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By Luke | July 2, 2006

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By Luke Nicholson

According to the Wrestling Observer and MMAWeekly, UFC is close to a TV deal with HBO. I remember years ago, when I was a new fan, and I was posting on the SoundOff Forum, fans would talk about UFC being on a network like this. I used to laugh to myself because it seemed so unrealistic. Now, it’s a very realistic possibility.

The other real possibility is UFC over-reaching during the boom period they’re currently experiencing. Part of what makes UFC special is that it’s not on TV every day. Baseball games are a dime a dozen, as the same for other sports. The meaning of the average baseball, basketball, or hockey game is diminished because there are so many before the real games start at playoff time.

UFC should be careful not to turn off the new fans its winning over by hitting them repeatedly with so much product, they eventually start tuning out.

The positive side to this potential deal is the legitimacy this will bring the promotion in the eyes of the sports community, and sports media. Dana White has long pined for MMA (specifically UFC) to be given its due by the media, and networks that carry & cover just about every other sport thats played in North America.

UFC is going to need to recruit even more talent, and possibly spread there roster even more thin, unless they decide to sign some of PRIDE’s fighters. Guys like Dan Henderson and Phil Baroni are probably the most likely nominees. I would like to see Quinton Jackson in UFC, but that seems unlikely.

It’s going to be an interesting year-and-a-half in MMA, that’s for sure.

Topics: All Topics, Luke Nicholson, MMA, UFC | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “UFC on HBO?”

  1. PizzaChef says:

    Well, if PRIDE does die out, they have a huge opprotunity to sign some of those fighters like Fedor and the others. I even mentioned it in my article a few times since we both know K-1 isin’t a favourable alternative, especially how they delt with Bob Sapp.

    I hope to God almighty that Dana White doesn’t f**k up the negotiations with the PRIDE fighters if PRIDE does indeed die out.

  2. Dr J says:

    Good write up Luke. I’m actually in the process of writing a similar post myself. I think the UFC is really starting to dilute their talent pool and spread themselves thin with all these shows. They already have too many shows in 2006. If they are going to add additional shows in 2007 on top of the PPV and Spike shows, I just don’t know where they will get their fighters from. There already is a lack of talented, world-class fighters in the heavier weight classes.

  3. […] Over the past few days, there has been serious speculation that the UFC is close to reaching a deal to broadcast special UFC events on HBO. The Wrestling Observer was the first to break the story and since then both and have given their take on the story. […]

  4. Sam Scaff says:

    Does anyone know what kind of deal that might be with HBO? Meaning, is it the type of situation, like with boxing, where HBO is a major player in the actual dealings of the fight? Does HBO provide big money to get bigger fighters? I know thats how it works in boxing, but does anyone know if this could potentially improved the quality of UFC fights?

    Or is this just another stupid reality show?

  5. Luke says:

    I doubt its a reality show, and considering that UFC is privately run company, I don’t think HBO would be providing any purse money. UFC isn’t going to allow a TV network to run their promotion for them.


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