. Franca was told when he tried to pull out of the fight on multiple occasions that “his fight could not be rescheduled” , which either says outright or at least implies that he could have gotten the Parisyan treatment if he had pulled out. Of course, that doesn’t excuse his use of steroids, nor am I trying to say that it does.
“Since you know EXACTLY the day you’re going to piss on, most dudes cycle off in time. Those who test positive have trace amounts and try to say they’ll retest a week later and will piss clean.”
Exactly. It’s more of an IQ test than a drug test when you know the date of the test ahead of time.
I’ll never be on the Barnett bandwagon. The guy irks me the wrong way. And he might have all you marks raving for him… But the guy has no appeal in the US. I remember at UFC 34 when he beat Hoffman. He tried to cut a promo after the fight, and there were crickets in the audience. I know MMA wasn’t as hot then, but even marginal fighters at least got a cheer after their fights. Barnett could barely get a whimper.
Sorry, but chubby guys with saggy boobs, a whiney voice, and a cocky attitude will never get over in the US Market. I know that sounds harsh, but that is the reality of Barnett’s appeal to the mainstream market once they see him compete once.
Zack… Even if every fight takes roids…. Barnett has been busted. The majority of fighters have not been. That is the truth of the matter. We can speculate all we want, but only the guys who have actually failed the piss tests should be held accountable. He is a cheater. Plain and simple. If I hear Sherk’s appeal, and it is BS…. I will say the same thing about him. And we aren’t talking about a Jason Giambi here who was humble after being outed and did everything to get the fans back on his side. We are talking about a guy who wants to BRAG about fights he won while on the juice. That is rather pathetic.
As for Lesnar… He is a completely different story. That guy have big PPV buys written all over him. He’s got the look. He’s
Interesting comments by Barnett from MMA Weekly:
“Asked if the UFC has made him a serious offer, Barnett replied, “Not in my opinion, certainly not in my opinion…… ” “Don’t insult them by making a very patronizing offer and act like we’re all that there is and you need us.”
****Insult you? Isn’t it more insulting to win a title…. Try to extort money beyond what a company has or threaten to leave?
“It’s more of their whole UFC propaganda notion in that things that happened before the Spike TV explosion didn’t really happen. I beat him. I took him out by TKO in under two rounds, and that’s the truth of the matter. It wasn’t that Randy was a bad fighter, or anything like that. I was the better person that night, and I know if we were to fight again I strongly believe that I’m still the better fighter.”
****Taking credit for a win while on the juice (and caught). Real classy. How about stating the TRUTH that you won by breaking the law in this country.
“I’ve been here from the beginning, not to mention, they have a title reign that has never been taken off of me. I left the UFC. No matter what, [Andrei] Arlovski never beat me for that belt, neither did Ricco [Rodriguez], neither did [Tim] Sylvia, for sure, and then Randy just comes out of retirement and steps in and gets an automatic title shot. Fine.”
Want to talk linear titles? Fedor Emelianenko is the linear Pride & UFC Heavyweight Champion.
Come on Zack Arnold… You complain about Dana White and the ZUFFA MYTH and the STEROID SCANDAL all the time. Yet there is a fighter who is blatantly full of crap, spreading lies…. And you don’t even do one in-depth piece of it. And you can’t play this off as Barnett cutting a promo. If you want to pass this off as that, then why not pass of Dana White interview’s as the same to promote his show?
“I’ll never be on the Barnett bandwagon. ”
I didn’t say you’d be on the Barnett bandwagon, but since you like all things UFC, I’m sure if they did a buildup to UFC 87: REVENGE!!! and it was Randy vs Barnett, you’d be on board.
And since he rubs you the wrong way (notice he’s one of those love him or hate him dudes), you’ll probably pay to see your hero (aka whoever UFC pushes at the time) fight him.
“Sorry, but chubby guys with saggy boobs, a whiney voice, and a cocky attitude will never get over in the US Market. ”
There you go jumping at the first chance to analyze another mans body again.
“Even if every fight takes roids…. Barnett has been busted. The majority of fighters have not been. That is the truth of the matter. We can speculate all we want, but only the guys who have actually failed the piss tests should be held accountable.”
Okay, then stop judging every “Pride fighter” who hasn’t failed a drug test. You’ve been going on and on about ever since the Sherk/Franca thing broke.
Even during Barnett’s UFC run, I couldn’t stand him. I buy every UFC PPV anyways, so whether he is on it or not would not influence my purchase. And if he fought for another organization, I likely would not purchase the event. Then again, neither would anybody else above the 30,000 buy amount.