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Mirko Heads to Slovenia

By Mark Pickering | December 16, 2006

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By Mark Pickering

PRIDE 2006 Open Weight Grand Prix Champion, Mirko Cro Cop, the subject of intense speculation after mulling over deals from both PRIDE and the UFC, arrived in Slovenia on Thursday to attend Jungle Fight’s first European event.

Cro Cop will corner friend and sparring Igor Pokrajac who faces Black House’s Assuério Silva on Sunday at Jungle Fight 7, in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana.

The Croatian Sensation made the two hour car journey on Thursday and will return to his native Zagreb in mid-week, further delaying the pending annoucement of his future.

Jungle Fight’s first promotional foray outside of South America will be simultaneously broadcast to Brazil, Japan, Canada and Europe on Pay-Per-View and will be available online, through the official Jungle Fight website on December 24th.

Topics: All Topics, Brazil, Mark Pickering, MMA, PRIDE, UFC | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “Mirko Heads to Slovenia”

  1. monkeymatt says:

    For a second, I thought this was the big announcement… Phew!

  2. GassedOut says:

    Ditto…that headline has just acheived “Made Ya Look!” status. 😉


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