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Wednesday fight media round-up

By Zach Arnold | October 17, 2006

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Mike Tyson only wants to entertain you

This post will be updated throughout the day.

Yahoo Japan HP: Akebono’s mother, Janice, dies

The unfortunate lead story is that Akebono’s mother, 60-year old Janice Rowan, died in a Hawaiian hospital at 12:49 AM on the 17th due to respiratory failure.

  1. Ivan Trembow: UFC 63 & UFC 64 fighter salary breakdown
  2. MMA HQ: Matt Hughes vs. Anderson Silva at Middleweight?
  3. CBS Sportsline: The Biofiles: Fedor Emilianenko (sic – look at the profile picture of the author)
  4. Stephen Quadros: Preview of PRIDE Las Vegas show
  5. Sherdog: Thread on PPV buyrates for pro-wrestling, boxing, and MMA
  6. F4WOnline: America gets PRIDE
  7. The Guardian: WBO Featherweight champion Scott Harrison arrested in Spain
  8. The Scotsman: Spanish police officer allegedly hurt by Harrison will undergo surgery to save eyesight
  9. Washington Post: Mike Tyson supports Maryland political candidate Michael Steele in US Senatorial election
  10. Washington Post: Iron Mike’s “Girlie Comeback” (Tyson wants to fight Ann Wolfe)
  11. Fight Report: Mike Tyson returns to PPV this Friday night
  12. BJ Penn HP: Medical report coming out of the Penn/Hughes fight
  13. PW Torch: Kurt Angle talks about UFC, PRIDE, K-1, WWE, and TNA (and here is part two and part three)
  14. Sherdog: Sumie Sakai’s first American MMA match is ruled a no-contest

Topics: All Topics, Boxing, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 7 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

7 Responses to “Wednesday fight media round-up”

  1. Preach says:

    Arrr, that article about Fedor just destroyed the image that i had of him in my mind. “Russian pop music”… Those of you who have been to a russian disco before know what kind of picture i’m seeing right now. And it ain’t pretty…

  2. grafdog says:

    The ufc’s base pay is still $2000? The IFC used to have base pay of $500 for new fighters 5+ years ago (at least thats what a few friends of mine were paid for their first fights) + a bonus for an exciting fight.
    Even the Gladiator Challenge and KOTC usually paid $1000. These shows brought in between 1,000-2,000 people on average, and had no ppv revenue to augment fighter salaries.

    The ufc i’d imagine brings in 10 times the people for their shows and at least 10 times the revenue from the gate with their higher ticket prices. Just off the top of my head it would seem that a fair base pay in the ufc derived from the gate revenue alone should be between $5,000-10,000 5 years ago.

    But five years later,
    high turnover, low wages and no profit sharring has turned the ufc into the Walmart of mma.

    I wont buy the ufc knowing the fighters are being shafted(imo) and neither will I shop at Walmart for that same reason.

  3. PizzaChef says:

    Sorry to break into another topic Zach, but Kurt Angle was on Bubba the Love Sponge and talked about a lot of things, including MMA stuff. Maybe it is something you should post? Rajah has a nice post about it with points, and it is very interesting.

    (Ed. — Ask and you shall receive.)

  4. Mike says:

    One of these days, it will actually sink into the thick skulls of some MMA fans that the listed payouts for UFC shows are based on the arena gate and do not include the fighters’ cuts of the PPV revenue.

  5. Preach says:

    I wouldn’t even be surprised if Zuffa (or the Fertittas) own a big stake in Xyience, which would just further support Danas claim that his fighters make much more than the reported numbers. Sure, the CEO of Xyience is a guy named Russell Pike… But the company is based in Las Vegas, and Pike also runs Real Fighter magazine – one of the few media outlets that always get press credentials at UFC shows… And has anybody ever heard of Xyience before they suddenly popped up with that Liddell commercial two years ago? I’d imagine with the UFC being that hot right now, that other supplement companies would shill out some serious cash to get UFCs official brand, but somehow Xyience (which only has between 10 and 50 employees!) keeps the spot. It would only be logical if the UFCs involved with Xyience…

  6. JOSH says:

    yea but Mike u do realize ONLY those fighters that MAKE the PPV airing get even a cut of the PPV and even THEN the main eventers get a much biger stake (rightfully so) then the open fight of the main card. Therefore the bottom fighters only get paid what u see there (plus maybe a bonus endorsement)

  7. MMA T-Shirts says:

    Mike – prove it.

    As far as I am aware only a select few fighters get a share of PPV. If you know otherwise, as I said, please prove it. I would love to be PROVED wrong.


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