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Mario “Sukata” Neto out of UFC 63

By Mark Pickering | August 10, 2006

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By Mark Pickering

UFC bound Mario “Sukata” Neto who was due to face former Cage Rage Heavyweight Champion Tengiz Tedoradze this Saturday at Ultimate Force 3 in Doncaster, England has been forced to withdraw through injury.

The Brazilian heavyweight who sports a 9-3-0 record broke a rib in training today, confining him to 6 weeks on the sidelines and postponing his anticipated UFC debut in September against Mark “The Hammer” Coleman.

Head coach at the much-admired Wolfslair Gym, in Liverpool, England, “Sukata” had returned to action in 2006 after a three-year absence to feature for Cage Warriors FC and add another three victories to his resume.

His scheduled showdown with Tedoradze this Saturday was set to be one of the standout heavyweight clashes in Europe this year, as he made the final preparations for the first of three contracted bouts in the UFC, alongside teammate and TUF3 winner Michael “The Count” Bisping.

Topics: All Topics, Mark Pickering, MMA, UFC, UK | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Mario “Sukata” Neto out of UFC 63”

  1. […] It appears that Mario Sukata has been injured and will not be able to fight at UFC 63 […]

  2. Mark Pickering says:

    Tengiz Tedoradze will now face France’s Moise Rimbon this Saturday at Ultimate Force 3.

  3. Ian Dean says:

    Moise vs. Tengiz should be very interesting as Tengiz is at his lighgtest ever weight of 101kg (down from 115kg a few years ago) and needs a win after always losing out when he steps up a level.

    Whilst Moise is a very small Heavyweight and should be a LHW at about 95kg. ut he’s very strong and fast and can strike and grapple pretty well and could catch Tengiz if he gasses late on or starts slowly.

    Should be a great fight

  4. teban says:

    Creo que es una gran oportunidad para M Sukata, es mas joven y potente y con respecto a esto las leyes del combate no lo favorecen pero considero que si el combate se prolonga en el piso puede vencer M. Sukata. Seguro sera una excelente pelea! saludos


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