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Friday media flash: The heat-up for UFC 70

By Zach Arnold | April 20, 2007

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There is a report that UFC has signed a major advertising deal with Feather Brooksbank in the UK.

On Thursday, officials from the anti-yakuza task force of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police had a JBC-sanctioned meeting with 56 people associated with boxing gyms in Tokyo. The meeting was the first in a series of lectures of how to keep the boryokudan (yakuza) out of the boxing scene. Tokyo Metro says that they will send plain-clothed officers to boxing events to root out yakuza members from watching events. (JBC = Japan Boxing Commission).

An interesting pick-up by NHB News (Japanese) about the latest edition of GONKAKU (Gong Kakutougi), put out by East Press. The focus section is called “MMA CRISIS” and it’s talking about America becoming the epicenter for MMA, with Japan basically becoming a secondary factor. It also talks about the issue of M & A (mergers and acquisitions) in the business.

Onto today’s headlines.

  1. The Prescott Daily Courier: To the big screen – Raul Porrata jiu-jitsuing his way to stardom
  2. The San Francisco Chronicle: Thai boxer getting kicks in – CCSF student sees career in MMA
  3. The Edmonton Sun: Scrappy Kid Ryan McGillivray is confident
  4. The Manchester Evening News (UK): Ultimate Fighting attracts stars
  5. Fight Report: Info on Monday’s IFL Battleground show
  6. Royal Burnell: PRIDE is to MC5 as UFC is to Rage
  7. MMA HQ: UFC 70 – Nations Collide Preview
  8. The Philadelphia Daily News: A little of Chuck Liddell
  9. Presszoom (PR): UFC announces first ever fight in Belfast
  10. MSNBC: Former anti-terror commando tops UFC 70
  11. The Canadian Press: Matt Serra shocker lifts ‘dogs’ UFC 70 hopes
  12. Boxing Scene (Charles Jay): Larry Merchant brought substance, eloquence, honesty to HBO coverage
  13. CBS Sportsline: Olympic great Kevin Jackson strengthens link between wrestling, IFL
  14. The Boston Herald (Joe Lauzon): TUF Week three – in it, to win it
  15. PR Newswire: sponsors Andrei ‘The Pitbull’ Arlovski for Spike TV’s April 21st UFC event
  16. CBS Sportsline: UFC 70 preview
  17. UFC Junkie: UFC 74 – GSP vs. Koscheck a real possibility

Topics: Boxing, IFL, Japan, Media, MMA, PRIDE, UFC, UK, Yakuza, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “Friday media flash: The heat-up for UFC 70”

  1. Liger05 says:

    Why dont anti-yakuza task force do a similar operation with Puroresu/MMA? Or is it just to late to do anything about it now.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    I think a GSP/Koscheck fight would be really good.

  3. Jordan Breen says:

    Booooo on rooting out yakuza fighters from fighting events. One of my favorite MMA memories is Hiroyuki Takaya kicking off Stephen Palling’s head off in Korakuen Hall, and all the yakuzas in the crowd getting buckzo. Love it.

  4. David coolshaps says:

    No offense to Japan but their social system is so whacky and they just don’t have control over socially weighted business propositions and the US is cuthroat and can win so yeah.


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