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Latest IFL news

By Zach Arnold | April 23, 2007

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They announced this morning that they are moving their June 16th event from Reno, Nevada (at the nice Reno Events Center) to the Las Vegas Hilton hotel & casino.

I think it’s unfortunate that they are moving the event away from Reno. The IFL could have done steady business from some pretty loyal local fans from the Sacramento area as well. The natural drawing card would have been Ken Shamrock’s team. There have been past events in Reno (King of the Cage I think promoted a few shows there) that drew good houses. Hopefully the IFL draws well in Las Vegas. Keep your eyes open on the IFL stock price.

Topics: IFL, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “Latest IFL news”

  1. DarthMolen says:

    Well, they can’t win for losing.

    Everybody has been “pegging” them because they are running their events in non-MMA venues and getting lower crowds. So when they get a chance to move their product to the main MMA mecca, they get pegged for that also?

    That is a pretty big “if”, to rely on out-of-state Sacramento MMA fans to come and subsidize their event.

    I personally think it’s a good business move. It will give them a good watermark on where their product recognition is right now. If they can’t do well in Las Vegas then that will give them a strong indicator that their business model needs to change.

  2. Zach Arnold says:

    Well, Ken Shamrock’s camp is about an hour away from Reno. He’s a strong name. You would think it would draw well in Reno (like other MMA shows have).

    I’m sure the IFL was approached with a good deal for the Hilton in LV. I’m just puzzled as to why they would cancel the Reno show.

  3. Jordan Breen says:

    Lions vs. Scorps, and Dragons vs. Pitbreezies? This is one episode of Animal Planet I don’t want to miss.

  4. JOSH says:

    Yea IMo this is good news because I was planning on going to vegas around this time and this gives me even more incentive to go and try and catch the show!

  5. DarthMolen says:

    good for you Josh.

    good for you Josh.

    Just Joshin’ ya 😉 They put on a good spectacle and the fighting is good too so I don’t think you will be disappointed.

  6. JOSH says:

    joshin…yea like I hadnt heard that one before j/k. Yea sorry about double posting dont know what thats about.

    I went to the LA show which was great…Im not big on the Lions/Scorpions fight but the Pitbulls/Dragons should be good and I might make it to see the weight ins and get some photos with Frye, so Im game.

  7. The fact that the IFL went public in the first place is good enough reason for its price to tumble. Does anyone know if Gareb & co. are bleeding money out the rectum?

  8. 45 Huddle says:

    Last weeks IFL Show got a .66

  9. PizzaChef says:

    Jordan: That sounds fun and but I still can’t wait for them to expand to Canada more so I can see the Vancouver Angry Beavers fight the Quebec Fighting Cocks. 😛

  10. Jordan Breen says:

    “Jordan: That sounds fun and but I still can’t wait for them to expand to Canada more so I can see the Vancouver Angry Beavers fight the Quebec Fighting Cocks.”

    I still think they need to keep the mascots in line with regional culture and geography. Tucson Scorpions works, Quad Cities Silverbacks… not so much. With that, I’d go for the Vancouver Squegee Kids vs. the Montreal Poutines.

  11. PizzaChef says:

    Make it Angry Poutines and you got a deal.

  12. The Citizen says:

    The IFL would be better if all the fighters wore mascot costumes and then fought. I went to the LA show as well and it gave me a head ache. The fighters need help, the production was C class, and the free popcorn at the end of the night was the best part of the show.


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