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Coleman vs. Sukata in September

By Mark Pickering | August 2, 2006

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By Mark Pickering

UFC’s latest acquisition, Mario Sukata, is set to face the returning former UFC Heavyweight Champion, Mark Coleman, in September (according to Sukata’s teammates).

A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Vale Tudo fighter, the much-admired Sukata had postponed his own fighting career in his adopted English homeland, to concentrate on his role as head coach of Cage Warriors’ Pro Fight Team, the Wolfslair Gym, home to TUF3 Light Heavyweight Champion Michael “The Count” Bisping.

The Brazilian who has reportedly signed a three-fight deal boasts an impressive resume, holding victories over UFC veterans Gary Goodridge, Travis Fulton and Ultimate Fighter 2 alumni Seth Petruzelli.

Meanwhile, 42-year old Coleman, who become the first UFC Heavyweight Champion at UFC 12, has been competing for PRIDE FC since 1999 and has amassed a 9-4-0 record.

The former Olympian will look to his protégé and Hammer House teammate Kevin Randleman for insight into Sukata’s game having defeated the South American heavyweight in his native Brazil at Universal Vale Tudo Fighting 6.

Topics: All Topics, Mark Pickering, MMA, UFC | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “Coleman vs. Sukata in September”

  1. Dr J says:

    Where’s the source for this? and at what even with they be fighting?

  2. Wolfslair’s Alex Cook. The event hasn’t been determined but one would expect them to collide at UFC 63 on September 23rd in California.

  3. Dr J says:

    Thanks. I figured you were referring to UFC 63, I just didn’t know who you got the info from. Thanks for the heads-up

  4. […] Mark Pickering over at is reporting that form UFC Heavyweight Champion and current Pride fighter, Mark Coleman will be fighting Mario Sukata in the UFC in September, most likely at UFC 63. […]

  5. Ivan_extremo says:

    Mario Sukata will WIN,by K.O. in 2 minutes!!!!!!

  6. fredy sukata says:

    mario sukata sorte que chego a tua hora manda ver, a academia sukata argentina te manda aquela forza.
    teu brother fs

  7. Stephan says:

    Wow…Now, you cant go for vacation for a week without a former pride fighter coming to America (UFC or others). I like Mark, but I dont think he can win against Sukata!

    Entertaining year or what!?

  8. panolini patiño says:

    suerte al mestre mario sukata , sabemos que lo va a matar a coleman..saludos desde ecuador

  9. Javier says:

    Fuerza Mestre Mario Sukata, desde Mendoza Argentina, te apoyamos para la pelea y sabemos que Ganarás.


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