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Turkey of the Year

By Zach Arnold | November 23, 2006

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We talked about this on our radio show this week. Now it’s your turn Strictly either picking a promoter, a fighter, or a promotion, pick your Turkey of the Year (the worst) and give your reasons why you chose your selection. Any selections outside of the noted criteria will be deleted.

Here are the choices we made this week on the radio show.

Turkeys of the Year

  1. Jeff Thaler – PRIDE (for losing their television deal with Fuji TV)
  2. Zach Arnold – Bob Sapp (for essentially finding a way to get blackballed or isolated from working in Japan after the debacle in Holland)
  3. Luke Nicholson – Tim Sylvia (for being such a boring UFC Heavyweight Champion and damaging the UFC Heavyweight division brand)
  4. Erin Bucknell – Tim Sylvia vs. Andrei Arlovski round three of their July UFC fight

Topics: All Topics, MMA, Zach Arnold | 21 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

21 Responses to “Turkey of the Year”

  1. Tim Sylvia – for thinking that wearing a belt makes him a champion, when his attitude and performances in the ring show otherwise.

  2. PizzaChef says:

    Too many to choose from. You got PRIDE, Sylvia, Dana White (to a extent), Herb Dean, K-1 HERO’s refereeing, Charles McCarthy, even TUF 4 (when it comes to ratings. Although I enjoyed the show for some reason.)

    Eh…..I’ll say Matt Hughes for being a dick and trying to make GSP look bad, only to get his ass handed to him.

  3. Rich says:

    Kevin Randleman- for failing a drug test by not producing urine.

  4. MMA T-Shirts says:

    I think I’ll go for the WFA.

    Big expectations, big wages, big name fighters, big flop of a first show. Awful turnout, awful production, pretty bad commentary. Then they cancel their second show.

    I really wanted them to succeed and enjoyed the show – but only cos I am a massive MMA fan.

    To be honest, they just had delusions of grandeur and have been made to look pretty rediculous. Unless they have a deal with showtime in the works, theyre my turkeys.

    To fail one is a shame, to fail at the same thing twice is just shambolic.

  5. David says:

    Pride. Lost their spot on NYE, their US ppv got 458 buys, their 183 pound tournament ended in a farce, and they no replacement for Saku.

  6. UFC and Pride for not reaching an agreement for the Liddell vs Silva fight.

    Shame on them.

  7. Brian Kelly says:

    Vitor Belfort. For once again demonstrating for all how undeserved his nickname truly is. After going 1-2 on the year which included a failed drug test in his most recent outing he has proved once and for all tht he is not an elite competitor. His loss to Hendo is understandable but another loss to a fading Alistair Overreem seals the deal. Once one of the more exciting fighters in MMA he is now a boring fighter who should no longer be considered by the top promotions in the sport.

  8. genjuroSE says:

    Bushido 13. Had the potential to be very good, but the event was horrible.
    But please Pride.. Fight for your life!! MMA will not be the same without you!

  9. Beef Tips says:

    What’s with all of the Tim Sylvia bashing? He beat Ricco Rodriguez in his prime (via KO), and he beat Arlovski twice – once, by KO, and the other in 5 rounds of beating.

    How about the IFL for not producing one single solitary entertaining fight?

  10. Joe says:

    Can someone fill me in on the Bob Sapp Holland debacle? It seems I missed it.

  11. Zach Arnold says:

    Use this link to search through past Sapp stories on the site.

  12. KOP The Tame says:

    Frank Shamrock

    The sport gained popularity in 2006. Frank Shamrock ran his mouth more then ever this year without actually competing against a Top 50 fighter in his division.

  13. Ajax says:

    Mma shows held in America because of the stupid rules. If there’s no stomps and head kicks to a downed opponent, I won’t pay for it. The most boring and frusterating thing to me is two guys fighing on the ground and only being able to punch. If Silva ever does get it on with Liddell, it better damn well be in Japan under mma rules that don’t limit the fighters arsenals and water down the action.

  14. iain says:

    ZACH ARNOLD FOR HATING PRIDE! (just kidding!)

    I would say each and every one of the athletes who got busted for roids. WFA ranking in second. If the World Fighter’s crapola crapfest gets crappier it will rise to number 1.

  15. Stanley Roper says:

    Dana White: “of all times”

  16. GassedOut says:

    Michael Goldberg of the UFC for “the most anticipated [whatever] of the year” in at least 5 different fights. Go Goldie!

  17. doubstajr says:

    Another vote for Dana

    And Zach, stop the Pride hate 🙂 There’s plenty $ to go round.

  18. StreitigKaiser says:

    Tim Sylvia for invalidating the UFC heavyweight division

  19. Chuck says:

    Anyone for failing a steroid test, but if only one person gets it, I give it to Stephan Bonnar. Losing to Griffin a second time, and failing a drug test to go along with it. And he will probably end up trying to live off being a runner up on Ultimate Fighter for the rest of his career.

  20. Stan Roper says:

    Joe Rogan: “the sport has evolved”

  21. Jeff says:

    Pride for losing their Fuji TV contract followed by the WFA’s one and done.

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