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Tuesday media takedowns

By Zach Arnold | February 20, 2007

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This is officially a sign of success. I guess the only advice I would have is if the paper wants more hits, start covering MMA or fighting weekly. The numbers will definitely increase. Much thanks to the staff of The Valley Vanguard for cooperating with us on last week’s show.

If you have any specific requests for media writers/personalities that you would like to see on our next show, post a comment here.

Keep your eyes open (if you read Japanese) on the latest situation with Gong magazine. It sadly looks like a death watch may be occuring.

Onto today’s topics.

Minoru Suzuki will work Pancrase’s 4/8 Okinawa event at Teruya Hall.

For entertainment purposes only, PRIDE fans. Before hyperventilating, read why I used that choice of words.

Events: Total Fight Challenge at Cicero Stadium in Cicero, Illinois on March 31st. On the MySpace advertisement, it says the following: Contact us at [email protected] or 773-582-9106. On the card as of this time we already have Micah Miller vs 145 lb champion Joe Pearson. As in the Joe Pearson who just got suspended by the Nevada State Athletic Commission. Yeah, good luck on that one.

Events: Oregon MMA Academy is producing a Cagefight event on March 17th at the Coos Bay Armory in Coos Bay, Oregon.

  1. MMA Fever: Win a Black Bear hunt in Ontario with UFC champion Tim Sylvia
  2. Komikazee: MMA, another acronym for “TEAM”
  3. Zee News: Female fighter finds fame in South Korea
  4. The Baltimore Sun: Looking back at Elite XC’s debut event (I completely disagree with the sentiments in the second paragraph of the Event Production section of the article)
  5. The Seattle Times: World champ’s life has been a fight for survival (article on Jens Pulver)
  6. The Denver Post: Writer manages to tie in MMA’s growth as a corrolation for increasing DVD sales of ‘Ghetto Fights’
  7. InfoShop: Jeff Monson: The abominable Snowman
  8. IFL (via Fox Sports): Dragons primed for depleted Wolfpack
  9. Fight Report: Dana White says if Baroni knocks Frank Shamrock out, I’ll bring back him back in two seconds (and read his comments on PRIDE)
  10. MMA California: Caged Combat 2/17 Santa Rosa, California event results
  11. Radio: Renzo Gracie interview with Eddie Goldman
  12. UFC HP: Brad Imes vs. Heath Herring at UFC 69
  13. Mainichi Daily News: Ministry questions Japan Sumo Association over alleged bout fixing
  14. KWWL TV: Iowa Army specialist killed (he was an MMA fighter)
  15. Gambling 911: UFC faces tough competition with BodogFight

Topics: All Topics, Japan, Media, MMA, Pancrase, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “Tuesday media takedowns”

  1. Jordan Breen says:

    I don’t know why Koki Kameda isn’t the goddamn top story today, but it better change, and fast, Mr. Arnold.

    Ed. — You mean the news of Koki Kameda vs. Everardo Morales happening on 3/24 in Tokyo at Ryogoku Kokugikan? OK.

  2. Tomer Chen says:

    If you have any specific requests for media writers/personalities that you would like to see on our next show, post a comment here.

    Teddy Atlas, primarily to find out more specifics on what exactly his idea of the National Boxing Commission is (Boxing czar, Committee) and how he’d try to stop promoters, managers, etc. from trying to corrupt the national commission like they did in some of the state commissions in the past (and some would argue present). I’m all for making virtually non-existant commissions like Oklahoma have to actually look into the fights they OK and fighters they give licenses to (in order to remove the career losers like Reggie Strickland who are there to lose rather than try and win 99% of the time), but I still don’t see how a federal commission will accomplish the goal of ‘cleaning up’ the sport given (i) that the promoters would have one primary force to deal with rather than individual states each time and (ii) federal intervention in trying to clean up numerous industries in the past has been, at best, mixed.

    I do think if the commission focused on health insurance and pension plans for the fighters, though, it would be a good idea. But having them be the final approval on fights and sanctioners of championship contests would probably be as disasterous as the current corrupt crew of sanctioning bodies (if not moreso since you don’t have 4+ groups to deal with) and promoters.

  3. Anthony says:

    You’re posting reports of Pride’s poor tickets for “entertainment purposes”?

    Even for you Zach, that’s kind of petty…

  4. Zach Arnold says:

    You’re posting reports of Pride’s poor tickets for “entertainment purposes”?

    Even for you Zach, that’s kind of petty…

    If I post it as ‘news’, therefore people on the site will attack me to linking to a Sherdog message board post.

    If I list it as ‘entertainment purposes’ only, then you read it and take it for whatever it is – positive or negative.

  5. Rollo the Cat says:

    That Bodog article is unintentionaly hilarious. Is that site an affiliate of Bodog or something? I still don’t know what the heck Bodog is except that it is a bunch of fights taped somewhere, to air sometime, for some purpose.

    That being said, I watched the lightweight fights on their site for free and really enjoyed them. Great stuff. But they don’t seem to be going anywhere.

  6. Fedor vs Lindland is definately a step in some kind of direction, although I don’t think anyone really knows where Ayre is going with this. Me, i don’t care too much so long as Bodog isn’t inflating fighter pay past a sustainable level (EliteXC anyone?)

  7. Rollo the Cat says:


    I just want to see Bodog define itself. The IFL has defined itself as a team competition. The UFC has a recognizable format. What is Bodog? A tournament? A league? And they need to clean up the website. It is pretty, but it hard to navigate for me at least.

    All in all, I lke Bodog.

  8. The MMA Critic says:

    I’m trying to watch Bodog on TV right now, and it is almost unwatchable The lights glare on the ring, gloves, and fighters so badly that it is a strain on the eyes.

  9. The MMA Critic says:

    UFC 67 did between 350,000 and 400,000 buys with early estimates. Very good numbers considering the main event.

    After the PPV company takes its cut, Zuffa is looking at around $7 Million from PPV. The live gate was $2.76 Million, but the UFC obviously doesn’t receive all of that money.

    The NSAC reported that the UFC paid out around $800,000 to fighters. However, with bonuses and the possible non reported pay for Cro Cop, I wouldn’t be shocked if they paid out anywhere between $1 & $2 Million.

    It is obvious that the pay scales will soon go up. However, it should only happen for the right fighters. The guys like Liddell & Ortiz should be making $2.5 Million a fight (like they did for UFC 66. Some of the lesser fighters are being paid about right as of right now.

    Hopefully they will expand with more top fighters from around the world.

    These numbers also prove that Brandon Vera is not worth a $1.5 Million signing bonus, and is not worth $1 Million per fight. Let’s say you put him on this card. And it had only 200,000 PPV buys. All of a sudden Zuffa is comng close to a loss. Not to mention that if Vera is worth $1 Million a fight, then Liddell is worth $10 million. Smart move by Zuffa for standing their ground.

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