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The Christmas Show

By Zach Arnold | December 15, 2006

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For the past several years (under different banners), I’ve produced a special Christmas radio show that people can download to listen to over the Holidays. Whether you’re traveling on the road, stuck in the airport, or visiting family, I always aimed to make sure that the radio show was a show featuring good storytelling and not necessarily the newsmakers.

I will start booking guests for the Christmas show (which will be taped next week and available on Friday 12/22). I already have lists from all of the co-hosts in regards to which guests they would like me to try to book. I am now opening up the process to every reader. I am limiting it to two choices per person in a single reply. You give me two names of MMA personalities that you would like me to try to book who you think would be highly energetic, entertaining, or good storytellers. I’ll take the list, combine it with the lists from the co-host, and immediately start the booking process. Please post what you would consider to be realistic options (I don’t think I have a great phone plan to call Croatia for Mirko).

Please take this seriously. The better the list, the more likely we’ll be able to produce a great show.

Topics: All Topics, Fight Opinion Radio, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 32 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

32 Responses to “The Christmas Show”

  1. DM says:

    Josh Barnett and Matt Serra.

  2. Scott White says:

    “Big” John McCarthy

    After watching “Inside the UFC” last night I wouldn’t mind hearing an indepth interview with this guy, I’m sure he has some interesting stories.

  3. buffalo_66 says:

    Big John is always a good interview. I suggest GSP on account of the year he had. A BoDog or Showtime official if thats possible. Mayhem is always a fun interview as well. Maybe a few MMA journalists from various sites giving their thoughts on the year gone by.

  4. Ben says:

    Mayhem Miller all the way.

    And please for the love of god don’t interview Matt Serra. He’s such a nice guy, but haven’t we heard enough of his voice for this year?

  5. KennyP says:

    For good storytellers, I would want to hear from knowledgable people with a long history in the business, still involved currently but somewhat detached from having to tow one company’s agenda.

    I would love to hear Judo Gene LeBell (Karo, Ali/Inoki, Hollywood stories) and Jeff Osborne (UFC, BoDog, HnS, booking worked shoots and other whackiness). I bet both guys could talk for hours about what they’ve seen.

  6. Rohan says:

    On a UK note it would be interesting to get Bisping if yous can understand him?

  7. Zach Arnold says:

    On a UK note it would be interesting to get Bisping if yous can understand him?

    I wonder if he will be in America by late next week? He is supposed to fight on the 12/30 show… if he’s in America by 12/21 or so, I’ll try to pull that off.

  8. UFCjunkie says:

    I think Marc Ratner has a hell of a job ahead of him in 2007. He might be a good person to discuss UFC’s upcoming legal/sanctioning issues in the new year.

  9. BSP says:

    Actually, I’d love to hear from Mauro Renallo. I always liked him, and thought he did a great job. I imagine he has some things to say.

    Bas, of course, would also be an excellent choice. And talk about stories…

  10. Chris says:

    With the recent purchase of WFA contracts by the UFC, I think you have to try to get Quinton Jackson. He’s also as entertaining as hell. And even though he was just on the show a few weeks ago, a hyped up Frank Shamrock (not the calm version) is always a great listen. I would love to hear stories bout the old Lion’s Den

  11. Mike says:

    I’d like to hear Kenny Florian. Guy’s very smart and it’d be interesting to hear his take on the other lightweights and 2007.

  12. jbiskofski says:

    rampage & mayhem

  13. Zack says:

    Joey Odessa (oddsmaker) & Monte Cox (manager) were my two favorite people that used to get interviewed on Ryan Bennett’s show. Ranallo was another good suggestion…ask him about the Cro Cop prank and his take on all the recent Pride stuff.

  14. Zeppelin says:

    Bas Rutten and Josh Barnett.

    Both are very intelligent and are good conversationalists. There are some people that have that gift of gab and these guys have it; you can’t say the same for many other MMA fighters.

  15. Jeff says:

    The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly: Bas Rutten and Tank Abbott.

    I’ll leave it to you guys to decide who fits into what category…

  16. Bas Rutten, Mauro Renallo, that Bart dude from the IFL, the WEC bookmaker guy, Josh Barnett, Jason Miller, Frank Trigg, Stephen Quadros.

  17. Tomer Chen says:

    I’d add in Don Frye given his legendary interviews he’s had in the past. Probably him and Quadros or Barnett (since him and Bas were on a previous Christmas show before).

  18. Henrik Rautila says:

    Antonio Inoki and a poor translator.

  19. Tomer Chen says:

    I’m fairly certain that Inoki is actually pretty comfortable speaking in english (at least that is what I’ve read from people who got to speak with him at the Cauliflower Alley Club (or some Wrestling legend event like that).

  20. JThue says:

    Bas Rutten is a must for christmas jollyness. But more importantly: JEFF F’N BLATNICK would be beyond awesome to hear from.

  21. iain says:

    QUINTON JACKSON, so much stuff is swirling around him and he is a hoot. I also agree with el guapo he is just a great interview. If not them, barnett, trigg, tito are always good blabbers.

    It’s really cool that you asking readers though!

  22. dino says:

    Bas Rutten, and any of his street fight stories.


  23. Zack says:

    Don Frye would be AWESOME.

  24. Mr1000Cent says:

    Bas Rutten. I remember you had him on the show before, and IMO, the guy is freakin’ hilarious. He also answers peoples questions on the Sherdog message board too, that’s a plus :D.

  25. mose says:

    Matt Lindland & Dave Meltzer…

    Lindland is always a fantastic interview and Meltzer probably has a ton of stories.

    I’d love to hear the tales behind this statement:

    “UFC management has never worked a fight. Two or three UFC fights in history were worked by management of the fighters inovolved without knowledge of UFC. One PPV main event and a huge fight, that fell apart at the end, fell apart because one of the participants refused to work and the other refused unless it was a work. But the UFC had no knowledge of the time of any of this happening and it was nine years ago.”

  26. jt says:

    PLEASE, PLEASE get ahold of PRIDE FC upper management here in the states and find out what is going on. They must improve their PR.

  27. dc5678 says:

    GSP and Brandon Vera.

  28. Joe says:

    Josh Barnett and Mauro Ranallo

  29. JohnathonHarvel says:

    How about some lesser known fighters like Duwane Ludwig

  30. Zack says:

    How about a where are they now with Emmanuel Yarborough?

  31. grafdog says:

    Oleg Taktarov is always entertaining. As the only mma star to have major success in Hollywood i’m sure he’s got some stories regarding his mma and Hollywood breakthroughs.

    I know his fight with mad dog was worked and the Frye Hall II fight as well. Thats two works, which is the third work from the Meltzer interview mentioned above?

    A Severn fight might be a candidate due to his history of works in pro wrestling and working with Fulton and Ritch also.

  32. Mr. Phelps says:

    Oleg Taktarov and Oleg Taktarov
    The dude was stranded in Africa with a film crew making a documentary about witchcraft or zombies or something like that and it was feared a local village had abducted the group. I still have never heard the full story and I would love to hear what Oleg went through.


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