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Bushido 11/5 Yokohama Arena event results

By Zach Arnold | November 5, 2006

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The Burning Spirit web site says that the first floor (floor seating) of the building is full, but that the second level of seats (second floor) was closed off. The claimed paid attendance for the event was 10,868.

Results/spoilers can be read in full-post view.

Update: Gryphon has a Japanese post (which echoes what I’ve seen elsewhere online) that states that the Bushido show went so long in duration that on various CS (satellite/SkyPerfecTV) tuners, people who were trying to order a later airing of the show were having trouble doing so because the original airing (the live version) went so long (over the scheduled time frame).

This event was over six hours in length.

  1. Welterweight GP Reserve Match: Gegard Mousasi defeated Hector Lombard after 2R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  2. Welterweight GP Semi-Finals: Paulo Filho defeated Kazuo Misaki in R1 in 9 minutes, 43 seconds with a cross-arm scissors hold for the submission.
  3. Welterweight GP Semi-Finals: Denis Kang defeated Akihiro Gono after 2R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  4. Murilo Bustamante defeated Yoon Dong-Sik after 2R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  5. Luiz Buscape defeated Nobuhiro Obiya after 2R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  6. Joe Pearson defeated Yoshiro Maeda in R1 in 54 seconds with a front choke hold for the submission.
  7. Sanae Kikuta defeated Jean Francois Lenogue after 2R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  8. Ikuhisa Minowa defeated Mike Barton after 2R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  9. Mitsuhiro Ishida defeated David Bielkheden after 2R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  10. Shin’ya Aoki defeated Clay French in R1 in 3 minutes, 57 seconds with a triangle lock for the submission. After the match, Aoki got on the microphone and stated that he wanted to face Gilbert Melendez at PRIDE’s 12/31 Saitama Super Arena show. Melendez got into the ring afterwards.
  11. PRIDE Lightweight Title Match: Takanori Gomi defeated Marcus Aurelio after 2R by a 2-1 judges’ decision.
  12. The promotion announced that Paulo Filho suffered ligament damage in his left knee and could not continue to the Welterweight GP finals. Kazuo Misaki was named as his replacement.

  13. PRIDE Welterweight GP Finals: Kazuo Misaki defeated Denis Kang after 2R by a 2-1 judges’ decision. Kang’s right shoulder was taped going into the fight. The two Japanese judges voted in favor of Misaki, while Matt Hume voted in favor of Denis Kang.

Quick thought: Misaki’s win here makes logical sense as far as PRIDE’s matchmaking is concerned. He beat Dan Henderson in an upset win on the 8/26 Nagoya event, and now he wins the Welterweight GP, setting up Misaki vs. Henderson on New Year’s Eve for the Welterweight title. Despite the way Misaki was entered into the tournament finals, it was about as clean of a process as DSE could have hoped for storyline-wise for culminating the Misaki/Henderson re-match on NYE.

Nobuhiko Takada made comments to the press on Monday about the Bushido show. They were critical comments about the show itself. The time of the show (6 1/2 hours long), a lot of fights going to decisions, etc. He said that there were some lessons to be taken away from the show as far as promoting is concerned.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, Media, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 18 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

18 Responses to “Bushido 11/5 Yokohama Arena event results”

  1. Japanime says:


  2. PizzaChef says:

    I get a 3 hour sleep and the event is still going on yeesh. So many judges decisions…And a note on Filho.

    it seems Filho got injured his ligament of left knee joint

  3. rising sun says:

    bushido sucked dogs balls

    gomi was scared shitless and if he’s pride’s poster boy then bushido is a bunch of f***

    the only good thing about the whole event was kang and even he was a let down in that final although he defintely got ripped off as well.cant have a korean win- whats with with misawa as a champ who lost his first fight?

  4. Meatneck says:

    who’s misawa?

  5. Zach Arnold says:

    cant have a korean win- whats with with misawa as a champ who lost his first fight?

    The idea of Mitsuharu Misawa competing at Welterweight… now that would have been a miracle.

  6. risingsunisanass says:

    “gomi was scared shitless and if he’s pride’s poster boy then bushido is a bunch of f***”

    Probably the stupidest thing typed on the internet in the last 2 weeks.

  7. Zach Arnold says:

    Probably the stupidest thing typed on the internet in the last 2 weeks.

    We agree – it’s going to be a long day as far as the comments…

    In fact, I’m turning off comments for this thread — for now.

  8. Jwebb says:

    Only the very top was closed off. Probably because it is up pretty high and could not see through the fixtures above the ring from those seats in Yokohama Arena

  9. Mike says:

    Hey, what do you know? In the big two matches, the Japanese fighters got the hometown split decision against the foreigners. Remember that next time the PRIDE marks try to claim UFC is biased in favor of American fighters.

  10. Jwebb says:

    Hey, what do you know?

    I was there and in fact the decisions were right on. I was surprised they were even split. I had them as UD’s for the winners.

    Did you even watch the fights?

  11. Jwebb says:

    Kang got dominated by misaki, He barely made it out of the first round, and then got dropped hard in the 2nd as well.

    Try watching the fights before you call foul on the decisions

  12. Tomer says:

    Did something happen to Gegard Mousasi as well that allowed PRIDE to put Kazuo Misaki into the finals of the GP?

  13. Zach Arnold says:

    Tomer – apparently the PRIDE rule is that the loser of a semi-final tournament match (in this case, Misaki, who lost to Filho) is allowed first rights to replace over the reserver (Mousasi). Therefore, Misaki was slotted vs. Kang in the finals.

  14. Tomer says:

    Kind of a wacky rule (IMO) since it makes the reserve spot a reserve of the reserve spot, but thanks for the clarification, Zach.

  15. JOSH says:

    I agree that is an odd PRIDE rule…oh well if anything it did allow Misaki to prove he deserves a shot with Henderson BUt I would like to see Kang vs Filho somewhere down the line to set up thenext contender for the title.

  16. JThue says:

    Nothing wrong with the desicions. Also, HUME gave his decision to Gomi over Aurelio, so only the Misaki-win was 2 Jp vs 1 US vote. And the latter was a lot less disputable than Gomi’s win was. Having said that, the right men won, but Gomi and Aurelio need to go again.

    Filho vs. Kang for #1 contender after Misaki – Hendo please. For a pretty crappy show this Bushido-event sure did wonders for the future of the WW-division.

  17. JThue says:

    BTW, a little note on the mood. When Maeda taps out in less than a minute and Japan go 0-4 for the evening, Yokohama Arena is more DEAD than it even was at any of the World-Japan wrestling shows. Then Japanese fighers come back with five wins before Miaski tops it off, and thank goodness for that. How else would this crowd have survived 6+ hours?!? :S

    Yeah, enough of the monster cards already. Bushido overkill at the last two shows. Positive comments from Takada though.

  18. Nick Poliseno says:

    The Pearson-Maeda fight was so disappointing. i have followed Maeda, and he is an exciting, skilled fighter. He is a better striker than wrestler, but he can wrestle too. I really wanted to see him in action against a non-asian fighter. I don’t understand the ease with which the choke was obtained and not challenged. Was it that Maeda was surprised by how tight it got, because it didn’t seem like it was going to end the fight so quickly. Also, he never seem to get a bit desparate when he must have realized he was in trouble and perhaps throw some punches or flip around a bit. Taking nothing away from Pearson, I would have liked to see if he could have handled all of Maeda’s striking power and quickness. I hope he doesn’t get too discouraged by his two loses at Pride Bushido 7 & 13 and hope he tries again to enter the “Big Leagues.” Does anybody know when he is fighting next.

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