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UFC 71 Open Discussion

By Zach Arnold | May 26, 2007

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Someone claims that Comcast is having trouble handling orders for the UFC 71 event. Is this true?

Dana White claims that the PRIDE asset sale has been finalized.

Topics: Media, MMA, PRIDE, UFC, Zach Arnold | 29 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

29 Responses to “UFC 71 Open Discussion”

  1. xx2000xx says:

    Talk about impressive. On the front page of they have a poll asking:

    “Which Memorial Day Weekend Sporting Event Are You Looking Forward To The Most”

    Here are the results with 28,520 votes so far.

    Nextel Cup Series At Charlotte = 9%
    Indianapolis 500 = 11%
    NBA Conference Finals = 31%
    UFC: Liddell Vs. Jackson = 37%
    Stanley Cup Finals Game 1 = 12%

  2. PizzaChef says:

    Stanley Cup Finals are on Monday….of course they should of been over long ago ¬.¬ fucking Gary Bettman…

  3. Kev says:

    Jackson vs. Liddell winner to face Hendo next. hmm, that opens a can of worms.

  4. PizzaChef says:

    I thought Leben won 2 rounds to 1. Kalib is class. And Houston…Some guy called him the Sokoudjou of the UFC. But goddamn what a debut…But this sucks bad for my fantasy fight. 🙁

  5. Zach Arnold says:

    The Jardine loss is a bad one for UFC. Sure, they will insert Henderson into the mix, but Jardine was a ‘homegrown’ talent.

  6. PizzaChef says:

    So….is Karo’s new nickname “Borat”?

  7. PizzaChef says:

    How about: Karo: Cultural Learnings of Judo for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Armenia

  8. CapnHulk says:

    I love watching Karo fight.

  9. CapnHulk says:

    Who knew it would happen that fast?!

  10. PizzaChef says:

    People are saying “all of the black fighters won today” and it was like a sign. Yeah like race has to do with anything. Pfft.

  11. David says:

    Chuck has got to get some real boxing training. He left his hand down for like 5 seconds after throwing that body shot, just begging to get hit in the face.

  12. 45 Huddle says:

    A very good PPV. I wasn’t expecting much, but it was really fun to watch.

    Starns/Leben & Parisyan/Burkman were very good fights.

    I don’t blame Big John McCarthy for that stoppage of the Din Thomas fight. I thought he tapped too. Only only the third replay, and in slow motion, did I realize he didn’t.

    When I first saw the Jardine/Houston fight, I thought there was an illegal knee to the head. There wasn’t. It hit the body. I think we have quickly learned that Jardine, Bonnar, & Griffin are just not top tier Light Heavyweights. Evans is, but not the other 3.

    As for Liddell vs. Jackson 2…. I am glad Jackson KO’d him. He looked nothing like the Rampage who fought Murilo Rua, and looked absolutely horrible. He is a truly different fighter.

    As for the Light Heavyweight Division…..

    Dan Henderson vs. Quinton Jackson – The winner is the #2 Light Heavyweight in the world. I had Liddell & Mauricio Rua tied for #1 in the world before this fight. And Rua has a win over Jackson.

    Also, this is literally a perfect time for Wanderlei Silva vs. Chuck Liddell. I know Silva wants time off, but both are coming off KO losses. This would be a fantastic #1 Contenders fight. And then the UFC can groom Rua to get the next title fight after that. Rua is the best right now, but he needs more exposure to the American Audience.

  13. 45 Huddle says:

    One last comment. I do feel that both Chuck Liddell & Wanderlei Silva have lost a step. Forget about their losses. Each showed signs before that. Much like how Couture started showing signs of slowing down before his 2nd KO loss to Liddell.

  14. iain says:

    HA! I LOVE IT! The fanboys’ tears will flood the streets!

    Karo also rules, very exciting.

    Franklin vs Okami main event though… are we really going to have to pay for that?

  15. PizzaChef says:

    You know I was thinking of the same thing Huddle. Silva vs. Liddell is perfect timing. Just give them a lot of time to train and hype up the fight (maybe in December?)

  16. 45 Huddle says:

    December would be perfect for that event.

    I forgot to comment on the Salaverry fight. For some reason, I got the impression that Ivan didn’t want to be there. I don’t think he is a big fan of Zuffa at all. His last 2 UFC fights have basically killed his career as being any type of contender ever again.

    Terry Martin is actually a solid fighter at Middleweight. It will be interesting to see him tested against other good fighters.

  17. PizzaChef says:

    Here’s the fight….not exactly a clip…more like the whole thing.

  18. 45 Huddle says:

    For anybody who cares,’s Beatdown radio is going to be live any minute now.

  19. xx2000xx says:

    Anybody think the UFC will be too scared to have Rua vs Chuck for the #1 contender eliminator? I sure as heck do, I’m thinking they’ll let him rest and have Silva vs Chuck on NYE.

    Winner of Rashad/Ortiz to face Rua to see who fights for the belt next.

  20. Tomer Chen says:

    I have to say: Liddell getting KTFO by Rampage is a pretty bad sign for Liddell. The same guy who ate seemingly harder bombs from Mezger, Rampage, Overeem, etc. got hit with a solid uppercut and was frozen on the ground and was caught with several follow-up shots that finished him. Typically, when a seemingly granite chinned fighter gets KTFO cleanly, it’s a sign that he’s losing his legs and is on the downhill path in terms of longevity. Liddell may be smart to opt for one big payday fight (against Silva on the New Years Eve PPV, perhaps) and then announce his retirement from the sport. It’s better to leave at the peak (as champion) or close to it than to continue going and become a punching bag for hire.

  21. grafdog says:

    Hard to believe this is the same guy who won a decision over Noe hernandez.

  22. Body_Shots says:

    That’s what I thought too Tomer, but he did not see that punch at all. It’s a cliche, but those punches are the ones that do the most damage.

    Moving foward, Chuck is going to have to make adjustments though. Whether is chin is still granite or not, he needs to keep his hands up.

  23. 45 Huddle says:

    I see both Liddell & Silva being non factors in the title picture from now on. Rashad Evans and Mauricio Rua are going to be the new top guns of the Light Heavyweight Division.

  24. Tomer Chen says:

    That’s what I thought too Tomer, but he did not see that punch at all. It’s a cliche, but those punches are the ones that do the most damage.

    Yes, but he didn’t see the shots from Mezger et al. that nearly took his head off, either. I simply think that, since he’s 37 years old, his body can’t the same shots he took 5 or 10 years ago. It’s happened in Boxing as well (such as Ray Mercer getting KTFO by Shannon Briggs when in his earlier days he took tons of heavier punishment without flinching) and given that his style is “Eat lots of shots to set up my own counter of death”, it doesn’t bode well for his future and he should probably consider retirement.

  25. Tomer Chen says:

    I apologize about saying it was a hook that dropped Liddell, btw. Just rewatched the fight and it was a hook.

  26. liger05 says:

    Watched it last night in the UK. Very happy with the result. My only doubt about Jackson was after the 2nd silva fight he never really looked the same and questioned whether he could ever recover from such a brutal KO. However I always thought he could beat chuck as all the guys chuch has been fighting have been guys who chuck can easily counter punch and hit them as they come in. Jackson wasnt that type of fighter and knew as long as he was on his game he could stop Chuck.

    Great win and the talk afterwards was classic!!! Love the way he addressed the crowd who booed him. Glad to see he wasnt begging for them to like him. Also the talk of the big crib and Kevin James was gold!!!

    As for the spoilers I didnt visit any site where the result may be. Its not hard to just avoid those sites until u watch the fight.

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