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Monday news and notes

By Zach Arnold | February 5, 2007

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Red meat time. OK, maybe not. K-1 had a show today at Ariake Colosseum that completely flew under the radar. Only interesting headline was both Albert Kraus and Takayuki Kohiruimaki losing.

  1. Mainichi Daily News: Sumo association to file criminal complaint over Shukan Gendai’s bout-fixing claim
  2. The North Jersey Media Group: Paterson’s Mike Massenzio takes his MMA bout with Masakatsu Okuda
  3. The Boston Globe: South Korea’s traditional sport faces identity crisis
  4. The Pacific Daily News (Guam): Geran Haga promises to appease MMA fans
  5. The New York Post: Long Island home invasion slaying (victim was training for MMA)
  6. Radio: Interview with BJJ champion Saulo Ribiero
  7. TV Week: Fox’s Stations tap blood genre
  8. The Las Vegas Sun: UFC no longer fighting for its life
  9. Jake Rossen: Minute by minute – UFC 67
  10. UFC Mania: Mirko Cro Cop makes $350,000 USD for UFC 67 fight

Topics: All Topics, Japan, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 15 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

15 Responses to “Monday news and notes”

  1. JOSH says:

    yea shocking about Kraus losing (and in likeseconds of the first at thast) BUT IMO since2004 Kraus has been on a slow downward slide anyway. Im glad though that Sato won (not a big fan of Kohi). Also intrestign that Andy Ologun won….amazing.

  2. The MMA Critic says:

    From MMA Weekly:

    Title Match & Main Event Fighters
    Anderson Silva: $71,000 (3rd UFC fight; defeated Travis Lutter)
    Travis Lutter: $18,000 (5th UFC fight; lost to Anderson Silva)

    Main Card Fighters
    Mirko Cro Cop: $350,000 flat fee (1st UFC fight; defeated Eddie Sanchez)
    Quinton Jackson: $170,000 (1st UFC fight; defeated Marvin Eastman)
    Eddie Sanchez: $30,000 flat fee (2nd UFC fight; lost to Mirko Cro Cop)
    Marvin Eastman: $30,000 (3rd UFC fight; lost to Quinton Jackson)
    Patrick Cote: $20,000 (5th UFC fight; defeated Scott Smith)
    Scott Smith: $12,000 (3rd UFC fight; lost to Patrick Cote)
    Roger Huerta: $12,000 (2nd UFC fight; defeated John Halverson)
    John Halverson: $3,000 (1st UFC fight; lost to Roger Huerta)

    Preliminary Match Fighters
    Lyoto Machida: $36,000 (1st UFC fight; defeated Sam Hoger)
    Jorge Rivera: $12,000 (7th UFC fight; lost to Terry Martin)
    Tyson Griffin: $9,000 (2nd UFC fight; lost to Frank Edgar)
    Terry Martin: $8,000 (3rd UFC fight; defeated Jorge Rivera)
    Sam Hoger: $7,000 (4th UFC fight; lost to Lyoto Machida)
    Frank Edgar: $6,000 (1st UFC fight; defeated Tyson Griffin)
    Dustin Hazelett: $6,000 (2nd UFC fight; defeated Diego Saraiva)
    Diego Saraiva: $3,000 (1st UFC fight; lost to Dustin Hazelett)

    Disclosed Fighter Payroll: $803,000

    Overall, Zuffa is paying out very well. And lets be honest. They are paying out more then that. They paid for submission and KO of the night. I’m sure Griffin & Edgar got little bonuses for putting on a great fight. And from all the rumors, Mirko could be making more then that.

    As for some of the guys getting $3,000 for a loss, I’m not really upset about that. They are young, unproven fighters. The established fighters are getting paid MUCH more then that.

  3. The MMA Critic says:

    Some ticket information:

    The UFC has sold out of the Floor Seats ($450), the Lower Level $150 Seats, and Upper Level $50 seats. Considering that Pre-Sale was yesterday and tickets went on sale today, that is amazing business for a brand new market. With Ohio sold out, and now Texas selling very well, there is no doubt that the UFC is big across the country. This is a big arena. If they can sell it out, especially after the IFL bombed, will speak volumes.

    And speaking of the IFL, they are once again doing having a 2 for 1 special at their next event in Georgia. That is not a good sign when that marketing technique is used 3 weeks out of an event.

  4. Mr. Roadblock says:

    The Rampage, Eastman and Lyoto contracts were set by the WFA.

    Wow, they sure had to shell out to get Sanchez to get in there. I’m surprised Cote gets that much. I don’t know what the company sees in him.

  5. iain says:


    I’m pretty sure Pat Côté is managed by Stéphane “TKO” Patry. Patry probably used GSP as leverage to get more for Côté. Also, pushing a french canadian fighter will be good for when they take a crack at Montréal.

    He also seems to be the type of fighter the UFC wants but was unlucky in the past.

  6. The MMA Critic says:

    I think the $10k to show and $10k to win was pretty much standard for most of the veterans of TUF4 show. A few got better deals, but that was standard. I think Smith was at $12/$12 because he won his last fight.

  7. Lynchman says:

    Griffin and Edgar each got 20k for Fight of the Night.

    Rampage signed a new contract with the UFC after they purchased the WFA. This payout was different than what he would have gotten under that contract.

    I don’t know if Eastman or Lyoto signed a new deal.

    As far as Cote goes, I would expect his next bout, if there is one, will be a prelim. Dana was pretty vocal about being unhappy with the bout….as was the entire arena.

  8. Jordan Breen says:

    The MAX show was absolutely outstanding, and drew very solid ratings. If FEG put together a righteous and proper elimination card for April, I’ll be pleased.

  9. sebastian says:

    Saw a translation of a article in Croatia around the forums that suggested that Mirko got PPV percentages for this one. Sounds a little weird for a non-main event and I’m too lazy to evaluate the source 🙂 (If I even could)

  10. Zack says:

    Shamrock & Tito were also a non-main event @ whatever UFC that was last year.

  11. ukiro says:

    There’s been some buzz about Mirko’s no-show at the post-fight press conference, but according to an interview in Croatian media (which was quoted in some long thread on Sherdog), it was just the result of a misunderstanding – he had intended to participate, but was unaware of when it took place.

  12. Fatlip says:

    The MAX event was awesome and as Jordan pointed out drew great ratings.

  13. DarthMolen says:

    I was behind the scenes in the IFL Houston show and have a little insight on what the IFL is doing.

    Kurt Otto gave a pep talk to the fighters and talked about their business direction. Here is the gist of what he had to say.

    *The IFL is viewing the 2007 season as a building year.
    *They have their new reality series coming out March 12th where they expect their fighters to become marketable through this new vehicle on My Network (the old UPN).
    *2008 is when they expect the IFL to go like gang busters.
    *They are in this for the long haul and when the IFL takes off, then salaries of fighters will rise with the league.

    I don’t see flagging ticket sales to be a problem in 2007. IMHO, they expect this. They are using 2007 as a loss leader. I covered the IFL Houston show and it was as good, or even better than, UFC 67.

  14. Dedwyre says:

    I love Jake Rossen’s “Minute-By-Minute” reports. They’re always great for sarcastic comedy.

    “10:06 p.m. Lutter explains that he had a “really hard time getting motivated” to lose the weight. If a title shot in front of the UFC’s massive audience doesn’t get this guy out of bed in the morning, his future in King of the Cage isn’t looking too bright.”

  15. PizzaChef says:

    I know this is late but….in the last link (the UFC Mania one). WHat’s with Tommy’s comments about a spy? WTF?

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