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Friday media flash

By Zach Arnold | December 7, 2006

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  1. Eworldwire (Press Release): World Pro-Fighting (WPF) makes US television debut with Chuck Zito (it’s an event from 9/15 at Orleans Arena)
  2. Hall of Fame Magazine: America’s New Love Affair – The Ultimate Experience
  3. San Francisco Chronicle: San Jose hosts event that makes football look tame
  4. IFL HP: IFL to be discussed on CBS 60 Minutes this Sunday
  5. Contra Costa Times: Mixing martial arts and football (article about San Jose SabreCats lineman Rex Richards fighting on the StrikeForce card in San Jose)
  6. PRIDE: 12/31 Saitama Super Arena show will air on the same day (12/31) in America on PPV (9 PM EST/6 PM PST), going against the IFL on Fox Sports Net (with their 12/29 Mohegan Sun Arena event).
  7. Hollister Free Lance: Daniel Puder Prepared for Knock Out
  8. A message from Daniel Puder on MySpace: I Daniel Puder have been trying to fight Kurt for the last year. Today on Bubba the Love Sponge that he was scard of me. I am just glad that he admitted before we got into the cage.
  9. ic CheshireOnline: Welcome to Wolfslair’s MMR professional MMA gym
  10. Cay Compass (Cayman Islands): Team Palaestra tough in USA
  11. Houston Chronicle: PRIDE gets serious about finding a partner

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, StrikeForce, Zach Arnold | 13 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

13 Responses to “Friday media flash”

  1. The Gaijin says:

    Why does everyone assume that WWE investing in PRIDE would mean McMahon would be at the helm and attempting to fix matches???

    Last I checked everyone knew it was illegal and I don’t think McMahon feels like going to jail…like him or hate him the guy’s an amazing promoter who built a family run company into a virtual BILLION dollar monopoly. So long as he would be willing to continue to allow the people who manage PRIDE to continue managing it without undue interference, he could be the big money backer who saves it (ala the Ferittas). I know its trendy to hate on PRIDE and pro wrestling, but logistically so long as McMahon doesnt attempt to control the company on his own its a nice fit – tonnes of contacts, TV, $$$$$ and someone who knows how to promote.

  2. Erin says:

    “So long as he would be willing to continue to allow the people who manage PRIDE to continue managing it without undue interference,”

    That’s the problem though, I think McMahon is th etype of person who is willing to be a part of anything that he’s not fully in control of. That plus his record of not being able to pull off any big enterprise not related to wrestling doesn’t inspire confidence.

  3. Preach says:

    Talk about flying under the radar when it comes to the WPF. I’ve never before heard of that organization. I know some of their fighters (Yokoi seems to have been a one-shot deal), like the Fyeets, Milco Vorn (Colemans opponent at last years Bushido Europe) and André Baltschmieder, so it seems that at least at this point they’re heavily relying on european (or make that dutch) talent. Not the best talent out there, but it could also be worse. But i wonder what’s up with these austrian, german, swiss and south african offshoots they’re talking about in the press release. They’re supposed to run on a monthly basis starting next spring? Shouldn’t they at least be trying to recruit people for their roster by now?

  4. JOSH says:

    Going back to the Vince story, Gaijin, we all need to learn from history (which is understandable if u dont know because u may not be a wrestling buff). But Vince is the type of person who IF he invests HE WILL take control over. Everything he has touched has either succeded or failed becuase HE wanted to be in control. The XFL didnt work becuase Vince and his team were the oncepitching the ideas and NOT a group of sports league minded buisness men. The WCW concept didnt work because again Vince wante to control it and make it HIS idea of what WCW should be. The ECW brand is almost dead because Vince came in and INSTEAD of letting Pual Heyman (the man who MADE ECW) be in control, HE took over and tried to make ECW HIS ECW and thus it failed. That is why everyone is afraid of Vince touching PRIDE because if he doeshe will ONLY do it if he has any control over it.

  5. Sorry for my rough language….

    What freakin idiot in the Pride Organization decided to put the Shockwave ’06 PPV on New Years Eve… And then having the PPV run until midnight? Are they freakin stupid? Do they want Pride in America to fail?

    I am a hardcore MMA fan. I will be at the Mohegan Sun live for the IFL Finals. I will be getting the UFC PPV the next night. But even I can’t really justify buying a PPV on New Years and miss out on the biggest party day of the year.

    Horrible idea by Pride.

  6. The Gaijin says:

    Ahhhh…yah I was aware he had a few failed ventures but I didn’t know he was quite the maniacal control freak he appears to be. To his credit shows like Tough Enough appear to have paved the way for TUF etc. However, maybe the fact that MMA is pretty closely aligned with pro wrestling with respect to building hype, stars and ppv…if he could somehow have some restraints or checks and balances, it could be an interesting partnership.

    But from what JOSH has said, that’s likely wishful thinking or fantasy booking on my part.

    MMA Critic: isnt the Shockwave event ALWAYS on NYE??? That’s the whole point of the extravaganza isn’t it.

  7. NYE in Japan. Typically plays in North America on January 1st.

  8. JOSH says:

    Yea actuially I read a funny comment where if Vince did fund PRIDE he would try to convince PRIDE to have worked matches to build up the fighters and then feed them to his Son in law HHH or his other WWE stars to prove WWE is the BETTER prouct. So imagine HHH beating Fedor for the WWE title…yea scary scary thought!

  9. The Gaijin says:

    This was just mocking commentary on the idea of him buying PRIDE and not their actual plans I hope!!

  10. mmaguru says:

    the second pride signes on with wwe thier credability goes in the toilet and i think they’ll have serious problems with the commissions.thats 1 avenue they should avoid at all cost.pride and wwe might could work in japan but not in th u. s.

  11. JOSH says:

    Yea it was just a funny post, no real merit…but again I wouldnt run it past the egotistic thinking of Vince McMahon.

  12. Ivan Trembow says:

    The United States PPV timeslot is 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM on the East Coast, and 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM on the West Coast. So it does air until midnight on the East Coast, but not on the West Coast.

  13. Okay, so at least the West Coast has a good showing time for the event. The Eastern & Central Time Zone fans really get screwed.

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