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Ultimate Fight Night 12/13/06

By Erin | December 13, 2006

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By Erin Bucknell

Pre-show promos: Diego babbles about energy, Riggs wants the fight to remain standing. Diego seems to be willing to go with this plan. I really hope he does.

Seeing as we are at Miramar, someone REALLY needs to come out to Highway to the Danger Zone.

Shonie Carter vs. Marcus Davis

Roommate Janel (being a former Marine herself) is completely offended by the idea that Shonie is also a former Marine.

Holy shit! Shonie has pants!!! Roses to whoever convinced him to do that. Cause really, I ate way too much today to be able to stomach Shonie’s jock again.

Round 1. The fighters circle for a bit before clinching. No one really does anything so they separate. They clinch again and Davis gets a takedown. He moves to Shonie’s back and gets a body triangle while working for a rear naked choke. Shonie manages to roll around and ends up in Davis’ guard. Shonie gets in a few elbows while Davis tries to keep him tied up. Round ends.

Round 2. Davis gets a good shot to Shonie’s chin and Shonie hits the ground. He manages to get back up but looks rather wobbly. Marcus sticks with throwing punches while Shonie throws a couple half hearted high kicks. Davis is definitely getting the better of the standup. Shonie manages to grab a guillotine, but Davis slips out. Davis accidentally knees Shonie in the crotch as the round ends.

Round 3. More standup with Shonie doing a bit better this time. And a whole lot more of that until the end of the round.

Winner: Marcus Davis (unanimous decision)

Following the “BAD 80’s Music Entrance Music” theme, I also request that someone come out to Eye of the Tiger.

Drew Fickett vs. Karo Parisyan

Fickett looks kinda creepy with the faux-mustache. And further scares me with the Male Stripper Pose. Yikes.

Momentary freak-out on my part as I realize that I’m older than Karo. Damn, I feel unaccomplished.

Mazzagati is sporting the ‘stash as well. Are these things contagious!?

Round 1. Karo gets whacked in the nuts and takes a moment to recover. After the break Karo gets Fickett down for a moment but Fickett manages to get back to standing rather quickly. After some stand up they end up against the fence but don’t stay there very long. Drew grabs a leg and they are back up against the fence as the round ends.

Karo, you’re doing really well on the stand up, but can I request a nice Judo-Fling? Thanks.

Round 2. Karo gets a good shot in and manages to take down Fickett against the fence. Karo gets cut and manages to get one back. Lots of rolling around and Karo gets the dominate position in the middle of the ring. Fight gets paused as Karo’s cut gets checked. All seems well and the fight is restarted. Fickett goes for an arm triangle but Karo slides out. Fight goes back to standing, both guys look like hell. Fickett gets the takedown this time and throws some elbows. Both guys start throwing madly as the round ends.

Round 3. More standup with Karo seeming to get the better of it. Drew goes for a takedown but Karo gets side control. Back to standing, with a throw before the fight hits the ground again with Karo on top. Back to stand up as the fight ends. Awesome fight. Roommate Janel gets wigged out as they exchange cheek kisses.

Winner: Karo Parisyan (unanimous decision)

Josh Koscheck vs. Jeff Joslin

Round 1. The guys circle for a while before Koscheck gets bored and goes straight in for a takedown. Koscheck ends up in Joslin’s guard. Herb stands them up and back to the center of the cage. Koscheck goes for another takedown and Joslin manages to defend it a for a bit before ending up on his back. Joslin starts working for an arm triangle as the round ends.

Round 2. Joslin really works the legs kicks and gets a few punches in as well. Koscheck mostly defending until he gets a takedown into Joslin’s guard. Herb stands them up again and Koscheck immediately goes for the takedown again. Joslin goes for the arm triangle and gets it just as the round ends.

Round 3. Koscheck goes for a takedown again and gets a good slam. Joslin starts working to the triangle again. Joslin wiggles to standing and Koscheck grabs a guillotine. Joslin slips out as the fight hits the ground again. Herb gets them standing and Koscheck shoots in again. Koscheck hangs out in Joslin’s guard as the round ends.

Can no one finish a fight tonight? Granted, they’ve been some very good fights, but still…

Winner: Josh Koscheck (by unanimous decision)

Joe Riggs vs. Diego Sanchez

I’d really like to see Joe Riggs just clobber Sanchez, but I’m not betting on it. The match that I really want to see is Sanchez vs. Hughes in the Who Does God Love More Brawl.

That’s it, someone needs to call the exterminator, ‘cause the Greasy Mustache is TAKING OVER!!!!!

Round 1. Well let’s just make this quick. A bit of circling, Sanchez knocks Riggs down and hits a nasty charging knee to head. Big calls off the fight shortly there after. Damnit Riggs, if you had just stayed on your knees that knee to the face would have been so illegal.

God, stop talking Diego, please.

Topics: All Topics, Erin Bucknell, MMA, UFC | 15 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

15 Responses to “Ultimate Fight Night 12/13/06”

  1. Here is my UFC Welterweight Rankings:

    (C) Georges St. Pierre
    1. Matt Hughes
    2. Diego Sanchez
    3. BJ Penn
    4. Karo Parisyan
    5. Jon Fitch

    Josh Koscheck might actually be #6 on that list. Joslin is a legit threat, and he beat him.

  2. Xenos says:

    Hard to argue with those rankings, MMA Critic.

  3. David says:

    Sanchez would get assaulted by BJ Penn..

  4. Perhaps. But he continues to win in impressive fashion. And Penn does not have a win at Welterweight since May 2004. So for ranking purposes, Sanchez should be ranked above Penn.

  5. Jwebb says:

    Yep. I think BJ would clobber Diego as well, but its tough to make a case for Penn to be ranked higher right now (Although facing the same fighters diego’s record would likely be the same as BJs)

  6. Mr. Roadblock says:

    How do you put Diego above BJ. Did you do that just to start an argument? Diego just finished his first real opponent in the UFC and Riggs is terrible (especially at 170). I have no problem with Diego after BJ at #4.

    I think when all is said and done Kosheck will be better than Diego.

  7. Xenos says:

    “How do you put Diego above BJ. Did you do that just to start an argument? Diego just finished his first real opponent in the UFC and Riggs is terrible (especially at 170). I have no problem with Diego after BJ at #4.”

    You understand that rankings are based on RESULTS, right? Not who you think is the better fighter (and at this moment I agree that BJ is more skilled than Diego).

  8. Mr. Roadblock says:

    BJ dominated Hughes and won. Dominated Hughes and lost after breaking his rib and lost a thisclose (some say controversial) decision to the current champ. Diego beat a bunch of minor leaguers.

  9. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Diego did beat Karo. That’s the best win on his record. Very close fight he won with a flury at the end. But both Diego and Karo come after BJ.

  10. BJ Penn is 2-2 lifetime as a Welterweight. One of his wins is against Duane Ludwig, who like himself is a an oversized Lightweight. His other win against Matt Hughes was diminished with his loss to him the second time. Based on his performances against Hughes & Penn is the only reason why he is ranked. However, he needs to win to be ranked any higher.

  11. Chief says:

    But we are talking about 2006, going into 2007, and as has been previously stated…what has Penn done recently? I love BJ as a fighter and he’s my favorite in his weight class, but he’s a had a couple of shots recently and hasn’t pulled anything off. Such is the nature of rankings

  12. JOSH says:

    Im not suprised Sanchez won, Riggs is horrible…I dont know why Dana keeps giving him work (he’s becoming one of Dana’s boys). I do see Sanchez vs BJ for the number1 title shot…or maybe they’ll give Sanchez/Kos first (becuase of underlying tension) but I dont think Sanchez win over Kos will make him more legitimate then a win over BJ.

    I also knew White wouldnt make ANY mention about the newly acquired fighters at UFN. He’s going to wait for Liddell/Tito because if Liddell wins Rampage will be in there for a stare down. I still dont think though, Mirko signed with UFC.

  13. JOSH says:

    Still dont think it regardless of’s posting. Im waiting to see him at Liddell/Ortiz II.

  14. GassedOut says:

    Good review Erin!

    Hey, that mustache is actually a Tropical species of caterpilar that only comes out when conditions are right. Don’t ask me what those are, I’m not feeling creative this morning. 😉

    I knew Riggs would lose. He won his last fight. That’s how he goes…win, loss, win, loss…

  15. […] Erin Bucknell has a good review of the entire UFC Fight Night here. […]

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