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Phil Baroni suspended by the CSAC

By Zach Arnold | July 3, 2007

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And here I’ve been talking to people today on the phone who say that MMA doesn’t have a major drug culture…

Phil has been suspended for allegedly taking two types of steroids (including boldenone, which a horse steroid that strangely seems popular with MMA fighters).

MMA Weekly has reaction from Baroni’s camp.

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, StrikeForce, Zach Arnold | 15 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

15 Responses to “Phil Baroni suspended by the CSAC”

  1. Mike says:

    Well, the dude HAS long been known as “Steroni.”

  2. JThue says:

    No wonder they don’t have time to learn leg-lock defense at Hammerhouse when everybody’s busy at the pharmasist all the time. Ah well, at least Coleman is off his, and Randleman sure looked thin at IGF the other day. Hey, perhaps the torch has been fully passed to the new generation!

    Hammerhouse… Tour de France… Hammerhouse… Tour de France…

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    The curse of the Pro Elite Continues. Shows they are associated this continue to have major issues.

    1. Phil Baroni – Steroids
    2. Johnnie Morton – Steroids
    3. Antonio Silva – Tumor that effects growth
    4. Hong Man Choi – Tumor that effects growth
    5. Royce Gracie – Steroids

    That’s a lot for such a short time period.

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    And I forgot Carter Williams for Cocaine.

  5. Clint says:

    MMA News has Baroni’s Manager’s comments on the situation here:

  6. Torgo says:

    Wow, TWO kinds of steroids. That can’t be safe, right?

  7. Jonathan says:

    Baroni lost in the ring. I really believe that steroids hurt your chances of winning a fight.

  8. JThue says:

    45 Huddle’s apparent smear campaign continues.

    – Royce fought for UFC last year, and may very well have tested positive then if there had been steroid testing in place.
    – Silva & Choi’s situations are way too special and borderline(on whether or not a given commission would allow them to fight) to blame PE in any way.
    – Morton, Choi and Royce were FEG bookings, and Baroni & Williams Strikeforce. Pro Elite’s list from these shows(test failures and withdrawees) actually reads Tim Persey, Charles Bennett and Antonio Silva, altough Williams may also be ‘eligible’. Split over two shows they’ve actually not had more problems than UFC, really, not least when taken into account that CA tests all fighters, and these were back-to-back shows in CA(Persey and Williams would have had good odds of not being tested in NV, for instance).

    On one side you have two out of six main event fighters over two shows testing positive, plus another withdrawn pre-show – which does indeed look bad – , but on the other, none of those(Gracie, Baroni, Choi) were Pro-Elite-fighters.

  9. klown says:

    How do these guys think they’ll get away with steroid use when California tests all fighters?

  10. 45 Huddle says:

    I wouldn’t call it a smear campaign. And I never said the shows were run by Pro Elite. My point is that if Pro Elite puts it’s stamp of approval on the show, it has its issues.

  11. D. Capitated says:

    I’m wondering what major US commission would allow a fighter with a tumor to fight? I can see a place like Tennessee or an indian casino doing it because they don’t require MRIs, but otherwise?

  12. MMA Fan says:

    tHIS IS CLASSIC: contacted Baroni’s manager Ken Pavia, who gave the following statement: “While we respect the process and intent of the tests, we are disappointed with the results as they are completely unexpected. Phil did not knowingly ingest these drugs, which we are told are veterinary in nature. “

    LOL. So what, Baroni accidentally ate his dogs kibble? Maybe chewed laced raw hide? so his “manager claims. They must think we are all stupid FN people. And worse when they deny it they come off as total liars insulting our intelligence. When Tim Sylvia got caught he manned up and admitted it, I respect that, these bull shit denials, are a joke.


    Heres my message to ALL FIGHTERS: Watch the news. Look what they are doing to WWE over Steroids. If you care about MMA you will do everything possible to keep that kind of publicity away from the sport. If you won’t give us that much, GET OUT OF THE SPORT.

  13. D. Capitated says:

    Can someone please explain to me why MMA continuously gets compared to the WWE in terms of the use of steroids, and not the seemingly hundreds of other sports that have very publicized issues with them? Apart from BS about RINGS/UWFi that has no meaning outside a single island based nation in Asia.

  14. Oltmann says:

    Athletes get caught for boldenone because it has a very long detectable life, up to 5 months.

    Additionally, there is a “legal” prohormone on the market that the body metabolizes into boldenone and boldenone metabolites:

    So it could be that athletes still think, “If it is available OTC, it is okay.”

  15. says:

    This was surprising but not nearly as surprising as Gracie testing positive. Doubt he’ll ever get another shot in the UFC now but he still could clean his act up.


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