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Sunday newspaper review

By Zach Arnold | October 15, 2006

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Update: Mark Pickering reports that K-1 is trying to book retired boxer Vitali Klitschko.

Lots of UFC coverage. Lots. This will be updated throughout the day.

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Yahoo Japan HP: Mirko, long-term succession due to left foot surgery

The news about Mirko’s medical situation has made it in the Japanese media.

  1. Washington Post: Silva bags quick UFC TKO of Franklin
  2. Long Beach Press-Telegram: Franklin comes back only to lose
  3. Canadian Press (via CBC News): Silva claims UFC Middleweight title, Sherk takes lightweight crown
  4. Fight Report: Silva Annihilates Franklin!
  5. UFC HP: Silva scores another single round stunner to win Middleweight crown
  6. Sherdog: ‘Ace’ is Up: Silva takes UFC belt in full house
  7. Houston Chronicle: Silva rocks Franklin, Sherk dominates at UFC 64
  8. Dave Doyle (Fox Sports): UFC 64 aftermath
  9. MMA HQ: UFC 64: Unstoppable recap

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  1. The “O” Show: UFC 64 was Unstoppable
  2. Ultimate Fighting Fan: Anderson Silva title win not unexpected, but not easily expected

Who should Anderson Silva face in his *first* UFC Middleweight title defense?

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Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 14 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

14 Responses to “Sunday newspaper review”

  1. Erin says:

    I voted for The TUF 4 winner. Hurry up and get that out of the way. Mean while, give Franklin one match to get some confidence back, maybe with Swick, and then have the Franklin/Silva rematch.

  2. Tomer says:

    My pick is either Swick or Lindland as both have the best set of wins behind them at this point. The reason I voted Swick over Lindland, though, is because he’s been on a good winning streak in the UFC thus far. If the TUF 4 winner is contractually obligated to face Silva (or the champion at the time), though, it may be best to have him fight the winner to clear up the field for legitimate contenders (although I think it really is unfair for guys like Swick who have actually gone on pretty good winning streaks over quality guys on official UFC shows while guys who looked bad and basically were kicked out of UFC get an immediate title shot after winning a tournament against other guys who were kicked out for being sub-par by the promotion’s standards).

  3. HijoDelOso says:

    I suspect Dana will do the immediate turnaround with Rich ala Double A and Giant Sylvia 3.

  4. John says:

    I think Dana should put Silva against the TUF winner on an UFC Fight Night. More than likely, Silva will plow through the TUF winner in brutal fashion. This will give the average TUF fan another chance to see what a monster Silva is. That should help to make him more marketable for future PPV’s.

  5. Preach says:

    Yeah, I agree, pit him against the TUF winner on an UFC Fight Night. It’s the best way to build him up some more (and he needs to get more exposure and recognition to the viewers) and give a Fight Night a legit main event.

    As for Franklin – they should give him at least 2 warm-up fights before getting a rematch, just like they should’ve done before this fight. It was just too soon to give him Silva after all these injuries.

  6. Tomer says:

    Plus, I imagine the NSAC will suspend Franklin for a decent amount of time considering the battering he took and the horribly broken nose he suffered afterwards.

  7. cjfighter says:

    I agree Tomer. After Rich heals up he should fight Swick for the #1 contender spot while in the mean time Silva cleans up the mess that is TUF 4. More exposure for Silva and either proving time for Swick or confidence building for Franklin.

  8. cjfighter says:

    Oh yea, why is Jon Fitch on this list? Has he moved up from welter weight?

  9. JThue says:

    Where is Marquardt? He was tentatively scheduled to get this shot until Silva signed, and since then he’s only won, but he’s not in the list of alternatives? :S In my mind, Swick and Nate are the only ones who could realisticly be squeezed in before the TUF defense. In any event(unless they sign Lindland), we’ll need a contender match between non-TUF guys to decide who then gets either the first(prior to TUF winner) shot or the second one. Contender-fight(official or not) to happen at 65 or FN8, with first title match in February or March.

  10. Zach Arnold says:

    Oh yea, why is Jon Fitch on this list? Has he moved up from welter weight?

    UFC has him listed at 185 on their HP. Therefore, I suspect he can fight at either 170 or 185.

  11. sebastian says:

    Yes, where is Marquardt in the list?
    That his third fight (last on contract?) was snuggled in as a dark bout on a UFN might suggest that Zuffa is not to found of him though.

  12. Zach Arnold says:

    I would have put Marquardt on the list, but my opinion is that UFC doesn’t have enough confidence to put him back on TV/PPV.

  13. I voted the same way Erin did, get the TUF thing out of the way. However, Franklin isn’t beating Swick.

  14. Preach says:

    Ha! I knew K1 would try to make Vitali an offer to fight for them sooner or later, he’d be just too perfect for them. A boxer not only with name value, but also one who could easily adjust to K1 by being a Kickboxer back in the days.

    And signing him would open up the very lucrative german market for them. Vitali is still being held in very high regard over here, and is always on TV somewhere, in commercials, as a guest on tv-shows, even as a color commentator on boxing from time to time. Even though boxing is still the no. 1 combat sports in germany, K1 could easily sell out the Cologne Arena (20 000 seats) with a card topped with a Vitali Klitschko fight.

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