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The Ultimate Fighter Season 5, Episode 6

By Erin | May 10, 2007

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By Erin Bucknell

We get two fights tonight, which will hopefully limit the amount of Drama that we have to deal with. I’m a pretty sympathetic person, but even I’ve seen enough crying to last the whole season. Will you guys Man the @#^&% Up, please?

Hey Dana, there is nothing wrong with being a nerdy internet kid, damnit (says the girl you just got a subscription to Game Tap today. Biased? Me? Never).

Joe says that he is in fact a nerdy computer kid, but likes fighting more. We then get a recap of Lauzon beating Jens not too long ago.

Whoa, definitely getting right to the fights.

Joe Lauzon vs. Brian Geraghty

Round 1. Lauzon goes in fast for a take down, and gets Geraghty over by the fence. Geraghty “monkey”s up before Lauzon dumps him to the ground and starts punching away. Geraghty gets up for a second, but Lauzon takes him back down and snags a rear naked choke. Geraghty taps. That was quick.

Winner: Joe Lauzon

Well damn. I want to see the Team Jens fighters win as its Team Jens. But then again if anyone on Team Pulver has to win, I’d pick Lauzon. Go Geeks!

Brian is suitably depressed afterward, but did not cry. So he gets points.

Emerson does some stretching that is just plain naughty. Roommate Jen and I rewatch it several times. I have no idea how that is supposed to help with his fighting technique and I really don’t care.

Hill admits to lying about his fight record to get on the show. Oh dear. Jen wonders why no bothered to check this. Apparently we were going for personality than fight record.

Oh my dear god. Emerson weighs in wearing some god awful vinyl zip up G-string. Forget any “hot” comments I made earlier. That just killed it all. Although, he could probably get a job in a BDSM club if he doesn’t make it as a fighter.

Corey Hill vs. Rob Emerson

Round 1. Corey comes out aggressive with punches and a knee. Emerson goes for a takedown but they are both back up quickly. They circle for each other for the rest of the round with both guys getting bouts of aggression. Pretty even round all together.

Round 2. After a bit of stand up exchange they clinch and back into the cage. However they separate quickly and are back to mid ring. Pretty much the same action as the first round until Corey manages to knockdown Emerson. He goes in for the kill and Emerson grabs onto an ankle. Hill hangs on until the end of the round.

The fight has been declared even so we go to the:

Sudden Death Round (Sudden Victory, Instant Elimination, Tie Breaker, whatever)

Both guys are pretty seriously winded at this point and are rather hesitant to engage. They finally get going but it’s more of the first two rounds. Those leg kicks just sound nasty when Emerson lands them though.

Winner: Corey Hill via unanimous decision

Wow, I‘m not gonna protest as it’s a win for Team Jens. I would have given the fight to Emerson, but that’s what happens when you let it go to the judges.

Topics: Erin Bucknell, MMA, UFC | 13 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

13 Responses to “The Ultimate Fighter Season 5, Episode 6”

  1. […] Finally, we got some fights tonight on The Ultimate Fighter. (and no crying much to Erin Bucknell’s delight.) […]

  2. The whole Hill thing is ridiculous. The guy lies on his application and nobody checks to see if he was telling the truth. Ugh get this guy outta here. Not to mention his fight was lackluster with all that mouthing off he does.

  3. Rollo the Cat says:

    After the Corey Hill thing, I am starting to wonder about this whole series. I appreciate personalities, I understand the Sharks v Goldfish idea, but I am realizing there are hundred of guys who are more qualified than these guys to be on the show. They went way to far trying to get interesting characters and drama.

    Fortunately, Corey and the other drama majors will be out real soon as we get down to the few fighters who really have any skill: Gray, Wiman, Joe, and Manny.

  4. Grape Knee High says:

    Rollo, only after Corey Hill? What about since Jason Thacker? 🙂

  5. Rollo the Cat says:

    “Rollo, only after Corey Hill? What about since Jason Thacker? ”

    This is the first season of TUF I ever watched. I am a real old, snobbish MMA fan and turned my nose up at the reality show until now.

  6. hustlek says:

    Nate Diaz doesn’t have skill? and you’re touting Gray as a great fighter? the dude has 2 pro fights.

  7. Rollo the Cat says:

    “Nate Diaz doesn’t have skill? and you’re touting Gray as a great fighter? the dude has 2 pro fights.”

    I knew I forgot someone. Nate is big league material too.

  8. Psygone says:

    Each of the seasons has had a certain formula for mixing decent fighters with wild cards and straight up cannon fodder. This season seems to be a little heavy on the ladder or at least the 16 guys one weight division theme makes it seem so.

  9. Kev says:

    Um, the UFC did catch Hill lying, Dana said so himself, but he still let him go because a 6’6″ guy at 155 was such a trip.

    “Well damn. I want to see the Team Jens fighters win as its Team Jens. But then again if anyone on Team Pulver has to win, I’d pick Lauzon. Go Geeks!”

    that does not compute!

  10. Erin says:

    “that does not compute!”

    Whoops, it doesn’t. That should have read “..if anyone on Team Penn has to win…..”

  11. Zack says:

    I hope we get to see Nate vs Joe at some point. I know who are the two finalists but dont know who they fought to get there.

  12. Lynchman says:

    It has been made very clear that the Producers have some say and they do make sure that certain folk, that they feel are interesting, make the show.

    Personally, I was impressed by Hill That was his pro debut. I have seen plenty of guys on indy shows that are a lot worse.

    The guy has potential.

  13. Sha says:

    Seeing as the show is 70% drama and 30% fights, I’d as well watch someone with a great personality like Corey rather than a fighter with better skills but who comes out as an idiot (like, um, I don’t know, Andy ?).

    Besides TUF is not a free pass to glory, although it helps. Someone like Diego Sanchez would probably have made it to the point he is now with or without TUF.

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