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What I learned today…

By Zach Arnold | November 17, 2006

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By simply reading MMA message boards.

  1. That Randy Savage is training with Team Quest and is in negotiations to fight in the UFC.
  2. That Naoya Ogawa is the man in charge of signing the documents for a WWE/PRIDE merger. This is actually a brilliant post.
  3. That BoDog is going to buy PRIDE.
  4. That since Vince McMahon helped finance ECW in the past, therefore any potential financing he does with PRIDE is a guaranteed success.
  5. That Brandon Vera is the second coming of Emelianenko Fedor.
  6. That Mike Tyson will become a male escort for Heidi Fleiss.

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “What I learned today…”

  1. PizzaChef says:

    I love the Ogawa one. Including the Hustle references.

    I’m tempted to get a proxy and register on Sherdog and stir sh1t up myself. In the style of Jeff K. or Taco the Wonder Dog that is.

  2. Royal B. says:

    The Ogawa thread had me in stitches.

  3. Preach says:

    Yeah, the Ogawa-Thread is pure gold. MMAniac always delivers when it comes to praising the awesomeness of Ogawa….

    Hustle Hustle Hustle…

  4. Stu says:

    7. That Zach Arnold hates Sherdog, and Sherdog hates him.

  5. Diamond Dave Williams says:

    Zach Arnold needs Sherdog, If it were not for Sherdog most of Zachs research lanes would be gone. No Offence Zach, but you have run with Sherdog threads in the past, claimed them as your opinion and if the the thread was false, you would claim that your sourse was lacking information.
    Without Sherdog, Zach Arnold’s fight Opinion would just be Zach Arnolds fight.

  6. Mr1000Cent says:

    Well, being an avid gamer, I know too well what happens to message boards on sites that get way too big. Just try to read the forums on :D. At least you don’t have people on Sherdog saying that “Chad Rowan was Yokozuna in the WWE”, or “Mr. Perfect used to be my next door neighbor” posts. Although, IMO, “Macho Man in the UFC” is pretty close.

  7. Zach Arnold says:

    Zach Arnold needs Sherdog, If it were not for Sherdog most of Zachs research lanes would be gone. No Offence Zach, but you have run with Sherdog threads in the past, claimed them as your opinion and if the the thread was false, you would claim that your sourse was lacking information.
    Without Sherdog, Zach Arnold’s Fight Opinion would just be Zach Arnolds fight.

    This is the most laughable claim I’ve heard yet from a critic. First, it was “you rely too much on the Japanese media.” Then it was “you rely too much on blogs.” Now it’s “without Sherdog, you would have nothing.”

    Dare I say that I was writing about what was happening in Japan long before Sherdog came into prominence. But don’t let the facts get in the way of telling a good story or making good copy.

  8. Diamond Dave Williams says:

    Zach, Please do not be offended as this comment was not to be critical, but merely just stating some recent facts. Your website has some of the most insite into what has been happening in the Japanese wrestling scene. Infact I do not know of another site on the world wide web that has as much detail as What I am stating is that the site of FIGHTOPINION.COM. is lacking of much original content. Based on what I could aquire on other sites, PrideFC is on the cusp of having another television station cover the NYE event. If this is indeed true, where are the reports that one would expect on Fight Opinion, K1 and Heros apparently have huge stories emerging, again Fight Opinion has minimal information at best. I do not know who stated that Zach Arnold relies too much on the Japenese media or who stated that Zach Arnold relies too much on Blogs, but what am am stating not as a critic, but as an avid reader of both sites is that one site has great extensive coverage on Japanese Wrestling, but Fight Opinion does rely more on Sherdog threads and other sources of links than the mainly original content on
    Zach, do not take this as critisism, but listen to what the contents are. I read sherdog for a laugh, but I come to your sites for information.

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