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Mirko not fighting on NYE

By Zach Arnold | December 12, 2006

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Here are the article links. Anyone who knows Croatian and can translate could help us out in a big way.

  1. MMA Weekly: Mirko Cro Cop gone from PRIDE 12/31 Saitama event
  2. Vecernji List: Mirko out due to ligament injury
  3. Jutarnji: Key word for Mirko absence is ‘ligament’

Plus, here’s the post that has set off the rumors about Fedor not fighting on the 12/31 Saitama event.

Quick question: If you were in DSE’s shoes, what would you do if both Fedor & Mirko were not available for the 12/31 show? Would you double-down and get super-aggressive to put on a big bang? Would you scale the show down and use a lot of Japanese fighters (like Kondo)? Or would you cancel the show and cut your losses?

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 14 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

14 Responses to “Mirko not fighting on NYE”

  1. Could he be going to the UFC? Only time will tell.

    Pride Shockwave ’06 is turning into a glorified Bushido show. Not that I mind, since I loved Bushido.

  2. PizzaChef says:

    One bloke gave me a online translator and……Well…..look at the results of the Jutarnji.

    ZAGREB Mirko Phillips will not set in at an traditionally New Year’s tournament japanese organizations Pride into a tokijskom suburb Saitami. Croatian master mixed borilački learning tough of how his decision It does not matter with bid quotation UFC- and plus possible prelaskom under wing America organizations, already wound left legging due to which does not long ago into a Baseball subjected operationally let alone.

    – At an advice for Stjepka Bućana through zagrebačke dispensary ‘Ligament’ decision unattended leap all things considered borbu at an Silvestrovo. Still me over each kick Bolivia ankle. As they type yes we do does into a ring does not bih could keep off kick left football, decision unattended yes we do neću venture težu wound plus viÅ¡emjesečnu lull he said Phillips, these accessories yes we do would does about bid quotation UFC- and legality into a next ten of the day. (sm)

  3. Luxury Liner says:

    ^^possible prelaskom under wing American organizations!!!! That is nuts!!!!

  4. ninja 4:20 says:

    from what i can tell, there are two main points

    1. mirko will not fight on NYE due to worrying about further injuring his left foot based on the advice of his doctor Dr Bucan and Ligament clinic and also due to the uncertainty about where he will fight in the future

    2. mirko will make a formal decision about the UFC offer in 10 days

  5. The formal decision makes me think it is with the UFC.

    If he was still with Pride, he would have just said so. If he signed with the UFC, he might be forced to stay quiet until the UFC makes an announcement.

  6. Xenos says:

    MMA Critic brings up an interesting point. I hadn’t thought of it that way before.

  7. Shaolin121 says:

    Unless pride wants to adress it in the press release they will need to have about fedor cancelling, and same with mirko, maybe they will announce both will fight in vegas.

  8. Zach Arnold says:

    Unless pride wants to adress it in the press release they will need to have about fedor cancelling, and same with mirko, maybe they will announce both will fight in vegas.

    PRIDE needs to address these rumors immediately in the press. They must take a proactive stance here. They cannot allow someone else to dictate their promotional agenda right now.

  9. JOSH says:

    Just because Mirko hasnt said he is staying with PRIDE doesnt neccesairly mean he is going to UFC. I can see him using this as a bragaining chip waiting to see if PRIDE steps up and offers him more money to stay right before he makes his deciison to jump. IMO the deal isnt done yet. PLUS I dont think Mirko will even be announced at FN….I think Dana will make a bigger splash having Mirko pop up on Tito/Liddell II.

  10. monkeymatt says:

    Where’s the part about Fedor cancelling?!

    Sorry, I should try reading… Hmm, this would really, really suck, and probably stick a rather large, rusty nail in the coffin of pride… and of my NYE!

  11. JThue says:

    Bah to sites reporting Mirko not fighting as news(MMAWeekly’s big KAZOOM headline in mind). You can’t be off a card you never were on in the first place(as he himself has consistently stated all the way).

    Regarding Fedor: Would a minor injury have been a worry if he was NOT contracted to fight in March? IF his fighting on NYE is really in limbo, this could be an interesting point.

  12. Stephan says:

    I’m going to go on a limb here and predict that Dana will announce Cro-Cop to the UFC tonite (with a contract in hand this time).

    This would make total sense.

  13. And me with no cable TV … this blows! Anyone in Montreal watching the fight?

  14. Zach Arnold says:

    Bah to sites reporting Mirko not fighting as news(MMAWeekly’s big KAZOOM headline in mind). You can’t be off a card you never were on in the first place(as he himself has consistently stated all the way).

    Mirko’s name is still advertised on the PRIDE Japanese HP as being on the list of potential participants. So to say that he wasn’t on the card is a technical argument, sure, but it was pretty clear that the promotion wanted him on the event.

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