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UFC 63: Hughes vs. Penn

By Erin | September 23, 2006

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By Erin Bucknell

Quick event results recap here.

Hmm, Penn certainly seems excessively confident. I really hope he’s been training hard and not just relying on his former win. Cause, that? Not such a good plan. Especially after his performance against GSP.

Jens has been accused of having a style designed to “not lose”? Umm, sounds like a decent strategy to me. Or is that your nice way of saying that Jens was safe in the boring way, Rogan?

Jens Pulver vs. Joe Lauzon

Umm Lauzon, stealing Jennifer Lopez’s nickname really isn’t the way to instill fear in your opponent. And what’s with Pulver’s normal hair? I’ve come to expect his cracktastic hair creations. He does, however, have good taste in entrance music.

Lauzon gets a quick takedown, Jens gets them back to standing, Lauzon gets a knee to Pulver’s body followed by a left hook and the ref calls the fight quickly there after. Umm wha? I’m still making fun of Lauzon’s nickname.

Winner: Joe Lauzon (R1 by TKO)

Put your shirt back on, Rob Schnieder, right now.

Hellloooooooooo Mr. Franklin. You are hot as ever, but I really don’t approve of the pink and brown shirt.

Rashad Evans vs. Jason Lambert

Oh goody, it’s He of the Really Boring Fight vs. He of the Sagging Man Boobs.

Clinch against the fence, back to the center and Rashad gets a sweep taking them to the floor. Back to kinda standing against the fence before Rashad gets him down again. Rashad with a good slam and gets side control. Lambert starts working for a kimura, but Rashad slides out. They go back to stand up and Rashad blocks a takedown attempt by Lambert. They are up against the fence and Rashad gets another takedown. We stay there until round ends.

Rd 2. Rashad with another takedown and ends up in guard. Rashad goes for Lambert’s back by the fence. Back to stand up for a second before Rashad gets another takedown this time getting the full mount. Rashad drops some good punches and the ref ends the fight. Holy crap, Rashad finished a fight!

Winner: Rashad Evans (R2 by KO)

Don’t worry ‘bout your accent GSP, just sit there and look hot buddy.

Melvin Guillard vs. Gabe Ruediger

Nice lucha mask, Gabe. And Melvin’s sporting very blond hair.

Melvin gets a quick takedown but they are back to standing just as quickly. Melvin is incredibly aggressive this time out throwing punches from every which direction. Melvin goes for a body kick but Gabe grabs a leg. They eventually end up clinched against the fence. Back to the center and after a takedown they are back up against the fence. Ruediger gets a takedown and goes right into full mount. Melvin rolls and Gabe gets his back and starts working for a rear naked choke. Round ends.

Random stand up for the first minute before Melvin gets a big shot to the body and Ruediger is down. Ref stops the fight.

Winner: Melvin Guillard (R2 by KO)

Mike Swick vs. David Loiseau

Swick is looking rather skinny tonight, or am I just seeing things? Loiseau has great entrance music combined with crow noises to which we (the roommates) make the ca-caw, ca-caw noises.

Neither guy seems really enthusiastic to engage, until Swick goes for a kick and they end up clinched against the cage. After a bit the ref separates them and sends them back to the middle. They hang out there for a bit with both guys hitting some punches and body kicks. Swick gets a takedown and gets Loiseau’s back for a second before they are back to standing. Round ends.

I really dislike the boos when there’s been ten seconds without something significant happening.

Rd 2. More standup with no clear dominant guy. Loiseau is working the leg kicks and Swick going for the face. Swick goes for a knee and they end up against the fence. Swick gets a takedown into half guard. Swick opens up a small cut on Loiseau’s head. Round ends.

Rd 3. Swick gets a takedown at the fence and drops some shoulders in half guard. Swick moves to Loiseau’s back but they go back to standing. Loiseau starts making a comeback with some nice elbows and they go down against the fence. Loiseau drops some nasty elbows and they get back to standing at the fence. They go back to standing. Loiseau goes for a flying knee and Swick catches it into a takedown. Round ends.

Winner: Mike Swick (after 3R by unanimous decision)

Tyson Griffin vs. David Lee

Lee is a total skinny punk rock kid; Griffin is rather short and compact.

Griffin gets Lee’s back and gets a body triangle after Lee tries for a flying knee thing. Griffin starts working for a rear naked choke. He locks it in and after a few seconds of trying to get out, Lee taps.

Winner: Tyson Griffin (R1 by submission)

Matt Hughes vs. BJ Penn

I’d really like Hughes to get new music as long as it’s not “Save a Horse”. Shudder. And why does UFC need an official tire for god’s sake?

Matt goes for a takedown but Penn manages to hold it off and they hit the fence. Penn continues to hold it off and they are back to the center of the ring. Matt goes for a takedown after eating a punch, but Penn holds it off again. Some good punches exchanged before Penn accidently pokes Hughes in the eye. After Matt gets a his vision back he goes for a takedown and they end up against the fence. Round ends.

Rogan, careful with your statements: “This is the best BJ we’ve ever seen”. Hahaha.

Rd 2. Matt finally gets a takedown up at the fence. Penn demonstrates his bendiness while Hughes attempts to move to full mount. Hughes drops some elbows before
Penn goes to take Hughes’ back. Penn gets triangle around his head with an arm bar. Hughes hangs on until the round ends.

Rd 3. Stand up and both guys are looking rather tired. Hughes gets BJ down and works to half guard. Hughes moves to side guard and starts dropping punches to the side of Penn’s head. Hughes gets Penn trapped and after dropping punches and elbows the ref calls the fight.

Winner: Matt Hughes (R3 by TKO)

Matt talks a bit of shit during his Rogan interview bout BJ’s stamina. Yes Matt I’m sure the Jesus is big on the beat downs. Gsp does a bit of shit talking himself, hee.

Eddie Sanchez vs. Mario Neto

Bisbing takes about ten years to apply the Vaseline, sheesh. Sanchez comes out fast with fists but Neto manages to get a takedown into full guard. Sanchez moves to top position. Back to standing, and a clinch against the fence before Sanchez pushes Neto down. Neto is on his back while Sanchez kicks his legs. They stand back up and go to the fence with Neto hitting some knees. Ref moves them back to the center and the round ends,

Rd 2. Sanchez hits a nasty right hand and drops a few more once Neto hits the ground. The ref pulls him off and calls the fight. He thanks his Hispanic fans, apparently the rest of them suck ass.

Winner: Eddie Sanchez (R2 by KO)

Media reports on the event:

Topics: All Topics, Erin Bucknell, MMA, UFC | 11 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

11 Responses to “UFC 63: Hughes vs. Penn”

  1. PizzaChef says:

    [[[ Rogan, careful with your statements: “This is the best BJ we’ve ever seen”. Hahaha. ]]]

    Don’t forget Rogan saying that BJ blew his wad too. 😉

  2. Dedwyre says:

    I don’t think Jesus has a problem with the beat downs, as long as their legally sanctioned by an atheletic commission. Now “Bum Fights”…I’m sure He’s not cool on those.

    The smack talking might be a point of concern, though.

  3. cjfighter says:

    Yes the motivation for smack talking might be a point of concern, but the apostle Paul actually compared himself to a boxer in the book of 1 Corinthians. God doesn’t frown on clean compettition. The biggest problem I saw was Matts reaction to GSP’s fight promoting comments which were obviously prompted by the UFC. I hope Matt accepts his apology in the near future.

  4. […] MMA Weekly Sherdog Erin Bucknell John Chandler […]

  5. Luke says:

    Check out all the mainstream coverage!!! This is great. I loved this show from top to bottom. Matt Hughes is amazing. Dana White’s remarks summed it up perfectly. “You’re the greatest fucking champ ever. I’ve never seen anyone like you.”

  6. Kevin says:

    Hughes is the man, and that was another insane comeback. He lost the first round for sure, was doing OK in the second until he was caught at the end of the round, but seconds before the bell he managed to get out. Then the third was all Hughes, pure domination. Penn could of never survived 2 more rounds like the 3rd.

  7. Liger05 says:

    Penn was injured wasnt he. He schooled Hughes for 2 rounds. Technically Penn is superior. Hughes was lost and didnt know how to hurt Penn when on top. I thought it was strange that Penn suddenly had no energy whatsoever and the injury explains why he suffered in that 3rd round.

  8. Preach says:

    Great show, from top to bottom, but daaaaaaaaaaaamn, was i off in my predictions this time. But who in the green hell would’ve imagined that Rashad would actually finish a fight???

    And that triangle/armbar that BJ had on Matt… i think i’ve never been closer to a heart attack before in my life. Mad mad props to Hughes for pushing through. Just like Dana said – Matt’s without a doubt the best ever.

  9. MMA-concerned says:

    Here’s a question.

    Given the controversy that surrounded the Shamrock/Ortiz match, is that why Big John waited so long before stopping the match?

    It’s pretty clear that BJ was finished long before he actually decided to call the match. BJ took a ton of unessicary blows to the head and that might be considered dangerous.

    They need to develop a specific standard, like six uncontested blows to the head or something.

  10. Jackson Briggs says:

    what was the name of David “The Crow” Loiseau’s theme song??? and who is it by?

  11. badnewsbrownie says:

    “Yes the motivation for smack talking might be a point of concern, but the apostle Paul actually compared himself to a boxer in the book of 1 Corinthians. ”

    is this the same apostle that worked the opening match before brian vs. vinny on f4w youtube extravaganza? maybe he had to many beatdowns in practice for making such a statement

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