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Report: Tokuyama heading to PRIDE

By Zach Arnold | November 5, 2006

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The headline on Yahoo Japan says it all. Yomiuri Hochi reports that Masamori Tokuyama will vacate his WBC Super Flyweight Title on Monday to the JBC (Japan Boxing Commission), essentially retiring from boxing to work PRIDE’s 12/31 Saitama Super Arena event. Gryphon’s thoughts on this developing story.

Update: Takanori Gomi publicly commented on the news of Tokuyama possibly entering PRIDE. Gomi said that there was a weight and “rule” (Tokuyama from boxing, Gomi in MMA) difference compared to Tokuyama, but that he respected Tokuyama as a boxer. Gomi also expressed interest in fighting overseas soon. Sakakibara stated that he would like to see Gomi fight in America (on 2/24 in Las Vegas).

Update II: Tokuyama was somewhat vague in answer questions from the media in regards to whether or not he was quitting boxing and entering PRIDE. Tokuyama said that there was no conversion to kakutougi (MMA) right now because he is currently an active boxer. The meeting between him and the JBC did take place. A second meeting is expected to take place.

In regards to Tokuyama’s possible participation in PRIDE, Sakakibara said that there was a possibility of it happening. He stated that the promotion is continuing to try to negotiate a deal to get their 12/31 event on free TV. (Ed. — This is not as bold of a statement regarding PRIDE’s TV situation as compared to the statements Sakakibara was making the day after the Las Vegas event. Time is running out.) He confirmed that the promotion will hold an event at the Macau Dome in Macau simultaneously with the Saitama Super Arena event. Sakakibara also stated that PRIDE will hold more overseas events in 2007 (meaning less shows in Japan). The current structure of events (the number series, GP series, Bushido, etc.) would be restructured. The restructuring moves will be announced soon. The Bushido events may be eliminated altogether.

Topics: All Topics, Boxing, Japan, Media, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “Report: Tokuyama heading to PRIDE”

  1. Lynchman says:

    Would it be safe to assume that Tyson has not been enough to get tv?

  2. Zach Arnold says:

    Would it be safe to assume that Tyson has not been enough to get tv?

    I’m starting to buy more credence into the rumor of Tokuyama vs. Gomi (who would outweigh Tokuyama, amazingly) in a boxing match.

    If you wanted to be cynical, you could look at the Tokuyama signing as a last-minute move to try to drum up some support with someone at TV-Asahi. I’m not entirely sure what is going on there. The “big announcement” is supposed to be Friday.

  3. Japanime says:

    Takayuma vs. Tyson

    it’s obvious.

  4. Zach Arnold says:

    Mike Tyson weighs more than double what Tokuyama weighs.

  5. Lynchman says:

    Yes but the Japanese love their underdogs. Taka would be a hell of an underdog to Tyson.

    I am joking.

  6. Psygone says:

    Super-Fly Weight is like 115lbs (52 Kilos?) at the most he walks around at 125 lbs.

  7. Richard says:

    Zack, there you go again trying to hint some more bad press for DSE, this is what you wrote-

    (Ed. — This is not as bold of a statement regarding PRIDE’s TV situation as compared to the statements Sakakibara was making the day after the Las Vegas event. Time is running out.)

    So time is running out? you have to be kidding me, DSE publicly gave a timeline to when they will announce who they signed a TV deal with you idiot. He is trying to get the best deal for PRIDE, and has already said he will announce it Nov 10th.

    Mr. Sakakibara-
    “Now we negotiate to 3 TV stations, we will determine at November 10th”

  8. Preach says:

    It really helps if you’re not only able to read, but also to understand the meaning of said written word. Sakakibara stated that they will be making an announcement with whom they signed on 11/10, by which date they would have an already signed contract. But he stated yesterday, that they are still negotiating, and just like Zach said: time’s running out as there’s just 4 more days left…

    And Zach, perhaps it would be best to switch to another blog-script, with comments only available to registered users, if the negative trend of name-calling continues…

  9. PizzaChef says:

    I don’t know if I’m reading too much into this or not but….During the opening ceremonies for Bushido 13, they used the regular PRIDE song instead of the Bushido music. Maybe it’s a sign that they will get rid of Bushido all together?

  10. Clint says:

    Zach, Do you think that Tokuyama is enough of a draw to sway a station into showing the NYE show? I know the Kameda brothers are HUGE draws in Japan but I don’t really know about the drawing power of Tokuyama.

  11. Iron Mike says:

    Zach is on the money. In the sportsnavi interview Sakakibara is already starting to make excuses as to why PRIDE wont get a tv deal for NYE. He says it might be difficult to get a broadcast contract for 2 events (Macau and Saitama) running at the same time

    Dont worry Richard, you’ll still be able to see PRIDE on Skyperfect PPV or even better, for free via the Korean TV feed. Or if you really want to pay for it, sit down on NYE in front of your computer and download the fights

  12. Zach Arnold says:

    Zach, Do you think that Tokuyama is enough of a draw to sway a station into showing the NYE show? I know the Kameda brothers are HUGE draws in Japan but I don’t really know about the drawing power of Tokuyama.

    My best guess? No. It won’t mean a lot. (See: Fujita vs. Imamu Mayfield from Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2003.)

    If I had to take a guess as to what is happening… DSE wanted Tokuyama under wraps so that they could present him in a promotional package at the last minute to Asahi or another network. Tokuyama now is playing crafty and isn’t fully committing, as he waits and sees what the situation is. If DSE doesn’t get a TV deal for NYE, I don’t expect Tokuyama to enter into PRIDE. DSE is playing defense now, instead of offense.

    Tokuyama is also a strange choice, because you can’t put him in an MMA fight. If you put him in boxing, it means you have to find someone in a similar weight class. I don’t see Takanori Gomi fighting him in a boxing match at all. Therefore, you would have to go out and get someone from ShootBoxing (which has ties to K-1) or elsewhere. And really, who wants to pay to see a boxing match on an MMA card? The idea that PRIDE might run two boxing matches (one with Tokuyama and one with Tyson) on the same night is horrendous.

    And Zach, perhaps it would be best to switch to another blog-script, with comments only available to registered users, if the negative trend of name-calling continues…

    I agree that the name-calling and tactics employed in disagreement to what I’ve wrote so far are a bit out-of-line, but I may as well let people see publicly what I deal with on a daily basis. So, it’s a fine line. I’ll be careful, for sure.

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