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Thursday news thread

By Zach Arnold | December 21, 2006

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  1. MMA Weekly: Belfort and Nastula suspended 9 months each and fined for failed drug tests in Nevada
  2. On the Mat: An interview with Australian star Anthony Perosh (who will fight on the UFC 66 show)
  3. Sherdog Radio: Razor Rob McCullough vs. Kit Cope set for first Zuffa-ran WEC event on January 20th (plus Gary Shaw announces Antonio Silva vs. Cabbage Correira for the Showtime 2/10 Southaven, Mississippi event — Cabbage is already scheduled for a Hawaiian event on 1/26)
  4. PR Web: Century, LLC strikes deal with UFC to launch MMA products in retail stores and fight schools
  5. KGMB9 Hawaii: Jason “Mayhem” Miller has first day of court trial
  6. MMA Weekly: Ken Imai interview on Mirko’s status (it should be noted that Imai manages him in Japan, so I’m not sure what power he has at all in managing him in the US)
  7. Throwdown: Interview w/ Quinton “Rampage” Jackson
  8. Ratings: The Koki Kameda-Juan Jose Landaeta boxing match on 12/20 at Ariake Colosseum in Tokyo drew a 30.1% rating on Tokyo Broadcasting System, with a peak rating of 38.4%.
  9. PR Newswire: Season 5 of Spike TV’s ‘The Ultimate Fighter’ goes into production in January in Las Vegas
  10. Salon: King Kaufman’s Sports Daily (interview w/ Dana White in a sport with exploding popularity)
  11. Casa Grande Valley Newspaper: Gabe Rivas signs pro contract with IFL
  12. Victorville Daily Press: Silverado welcomes back Joe Stevenson (and John Wayne Parr)
  13. Houston Chronicle: Tito Ortiz looks to continue challenger trend

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “Thursday news thread”

  1. phoenix says:

    Ken Imai makes out like he runs and makes crocop’s decisions for him

    but imai had no control over what was being said in the croatian media and is now playing catchup trying to keep his bosses (DSE’s alleged yakuza owner Ishizaka) happy by muddying the waters

    imai has no idea what crocop will do but imai will do his best to keep crocop in pride otherwise imai might have join his good friend kawamata hiding outside japan cause you know that ishizaka wont be happy with all that wasted money trying to keep crocop in pride for cheap money

  2. John Griffin says:

    That Rampage interview was …. interesting. Shame to hear he won’t fight Tito. He should need to as he climbs the ranks of the UFC (regardless of who is the champ). Maybe they will have to give in to his constant calls of ‘Up my pay bitch!”.

  3. CapnHulk says:

    “What do you think of the UFC heavyweights?”

    “They big as hell.”

  4. Chris says:

    Nice interview, but hard to follow. Maybe the writer should have used spell check?

  5. JOSH says:

    Yea seriously, maybe the writer was trying to get some ebonics down BUT spell check should be mandatory on any article. Anyway that interview was HILLARIOUS.

    BTB glad to see JWP is still alive and kicking, now K-1 MAX needs to bring him back to Japan.

  6. Zeppelin says:

    Rampage cracks me up everytime he interviews. But why talk about fighting Wanderlei, Shogun, or even Sakuraba knowing how unlikely those are currently? Especially when the question was if he would like to fight Chuck. Sure he said he’ll fight anyone they pay him for, but it sure sounds like he isn’t gunning for anyone in UFC. Eh, maybe that’s just Rampage and that’s just how he is when talking about fights, being of the type to say “Whatever, I’ll take anyone on, I don’t care, as long as the money’s there.”

  7. grafdog says:

    Quinten “token” Jackson
    Perhaps the ufc will match him against a japanese fighter for a token vs token match.
    The ruling on Nastula shouldn’t keep him from fighting in shockwave, seeing as Barnett, who tested pos for steroids in ufc later fought in japan without nsac reinstating him.
    There’s reasonable doubt as to whether or not he took contaminated supplements. If contaminated then the provider of said supplements should be looked at to satisfy this investigation. If contamination was the case then he should not be suspended and should be able to fight, provided its out of his system by fight time. imo…

  8. monkeymatt says:

    I just had a flash of inspiration…

    Could Pride book Nastula vs. Yoshida in a clash of judo veterans?

  9. JOSH says:

    The NSAC ruling have NO jurisdiction over anyplace outside of Vegas so yea Nastula can fight in Japan however long he wants.

  10. Armen says:

    Legally the NSAC rulings have no effect outside the country, or technically even in other states. The athletic commissions respect the findings and suspension of other state athletic commissions in a sort of unwritten code if I’m not mistaken.

    However, when Barnett got suspended then went and fought for PRIDE, they were a Japan-only promotion. Now PRIDE is trying to run NSAC-sanctioned events. There is a chance that if they allow suspended fighters to fight in Japan that they will irk what some already consider a pro-UFC NSAC.

  11. monkeymatt says:

    Rampage is sooo funny… He is going to be BIG in the UFC.

    LOL @ he needs to wrap his mouth around some tic tacs…

  12. Preach says:

    Of course Nastula could fight at Shockwave, as could Belfort. Only that the NSAC would revoke Pride’s license, for not honoring their decision, which would mean no more shows in Vegas, no more shows in the US (as the other comissions would follow suit) and therefore no more $…

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