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Latest UFC show draws 1.4 rating

By Zach Arnold | June 29, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

Reuters reports that Wednesday’s UFC show draw a 1.4 on Spike TV, with Blade (the show series being promoted throughout the UFC event) doing over a 2.0.

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Latest UFC show draws 1.4 rating”

  1. Royal B. says:

    That’s not good.

    Could it be Rashad’s awesome GnP that deflated the rating or was it Goldie’s overhyping of “Vampire Sexuallity”?

  2. Mr1000Cent says:

    “Vampire Sexuallity”, is this UFC or the new ECW show? You can’t confuse TV viewers that way, that’s how you get a 1.4 rating.

  3. Roadblock says:

    It serves the UFC right for routinely putting garbage fights on Spike TV. Even the brand new fans must realize these fights suck. The TUF finale and last Ultimate Fight Night event were horrendous.

    Maybe UFC will realize they start putting good fighters in quality matchups on Spike.

  4. FredEttish says:

    I hate to ruin the UFC bashing party but a 1.4 for a 3rd tier cable network is pretty good. SpikeTV will be happy with that. Espcially since most of the audience appears to have stuck around for Blade.


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